Kidnapping - what is it, or How to protect your child from serious troubles?

It is obvious that this is the most insidious and low, but at the same time the most effective crime. Why? Yes, because kidnaping in a very broad sense is kidnapping (from the English word kidnap - “kidnap”), but because of the root kid (“child”) the meaning of this concept has narrowed to the meaning “kidnapping”. And what could be more expensive for parents than children? Everything acquired by the overwork of parents (apartments, cars, summer cottages, mink coats, jewelry, stocks, furniture and other material goods) can never be compared with what simply cannot be measured in banknotes - with the life of your own child. A loving parent who could endure the stern test of physical pain will never endure the torture of his child’s life threat. The goal of kidnapping is banal - profit.

kidnapping what is it

What is the purpose?

The main and most common goal of criminals is to obtain a ransom, in this direction it is impossible to come up with something “better”, out of competition is kidnapping. That this is terrible grief for parents, criminal elements do not think. This is terrible, but not yet critical. The ransom involves some kind of contact with the abductors (at least the destination of the transfer of money) and the hope that the child will survive. Power structures (police, etc.) in this case are better not to disturb - they can break firewood. The second, according to sad statistics, case of kidnapping is the return of a child to one of the unfortunate parents, as a rule, after a divorce. This is the safest case for the child. Here you need to negotiate (sue, settle unexplained relationships) with your former spouse. The most critical and dangerous goals of kidnapping are sexual violence, and even obtaining internal organs, and selling children to childless parents (for example, abroad). In these cases, the abductors will not come out of contact with their parents. If during the day there is no news from the child and there are no requirements for his release - in this case, you must already contact the law enforcement authorities!

kidnapping goal

Kidnapping: what is it and how to protect yourself?

There are a lot of preventive ways to protect a child. Their practical implementation, of course, depends on the social status and material well-being of the parents. The main methods of protection against kidnapping can be grouped into six positions:

  • Hire an escort team or bodyguard (the most expensive but most effective way).
  • Hire a tutor or governess.
  • Constant support by parents.
  • Escort by relatives, friends, acquaintances.
  • Moving in an organized group of children.
  • Technical tracking tools (for example, your child should have a phone with a GPS module and a program that tells you where the child is).

But at the same time, one should not forget about elementary preventive measures, if there is the slightest suspicion of a possible kidnapping.

Basic but important things

There is the possibility of affordable crime prevention for everyone, no exception and kidnapping. What is it? Normal caution! The victims of kidnappers are often children who ignore the simplest safety rules. Try to talk with your child about basic but very important things:

  • You can’t talk on the street with strangers.
  • You can not take from unfamiliar adult gifts.
  • You can’t go with strangers anywhere.
  • In case of danger, the child should not shout “Help!” (this is often perceived by others as an ordinary family quarrel), and "This is not my father! I do not know this person!".
  • If the child is being persecuted, he must not run to the dark gateway or the first entrance that he finds, but to a public, crowded place: a shop, cafe, bus stop.

child abduction

The main thing is not to harm!

It is very important: a preventive conversation should be conducted so that the child does not develop any fears and phobias. Leaving home, he should not be afraid of bearded barmaley, who only dream of kidnapping him and eating him for breakfast. Let your child even think about kidnapping, that this is just a new fun game.


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