Leafing through the dream book. Jacket in a dream - what is it for?

People often see in their dreams what they regularly encounter in real life. For example, it can be items of women's and men's wardrobe. What does the jacket symbolize? The dream interpretation will help to solve this difficult riddle. The interpretation depends on the details, so it is important to remember them.

Jacket: dream book of S. Karatov

What can be learned from this guide? What does the jacket symbolize S. Karatov's dream book?

women's jacket
  • Seeing him in your wardrobe is in search of a new job. It is possible that the sleeper decides to change the scope of activity.
  • Putting it on is hard work. You will have to work a lot, but hardly any awards for it.
  • To put on a jacket inside out - to penetrate other people's secrets. The sleeper will be able to use the received information for his own purposes.

Male or female

What does a men's jacket symbolize ? The dream book contains various answers to this question. Interpretation depends on the sex of the sleeper. For men, this thing promises career advancement. There is a possibility that he will be offered to take a leadership position. For a woman - a warning of danger. In the near future, the dreamer risks suffering from the actions of scammers, getting into an unpleasant story, losing a large amount of money.

man dreaming jacket

What does the appearance of a female jacket in the night dreams mean? Dream interpretation for the stronger sex promises success with the ladies. The man will acquire several new fans who will seek his attention. The representative of the fair sex trying on a female jacket is not a good dream. Such a plot is a sign that the girl is too strict towards herself. She is inclined to find in herself flaws that are not really there.

Small or large

It is also important to consider whether the jacket is the right size. The dreambook considers the option when the clothes are small or large. Such a plot means that the sleeper is out of place. Most likely it concerns work. It is possible that a person has chosen a profession that does not suit him at all.

jacket in dream book

The jacket is reduced in size, it becomes small suddenly? Such a plot indicates that a person will soon be faced with the need to make difficult choices. In no case should he be in a hurry to make a decision. A mistake made at this moment will negatively affect the rest of life.


What does the new jacket symbolize? The dream interpretation connects the appearance of such a thing in night dreams with financial well-being. The material position of the sleeping person soon stabilizes. If he has debts, then he will be able to pay off creditors. Also, a new product can predict an accidental encounter that will affect the dreamer's entire subsequent life.

dreamed jacket

Was the night jacket a trendy and stylish? Such a plot means that the dreamer will soon improve his reputation. Man will succeed in gaining the respect of others. He will also enjoy extraordinary success with the opposite sex. Lonely people in this period will arrange their personal lives.

Was the product that was dreaming torn, dirty? Such dreams warn the sleeper that it is time for him to start saving money. The dreamer's income will soon be very unstable. Basically, a person has to interrupt casual earnings.

Shabby, wrinkled thing, why dream? Such a plot means that it is time for the sleeper to learn to defend his interests. His gentleness is used by colleagues for their own purposes. These people appropriate the merits of the dreamer, his original ideas.

In the shop

What does it mean to buy a jacket at night? Dream Interpretation predicts for the sleeper rapid progress on the career ladder. The authorities will finally pay attention to the merits of man. It is possible that the dreamer will even be offered to take a leading position. The sleeper can easily cope with his new responsibilities.

woman dreaming jacket

In the store, did the dreamer like the jacket, but did the fitting show that the thing is not sitting well? Such a plot is a sign that in the near future a person should not take the initiative. It is better to refrain from active actions, to wait for a more favorable moment. To show off in front of a mirror in a new thing is to solve all your existing problems.

A man sells a jacket in a dream? When asked, he should seriously think about whether he had chosen the right profession. It may not be too late to search for your true calling.

Color of passion

What does the red jacket symbolize? The dream book informs the sleeping man that he has many talents. It is possible that so far the existence of most of them is not understood by a person. He should definitely devote time to self-development.

what is the dream of a bright jacket

A stranger in a red jacket - what does such a dream mean? Soon, someone will make the sleeping man an offer. At first glance, it will seem very tempting. However, a person should think carefully before taking it. There is a danger of making a big mistake.

The young girl dreamed that one of her friends of the opposite sex was wearing a red jacket. Such a plot is a sign that the dreamer should take a closer look at this guy. There is a possibility that he has been in love with her for a long time, he simply does not dare to tell about his feelings.

To see an ex-boyfriend or husband in a red jacket - to the revival of a quenched passion. However, not every relationship is worth it to renew.

Black and white things

What does the black jacket stand for? Dream Interpretation Promises Sleeping Attendance Of A Holiday Event. This prediction is relevant only if the person himself is dressed in such a thing. If the dreamer sees a black jacket on his relative or friend, then this is a bad sign. Such dreams predict the death of someone from the inner circle.

What is the dream of a white jacket? Such a thing symbolizes future success in love affairs. If a woman dreamed of a man in white, then this is a good sign. The cherished dream of sleeping in the near future will come true. It is especially pleasant that she will not have to put absolutely no effort into this.

Other colors

What other options are possible?

  • The yellow jacket is dreaming of good. Such a thing symbolizes wealth, prosperity. If the sleeper now has financial problems, then they will soon be in the past.
  • Green predicts a good deal. The project, which the dreamer will soon begin to work on, will bring incredible profits. Also, a green jacket can promise a bargain. The sleeper will be able to acquire a valuable thing at an affordable cost.
  • Blue or blue jacket is a sleep warning. In no case should a person stop halfway. He must definitely finish the work he has begun. Just a little more, and he will approach the goal to which he has been going all this time.
  • Raspberry jacket dream of victory. The sleeper has to prevail over his competitors. The nice thing is that he will come to victory in absolutely legal ways. Downed enemies will disappear from the horizon for a long time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4404/

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