Chamber Theater, Vologda: address, reviews, photos

Vologda is a city with great theatrical traditions. The first troupes appeared there at the end of the 17th century, and the local audience was always distinguished by good taste and exactingness. Today in Vologda there are 12 theaters. Each of them has its own audience. Among such cultural institutions, the Chamber Drama Theater (Vologda) occupies a special place.

chamber theater Vologda

History of creation

The Chamber Theater in Vologda appeared thanks to people who are selflessly in love with their profession - Yakov Rubin, Irina Dzhapakova and Vsevolod Chubenko.

In 1999, they had the idea to create a new independent team. For the sake of its implementation, they left stable work in the troupe of one of the state theaters of the city and got down to business. They managed to create a close-knit group of enthusiasts who are not afraid of bold experiments.

For two years, the Chamber Theater in Vologda (photos from rehearsals posted in the article) staged performances on rented venues. During this time, his troupe presented the audience “Woman in the Sand” based on the novel by Kobo Abe, “The Glass Menagerie”, “Our Father ...” based on the works of Varlam Shalamov, “The Holy Monsters” by J. Cocteau, “The Masters” based on the tales of P. Bazhov and other

Soon the theater was allowed to rehearse and play performances in an old building, which was located in the center of Vologda and was considered an architectural monument. Actors mastered working specialties and independently repaired and equipped the transformer hall. On his stage, not only the above-mentioned performances were played, but also “Kysya”, “Sky in Diamonds” and “Ju-san-go”.

Further development of the theater

In 2002, E. Ivanchenko, O. Fedotovskaya, A. Sokolov and K. Lapin joined the main cast of the troupe, which at that time included Irina Dzhapakova, Yana Likhotina and Vsevolod Chubenko. Senior comrades readily passed on their professional experience to their young colleagues and prepared them for admission to the Yaroslavl GTI. At the same time, the debutants took part in the work on new performances, which were staged by the chamber theater (Vologda), such as Barrier (P. Vezhinov), Uncle's Dream (F. Dostoevsky), Breakfast on the Grass (A. Ostrovsky ), “5 evenings” (A. Volodin) and “The Watchman” (G. Pinter).

Chamber Theater in Vologda

Without its corner

In 2005, the troupe of the Chamber Theater was evicted from the old building, which finally fell into disrepair. The troupe was literally on the street. As a result, some of the students left, which caused the loss of several performances. However, those who remained decided not to give up and made up the core of the “vagrant troupe” rehearsing in their director’s apartment. Their determination was supported by a faithful audience, who was ready to go to performances in different parts of Vologda and watch them at the most non-standard venues. In such difficult conditions, the productions of "Mother Courage - forever!" (B. Brecht), “The Shards of Raskolnikov”, “Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” and "Collector".


In order to “stay in shape”, the Chamber Theater (Vologda) sought to acquaint spectators and other cities of our country, Europe and even Africa with its performances. The team toured in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Petrozavodsk, Gelendzhik, Krasnodar, Murmansk, Paris, Brest, Hanover, Luxembourg, Warsaw, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt, Alexandria and Tunisia.

Chamber Drama Theater Vologda

Further story

Despite all the successes and enthusiastic reviews of the capital's and foreign lovers of Russian dramatic art, the nomadic life had a devastating effect on the troupe of the theater. Over time, most of the actors left him, with the exception of Y. Rubin, as well as actresses I. Dzhapakova and I. Volkova.

The Chamber Theater in Vologda was on the verge of closure. Nevertheless, it was during this period that the viewer saw new performances: "Why is the Madonna always painted with a baby? .." and "Out of nowhere with love."

A new round in the development of the theater

In 2008, a novice actor A. Sergeenko was invited to the troupe. A year later, Elena Smirnova and Vyacheslav Fedotov were included in it. Attracting new actors allowed creating the productions of "One-handed cotton", "", "Toy Soldiers of Love", "In the Same Place" and "Eros Against Business". Since the theater still did not have a “permanent residence permit”, the performances were held in the Vologda art cafe “Red Bridge” and in the House of Actor.

Fortunately, in 2010, after 6 years of wandering, KDT regained its home at the address: st. Lenin, 5. The first performance took place on January 4, 2012.

Housewarming influenced the creative team of the theater in the most positive way. By the end of 2013, the CDT’s repertoire had 4 new performances: “5 Quarters of an Orange” (D. Harris), “At the Ark at Eight” (W. Hub), “Queen of Spades” (A. Pushkin), “Amore, Love, Love ”and“ House with windows in the field ”(A. Vampilov).

Chamber theater vologda reviews

Participation in festivals

The Chamber Theater (Vologda) had the opportunity to show its performances at many well-known, including international, shows in the Russian Federation and abroad. In particular, the team took part in festivals:

  • "Russian Classics" (prize "For the best debut").
  • "Christmas parade."
  • Festival of chamber performances related to the work of Fedor Dostoevsky (prize "For Best Actress").
  • "Vidlunnya" (Grand Prix).
  • Integra (Grand Prix).
  • “Festival of Actors of Europe” (prize “For the best performance”).

The Chamber Theater (Vologda) repertoire currently in the CDT poster contains the following performances:

  • The Queen of Spades.
  • Shakespeare-Russkiy.
  • "About the wet snow."
  • The Spirit of Massacre.
  • “Andrei Tarkovsky. Melancholy".
  • "Lyubka."
  • "It's me - Edith Piaf."
  • "Fedra."
  • "About the wet snow."
  • Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.
  • "School for fools."
  • "Not all to Shrovetide cat" and so on.

Chamber Theater in Vologda address

The situation with the building

In May 2016, alarming information leaked to the press that the Chamber Theater in Vologda (address it, we will repeat: Lenin St., 5) is going to be again evicted from the building it occupies. As it turned out, the city authorities are planning to include the old house in which the troupe rents the first floor, in the privatization plan. Thus, the Vologda City Hall plans to reduce the burden on the municipal budget. Fortunately, the term of the contract is 49 years, and it is impossible to terminate it without the consent of the theater, as confirmed by the local property relations department. The only inconvenience for the theater will be a forced simple or temporary relocation to another building provided by the owner during the restoration of the building. Be that as it may, at the moment the theater continues to occupy the first floor of house number 5 on Lenin Street, as the governor of the Vologda region decided not to sell the building until the summer of 2017. At the same time, the authorities promise to find a new location for the KDT. 6 options were already offered to the theater management, however, all of them were rejected, since it was a question of emergency houses located in different parts of the city.

Chamber Theater in Vologda: reviews

Most spectators leave after the performances in complete delight. In the reviews, most of the compliments can be heard in the address of actress Dzhapakova, who is one of the founders of the theater. Many praises are traditionally addressed to the design of performances. Among the works of recent times, “Cotton of one palm” caused the most discussion. Viewers highly appreciate the director's idea. However, many of them note that the acting is frankly weak and a lack of professionalism is felt.

Chamber Theater in Vologda photo

The most significant events in the life of the theater of recent times

In addition to its direct function, the VDKD collective of Vologda is engaged in the popularization of art and carries out cultural and educational work. In particular, 2017 began with lectures on the theme “Andrei Tarkovsky. Melancholy ”, which will be interesting to everyone who wants to know more about this famous director, who left a huge mark in the history of Russian, Soviet and world cinema. The lecture is given by D. Ledovsky - teacher of the Vologda Theological Seminary, who is the organizer of the project “5 Bible Evenings”.

Among the significant events of recent months is the staging of the play The Queen of Spades. It was made in the unconventional style of steam-punk and aroused great interest not only among young people, but also among representatives of the older generation.

The one-man show “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk County”, in which Elena Smirnova got all the roles, deserves attention. The purpose of the production is the desire to show what a woman is ready for the sake of love, and what happens when she breaks all the laws, including moral ones.

Chamber Theater in Vologda where

reference Information

You can get to the Vologda Chamber Theater by buses No. 27, 35, 36 and 9 to the Tsentr stop. The box office of the theater is open daily from 12:00 to 18:00. Performances begin at 19:00.

Now you know what is interesting about the Chamber Theater in Vologda. You also know where he is, and you can easily find him in order to form your own opinion about the actors' play and the work of the director.


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