"Palomar" - a node for fishing. How to knit a fishing knot

Currently, there are many possible ways to connect different fishing lines, cords and monofilaments. Fishing knots are also used for fastening leashes and hooks. The stronger the joint, the less likely it is to lose both tackle and catch. In fact, there are a lot of nodes, but to know them all is useless. It will be enough to learn the technique of knitting 5-6 options. One of the main ways to attach a fishing line or braid to a hook is the Palomar. This knot has a number of advantages, which make it one of the most famous and reliable ways of fastening.

What is the difference between fishing units for fishing line and braid?

palomar knot

Often the same type of attachment is attributed either to the fishing line or to the braid, while there is sure to be someone who inserts his weighty word regarding monofilament. But in reality, is there a difference, which node to use on which gear? As practice shows, there are no significant differences. For example, both fishing line and monofilament are perfectly connected by “Palomar”. The knot does not slip and connects remarkably practically all types of gear, the main thing is that their diameter is not large.

But still the cords and braids of different manufacturers differ from each other in the type of fiber, weaving and composition of the outer coating. That is why many serious manufacturers of gear recommend a particular unit for their products. Most often, brochures and operating instructions indicate Uni and Palomar nodes.

Ultra-reliable mount

Palomar fishing knot

Among the great variety of fishing units and their modifications, there are several that are considered the most reliable and strong. Some of them connect fishing lines and braids, while others are used in equipment and fasten hooks and leashes. That is exactly what the Palomar knot is. In addition, numerous variations testify to its popularity.

Among experienced fishermen, there is an opinion that this type of fastening is good only for braids. But the judgment is fundamentally wrong. “Palomar” is a universal unit. In addition, it was noted that, due to the roughness of the braid, it is not tightened tightly enough. As a result, it can weaken or completely untie at the most inopportune moment. Therefore, if necessary, to tie an artificial bait to the main braid on a spinning rod, for example, a wobbler, it is better to use another node. And when knitting it is possible to moisten the wicker well and tighten the knot stronger.

In practice, it was verified that the Palomar fits easily, in comparison with other nodes, while it retains the strength of the fishing line. Even manufacturers of fishing tackle recommend it for joining parts. This node is difficult to perform incorrectly.


“Palomar” is a well-known and popular site. Moreover, it is simple, and its knitting is easy to remember. It is intended for connecting fishing lines with flies, baubles or hooks. Also, through the swivel they can attach leashes. In general, the node is simple and tested. Lovers of both spinning fishing and bottom fishing rods have long mastered it. "Palomar" is used in any gear for various types of equipment. For example, in a spinning rod with its help, spinners and wobblers, as well as soft baits are attached to the braid, hooks and leashes are tied to this knot in a float, match and bottom fishing rod, and they can also be used to connect a sinker to the ear with a fishing line.

Tying the Palomar knot

Palomar knot for drop shot

As mentioned above, the fishing node "Palomar" fits relatively easily. Long practice to remember all the actions, do not have to. In order to connect snap-in parts with this unit, you must perform the following steps:

1. Fold the fishing line in half so that you end up with a loop.

2. We stretch this eyelet into the eye of the hook or bait. If it is small, then you can do the following: first we extend one end of the fishing line into it, then, having formed a loop, we again stretch it through the hole in the eye, but only in the opposite direction.

3. The folded loop is tied around the hook so that it is inside it.

4. Pull the loop just enough so that you can put a hook or artificial bait through it.

5. Wet the resulting assembly and tighten it tightly. It is necessary to pull on both ends of the fishing line. Cut the remaining free end so that at least 3 mm remains.

Alternative knot knitting

how to knit a palomar knot

Often use the Palomar knot for a drop shot. Sometimes it becomes necessary to choose an alternative method of knitting for this tooling. In general, all points are performed, as in the classic version, except that the last loop is knitted opposite the fore-end of the hook. In this case, the hook is fixed - it is no longer free in its movement. Such a little trick gives a better fix.

For the same reason, lovers of the feeder knit this knot according to the classical scheme described above. They need a movable “working” hook. In general, everything is tested in practice. It is recommended to learn and remember both knitting options. Then it will be possible in practice to understand which option is in which case preferable and more reliable.

Advantages of the Palomar node

palomar knot for monolesk

So, how to knit the Palomar knot is described in detail, but what are its advantages over dozens of other fastening methods? Firstly, it is a universal type of connection, suitable not only for fishing line, but also for cord, braid and monofilament. This site is one of the three most reliable. With it, even on a thin fishing line, you can fish a fairly large fish. This method of connecting baits and hooks with the main fishing line minimally reduces the strength of the equipment by about 5%, which, of course, is an excellent indicator. It bribes that it fits very simply, a professional will perform this knot even in the dark.

In the process of tying, you can make the hook (or bait) is fixed or loose. And this is a definite plus, because there are different snap-ins.


The Palomar knot, used for monofilament and braids, also has drawbacks. When knitting it, the loop will need to go through a hook or bait, so it should be large in size. It turns out that the consumption of fishing line increases. But if this tackle is inexpensive, then this can not be said about the braid or cord. Consumption will be noticeable after 20 dressings. Such a loss is palpable.

In order to save at least a little, you need to knit a knot a little differently than in the classic version. So, after the loop is threaded into the eye and a simple knot is made, it is not tightened much. Then the loop extends so that the free end remains only 2 mm. Further, this eyelet, as expected, is thrown onto the hook and pulled into a knot. In this case, the free end remains short, it does not need to be trimmed. This is a little, but still saves the expense of expensive gear.

Triple fishing node "Palomar"

Palomar fishing unit

Triple Palomar knot is a kind of classic. It also fits easily and quickly. But keep in mind that this option is absolutely not suitable for fastening hooks. This is because the line has to go through the access ring not just once, but six times. At the same time, the fact that the turns become dense is very sad: they press against each other, weakening the strength of the connection. For the same banal reason, this knot is not applied to the monolesk.

But the triple Palomar is the best option for the wicker. It retains its strength. It fits easily. As in the classic version, we fold the braid in half, forming a loop. We pass it through the ring of bait, for example spinners or lures. Now the main point: we pull the loop through the ring two more times. Now, folded in half with the end of the braid, we bind the usual knot above the spinners. Without tightening it, we pass the loop through the spinner, draw it to the turns on the ring and tighten. To make the knot strong, wet it with water and once again pull it onto the main part of the wicker. We cut off the excess free end, leaving 3 mm. So it turns out the triple node “Palomar”.


double palomar knot

In order to save braids, a simpler fastener was invented and tested than a double knot. Palomar has several modifications. This option is different in that the loop is not passed through a bait or hook, but through the free end of the fishing line. Of course, classic knitting is slightly stronger, but this modification is more economical. In this way, it is not recommended to connect intermediate baits, such as drop shots or wabiks. But for other cases, it will fit perfectly. This modification is very simple, the node is quite strong. The loop does not need to be made large, respectively, the braids or fishing lines leave less. It’s best to try to make both nodes and compare which one is better.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4395/

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