Who wrote Aibolit? Children's fairy tale in verses by Korney Chukovsky

Do the children who wrote "Aibolit" know the most popular fairy tale among literature lovers of primary preschool age? How was the image of the doctor created, who was the prototype, and is it worth it to read this fairy tale to children? This is described in more detail below.

Who wrote Aibolit?

This tale was written by the famous children's writer and poet Korney Chukovsky, in 1929 it was first presented to the court of readers and immediately won the hearts of thousands of readers. She was loved not only by kids, whose caring parents read bedtime stories to them, but also by adults who liked the plot of the work.

who wrote Aybolit

The author of Aibolit not only told the story of a dedicated medicine worker who strictly abides by the Hippocratic oath, but has rhymed it into living poems that are easy to remember and are literally remembered by children from the second reading.

Chukovsky considers Dr. Doolittle, the protagonist of an English fairy tale, who treats animals and understands their language, the prototype of Aibolit. Korney Ivanovich was translating a fairy tale for Russian-speaking children and at some point thought that it would be nice to write his own fairy tale about such a wonderful person.

Multiple contents of the rhymed tale

“Aibolit” is a story about how a general practitioner is engaged in medical activities, curing animals of various diseases, and sometimes its methods are quite peculiar: chocolate, sweet ogol-mogul, which suggests that he is not just a skilled healer of bodies, but also unhappy souls. He accepts patients sitting under a tree, which suggests his altruism and full dedication to the case, while he does not divide the animals into classes, castes or by occupation - for everyone there is a moment of attention and a method of treatment.

Aybolit fairy tale

At some point, a messenger arrives on a horse with an urgent letter in which the inhabitants (animals) of Africa, learning about his abilities, are imploringly asking for help. Naturally, compassionate Aibolit hurries to the rescue and various animals and birds help him in this. Together, they defeat a terrible epidemic in ten days, without leaving for a moment. As a result, the glory of the amazing abilities of the doctor extends to the whole world.

Characteristics of the protagonist

“Good doctor Aibolit ...” - this is exactly the first line of the tale in verses, and it defines the essence of this fabulous man: his kindness and love for animals knows no bounds, because sometimes the doctor is in critical situations, on the verge of life and death , and still makes a choice in favor of the sufferer, and not himself. His professional qualities never for a second give rise to doubt the huge baggage of knowledge that Aibolit possesses. Chukovsky gave him qualities such as breadth of soul and fearlessness, credulity, but at the same time gentleness of the soul.

Chukovsky aibolit

At the same time, the plot clearly shows that even such a wonderful and courageous person comes in moments of despair and loss of strength, which makes him even more humane, closer to ordinary people, in contrast to European and American stories, in which the main characters were often endowed with “divine "Qualities.

What does this work teach?

The fairy tale “Aibolit” is intended to open in the hearts the knowledge that it does not matter what kind, kind and family you belong to: in moments of grief, difficulties and suffering, living beings should help each other not only for payment or gratitude, but simply at the behest heart and kindness of soul. Having gained such wisdom, a person rises to a higher stage of evolution - selfless love for animals and the whole world.

The one who wrote Aibolit made the work easy to understand even by the youngest listeners, knowing that the seeds of good laid in early childhood will certainly sprout and give great fruits, forming a person’s moral and high moral spirit.

The author of Aibolit

Korney Ivanovich for a long time picked up rhymes for this tale, sorting through hundreds of phrases and plot phrases, trying to put maximum of meaning into a small number of words, knowing that an excessively long "epic" would tire a child who is not interested in scrupulous descriptions of nature, objects and appearance, because he himself can think of it, thanks to the amazing imagination, which is strongly developed in every baby.

Aybolit author

At the same time, Chukovsky wanted the rhymes of the tale not to be banal and primitive, because he was an admirer of the great poetry of Pushkin, Derzhavin and Nekrasov: he simply could not lower his creation to the level of tabloid poems. Therefore, the fairy tale in verse corresponded over and over again: something was added, something else was categorically cut out, sometimes in large parts. The author wanted to focus the reader’s attention on the character of the doctor, on his heroic attitude to his profession, no! - rather a life path, when his honor and conscience were not allowed to leave the sufferer in trouble.

Therefore, the fairy tale underwent several changes, was cut in half and only then was presented to the readers.

Continuation of the tale - there is!

The one who wrote Aibolit did not stop there, because the popularity of the story was pretty good: the children wrote letters to Chukovsky, bombarding him with questions about what happened next, how the doctor lived, whether he had relatives and other things that are interesting specifically for children. Therefore, Korney Ivanovich decided to write a fairy tale in prose about the same doctor, but with a more detailed description of what was happening: if the fairy tale in verse was close to children under six years old, then the second version of the story was closer to children from six to 13 years old, since the plots in it more - as many as four, and each has a separate morality, which Chukovsky wanted to convey to young readers.

good doctor aibolit

This story was first released in 1936, was remade several times by the author, finalized and in 1954 finally established itself in the finished version. The fairy tale appealed to fans of Korney Ivanovich’s work, but many acknowledged that he succeeds better in poetry in poetry.

It is worth mentioning that the character of Aibolit appears in two more fairy tales in verses of the same author: “Barmaley” (1925) and “Overcome Barmaley” (1942). Judging by the dates, “Barmaley” was written earlier than “Aibolit”, which means that the author first created a fleeting image, which he later fully revealed in a separate work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4377/

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