Fishing for carp from the shore: ways, tackle, bait, secrets

Novice anglers mistakenly believe that the same techniques can be applied to the carp, as to its closest relative, the carp. Indeed, the latter species is very popular due, among other things, to its calm disposition. Therefore, there are many effective fishing techniques for this fish. However, the carp is characterized by a restless character, quick reactions and large sizes. Although it is a species of cyprinids, but with a wild origin. This fish usually lives either in river conditions, or in ponds that are not associated with artificial farms. Accordingly, for productive fishing, you should consider the secrets of catching carp, the rules for the manufacture and use of gear, bait recipes and other subtleties of the process.

fishing for carp from the shore

The best place for fishing

Pheasant also belongs to settled fish, who often do not like to change their place of life. There are pros and cons to this. On the one hand, you can count on periodic “work” in some places, but on the other hand, in the search process, the probability of accidentally detecting a fish habitat is reduced. A universal approach to identifying the right places is to focus on secluded and wild sites. At the same time, successful fishing for common carp from the coast does not mean that the fish is hiding in shallow water, and this technique will be equally effective along the coast. With a greater degree of probability, biting is due to the presence at the casting point of a hole or place under the snag.

Especially in the rivers, the carp is looking for calm places where the current is not so active. These can be places of bends along the channels, blockages and rock passages. They also meet fish on the brow, which are adjacent to the shells, zebra mussel, as well as in places of river bays with dense algae. The carp is fed closer to dawn - this is a very good time to activate the angler, but for this it is worth choosing the appropriate gear suitable for the season. The most favorable fishing is considered to be carp in June, when it hides at the reed edge or in the thickets of the same algae. Orientation is on the arrowhead, water lilies, rdest and water buckwheat. As for the depth, it should be at least 2-3 m. That is, it is clear that fishing near the shore can only be at points of sharp decrease along the pits. True, carp is found in shallow water - just at that very time of dawn or dusk.

River fishing gear

carp fishing in June

You can say these are classic conditions for fishing. The most commonly used ordinary fishing rod, in handling which one negative factor should be taken into account - the current. Therefore, if possible, use a feeder. The river version of this equipment has several differences from the traditional lake. Firstly, the length of the rod varies on average from 3.5 to 4 m. Secondly, the mass of the tackle must cope with a large load. Even the average fish of this species has a considerable size, and given its behavior, the safety margin should be serious. If the catch of large carp is initially calculated, then the gear should be ready for a load of 100 kg. Means are also provided for controlling the course. To do this, attention is drawn to the fishing line, which is best presented by a braided cord with a smaller diameter than similar versions of the monofilament. Minimizing the influence of the flow will reduce the harmful effects on the equipment, but at the same time it will not adversely affect the breaking strength.

There is another feature of such gear, which boils down to the mass of feeders. In the case of the use of such additions, one should focus on modifications whose weight is at least 120 g. In very turbulent river conditions, additional fasteners can also be used - for example, experienced craftsmen fix wire antennae to the lower part. If fishing on a donka with a feeder does not provide sufficient sensitivity, then it makes sense to switch to loopback equipment schemes. The use of a paternoster, as well as symmetric and asymmetric loops, is practiced.

Tackle for fishing in a pond

donkey fishing

Inexperienced anglers are recommended to learn quiet ponds to get to know the carp. It’s worth starting with the use of fly fishing rods. It should be noted right away that the calm of the water surface does not guarantee ease in the process of fishing. All methods for catching carp on float tackle involve the risk of collision with underwater obstacles in the form of bushes, snags, algae, fallen trees, etc. In quiet ponds and ponds, there are no less problem areas than in the river - and it’s precisely such sites that the carp chooses for its habitat.

Actually, one thing is required from the fisherman at the preparation stage - to pick up a strong fishing rod with a length of about 5 m. The assembly of the structure taking into account the feed is also important. For example, catching carp on corn, the installation of gear for which requires the connection of feeders, should calculate the way it is insured against fluctuations in the flow. That is, the rod should also cope with the mass of the sinker.

If you plan to work with long casts, then you should prefer mast tackle. The length will be the same, about 4-5 m, but the technique of handling this fishing rod will facilitate the task of the fisherman. But there is also an important point in choosing a coil - this should be an inertia-free mechanism with a size of at least 3500, provided with a friction brake. On site, it is also important to correctly load the match float so that it is sensitive and not lost sight of over long distances. In the question of how to catch a carp in calm conditions, you can turn to plug rods. Such models are designed specifically for strong and large fish, the presence of a rubber shock absorber helps to cope with this.

Bottom Snap Configurations

how to catch carp

For the basic version of such equipment, you will need a feeder, a monofilament, a hook with a swivel, as well as a high-strength fluorocarbon fishing line. The first step is to take a monofilament with a length of about 50 cm, after which this segment is folded in half, but so that one end is about 10 cm longer than the other. Next, the swivel is attached, on which the feeder will later stand. After that, you can tie a knot. Then a fluorocarbon fishing line 1 m long is taken. According to the “loop to loop” technique, a leash to a long end is fixed and attached to a tackle with a feeding trough. Depending on the weight at which fishing for carp is calculated on the donka from the shore, the parameters of the loops can be varied.

Also widespread are the variations of equipment that are used by amateur fishers. For example, one of the simplest variants of this type is called a “nipple” and acts on the principle of a spring. For assembly, you need a spiral feeder or a cap from a plastic bottle (future spring base), several hooks (from 1 to 4) and a braided pull cord for leashes. A spring feeder is fixed on the main fishing line, on which a stopper from a bead is placed. Then it is necessary to make leashes of braided material, which will be fixed around the circumference of the spring with the same indentation. At the end, the bait is mounted on the hooks. If catching carp from the shore does not give the expected result, then the efficiency of the process can be increased in several ways. For example, as a bite activator, you can use a pheromone supplement, which is equally suitable for both cold and warm water.

The choice of fishing line for carp

Any responsible fisherman, before mastering new ways of catching unfamiliar fish, will certainly read the relevant literature and find out the experience of other colleagues. In the case of the carp, the first thing you can hear is incredible strength, which can only be tamed with durable equipment. As a result, many try to make the components as strong, thick and powerful as possible. This rule is quite suitable for fishing rods or spinning, but the choice of fishing line is not so clear. It is believed that reliable from the point of view of preventing tearing, carp fishing on the donka from the shore is realized using monophilic woods with a diameter of about 0.25-0.3 mm. But, as practice shows, excessive insurance in this matter is useless, since the shock leader takes the brunt of the burden. Its length of 12 m will provide confrontation to both the underwater brow and serifs in snags.

On the other hand, the feasibility of using thick fishing line as a safety net is also not discarded by some even experienced anglers. But this aspect is controversial. A thick fishing line with all its strength will create the effect of a sail under water, which will adversely affect the behavior of the sinker. Therefore, fishing on the donka with a feeder may well be carried out with fishing line, the thickness of which is 0.2-0.25 mm.

Sinker requirements

fishing for carp

In the case of the choice of the functional part of the equipment, the same problem arises of the interdependence between the ability to withstand the load from the efforts of the fish, as well as the overall ergonomics and assembly efficiency. As in the case of fishing line, many people want to strengthen the base by choosing a heavier sinker. The middle category rods are designed for sinkers of about 130 g. However, do not forget about the power, the calculations for which will allow us to conclude that, for example, weighting the base up to 400 g will make it impossible to use such equipment. And this is not to mention that snags and other underwater obstacles will provide additional load, for which often hooks for catching carp, acting on the principle of an anchor, cling. Nevertheless, it is also necessary to resist the current. Professionals solve this problem not by increasing mass, but due to correctly selected forms. With strong currents, it is worth abandoning pear-shaped elements in favor of sinker frames, the flat surface of which optimally holds the bottom.

What to catch

Options for the main bait - the mass of both animal and vegetable origin. According to statistics, the former are used less often than vegetable bait. This is due to the fact that worms with leeches, for example, besides carp, also attract pike with perches. And at the approach of predators, the common carp seeks shelter. If the choice falls on this option, then it is better to use bunches of worms in the spring. The main means of providing this part should be legumes and corn. The first option is preferably used after thorough soaking in salt water. There will already be other nuances if it is planned to catch carp on corn. The installation of gear according to the classical principle with a flywheel or mast fishing rod allows for the attachment of several grains so that the hook sting remains bare. You can either use canned corn, or you can prepare it yourself, softening in water over low heat.

carp hooks

What should be the bait

Large peaceful fish feed on oilcake, breadcrumbs, corn, peas and other products. But again, it’s important to properly prepare the foundation. Usually form something like vinaigrette or porridge. It is important to consider that carp is not as finicky in summer as spring. Therefore, there are practically no restrictions in bait recipes. But there is another problem, as is the case with animal bait. This is a risk that the bait will attract non-target fish, including breeding, ide, sable, with scavenger, etc.

Therefore, it is still worthwhile to adhere to some rules of fish cooking, allowing you to precisely feed the carp. In river conditions, the best recipe will be the following: add amino acids for 50 g to a mixture of 4 kg of pellets and 1 kg of chopped boil; Next, the question arises of how to catch the carp on the resulting slurry. As a binder, you should use ordinary clay, which can be collected right at the place of fishing by the river. The mixture is kneaded, after which balls are formed. They should be hooked.

Fishing Technique Recommendations

Immediately after choosing a place and location, you should feed the fishing zone and begin to prepare gear. There is no need to save on the casting length. Especially on large reservoirs and ponds, the rule applies, according to which long-range casting provides large fish. However, the first bite can disappoint with a small fish - this is also worth preparing. And you can not relax. The fish, although large, is nimble, and reactions can be unexpected. Therefore, fishing in the carp in June should be carried out with one tackle, otherwise there is a risk of not having time to catch all the fishing rods. In the process there can be both breaks and periods of high activity. If for a long time there is no reaction, then perhaps the bait has disappeared into the cracks - it is worth checking this and, if necessary, performing a transfer.


ways to catch carp

Despite the difficulty of fishing, the carp can please even a novice fisherman with a good bite. To prepare for the event, for the most part, familiar devices and adaptations are required. And even fishing on the donka with a feeder will not cause much trouble if you use high-quality materials. For example, the mandatory rule is to use a powerful rod and a strong reel with a power reserve. As for fishing line, it makes no sense to spend money on branded thick plexuses. Enough monolezki medium size. It is also worth doing with a sinker, given that the form, and not the mass, comes to the fore in the choice.


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