Forms and types of family

A hundred years ago in Russia, no one could even imagine that various types of families would exist in the country . The family could be one: a traditional marriage, entering into which the couple are married. In such a family, husband and wife live together, have common children, and conduct joint farming. Divorce is very rare.

After the revolution of 1917 , the existing forms of the family underwent dramatic changes, and civil marriage appeared. Moreover, civil marriage was understood not as cohabitation as such (as in our days), but as marriage registered by the state, and not by the church. It should be noted that the post-revolutionary decline in morals had a very strong impact on the institution of the family, and the concept of family changed. Shared accommodation, a common table and a common bed without any official obligations were not only not prohibited, but even encouraged to some extent. This continued until the Great Patriotic War, and more precisely until July 1944, when the order came out for all couples living together to register.

Today, there are two main forms of family:

  1. Official marriage - a prisoner in the registry office.
  2. Civil marriage - cohabitation, maintaining a man and a woman in a common household.

In essence, these types of families are not much different from each other. In both cases, the spouses live in the same apartment, raise common children, make love, cook, take care of each other and so on. The differences begin when it comes to the legal liability of the parties. If in an official marriage property and debts during a divorce are divided in half, then in the case of a civil marriage, โ€œcars and apartmentsโ€ are taken away by the one to whom they are recorded. When a child is born in an official marriage, the baby is automatically registered with her husband. But in a civil marriage, a woman will have to prove the fatherhood of a biological father if he himself does not want to recognize his descendant.

A married marriage today continues to exist, and every year it has more and more fans, but it is not recognized by the state as an official marriage. In fact, if the couple married, but did not stamp the registry office, then for the state they still live in a civil marriage.

There are other, non-traditional types of families. For example, guest marriage, when the spouses are officially registered, but live in different territories. Husband and wife meet, but do not have a common household. Decorated in the registry office, it is equal to the official.

Same-sex marriage. It is banned in Russia, but in other countries, marriage between two men or two women is successfully registered. Such families are no different from ordinary couples, they also housekeeping and live together. In same-sex families, children can even appear: adopted, received from surrogate mothers or with the help of IVF (if we are talking about a lesbian couple).

Free marriage. Also rare in our country. It can be both civil and official. In a free marriage, a husband and wife can periodically change their sexual partners or leave.

Fictitious marriage - official, concluded by mutual agreement. As a rule, in this marriage, the husband and wife pursue some of their own, most often selfish goals.

Time limited family. In this case, the marriage is concluded for a certain period, after which the spouses either diverge or enter into a new contract.

Swedish family - a family of 3 or more people, most often living together and leading a common household.

Muslim family - a man lives with two or more women.

Despite everything, such types of families as temporary, free and Swedish are quite rare in practice. Even in countries that are proud of their sexual freedom and allow formal registration of unconventional marriages, they are the exception rather than the rule.


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