Slimming patch. Feedback and principle of operation

Since the issue of excess weight is becoming ever more acute in the world, manufacturers, as they say, are not sleeping - which they just did not invent to reduce it! As the chubby fans of such tools have already noticed, most of them do not work. Is it really?

As practice shows, the first reason for the lack of results is laziness and non-compliance with simple rules, which, as a rule, are in the annotations. For example, someone bought a massager for lazy weight loss, but uses it only a couple of times a week. Accordingly, he gets the minimum result.

The second reason is the desire of sellers (and manufacturers) to quickly sell the goods, especially for those funds that are associated with a restriction of appetite. In this regard, they prescribe a shorter course than they should. This is a kind of "lure" for those who need a quick result. As a rule, they get it, but during this time the stomach does not have time to get used to the smaller consumption of food. As a result, when the course ends in a couple of weeks, the stomach starts again asking for more food. In order to develop a positive habit, eat less, you need from three weeks to 40 days.

What to choose to reduce the volume and weight? Many have heard of such a tool as a slimming patch. Reviews about it, as well as about any similar product, are rather contradictory, so to speak, from +10 to -10. Let’s try to draw conclusions based on their comparison and try to understand the principle of action of such an unusual method.

To begin with, what is a patch for weight loss. Reviews on forums, by the way, are sometimes negative, and the authors are mistaken in details - this suggests that the comment was custom-made from competitors, and the author did not even see this patch. This curious thing looks like a simple patch, the size varies from 9 to 100 square centimeters (i.e. square in shape, from 3x3 to 10x10). Patches are glued to selected areas of the body constantly, time - from an hour to a day. Then replaced by new ones.

The action of the patch is that the active substances penetrate the skin and cause an increase in metabolism. Such an interesting patch for weight loss. Reviews of those who used it, mainly of this plan: they work well, for the most part effectively. The only downside is that reactive weight loss is not felt. Which is no wonder: no one promised super-fast weight loss. Manufacturers do not hide the fact that the patch helps to reduce weight by 1-2 kilos per month.

Perhaps, in connection with this, a patch for weight loss reviews collects the most diverse. Someone thinks that one and a half kilograms a month is just ridiculous. And someone is speaking out in favor of this product, arguing that nothing can be expected from a quick weight loss. To understand which of them is right, we will try to be objective.

Of course, rapid weight loss really turns into negative consequences in most cases. But also, you must admit, for those who need to lose more than 20 kilograms, this may not be a good help. Therefore, it can be used only in complex weight loss, as well as for those who need to lose very few kilograms.

There is a well-known "Lusero" slimming patch; reviews about it are also mixed. There is even a funny phrase on the Internet that plasters are intended for sealing the mouth to eat less. Again, we cannot be sure that people really complied with all the rules of its application. And someone really helped. In addition, it helps against cellulite. Some believe that this is auto-suggestion. But, you see, even a placebo will be valuable if the truth is valid.

In any case, buying a pepper patch for weight loss, you do not risk anything. Unless the amount spent. He certainly does not bring harm, on the body is almost invisible, if hidden under clothes. Diet does not require. In a word, try it!


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