Why do I dream of a brick: interpretation of different dream books

There is still no clear scientific explanation for why people dream. But there is no doubt that these pictures are filled with deep meaning. They reflect present-day events and predict the future. What is a brick dream for ? What to expect?

girl is sleeping

Dream Interpretation Smurova

In Smurov’s dream book you can find information on what the brick dreams of:

  • This is a symbol of the earning of significant profits. But you will not be able to postpone these funds for the future, since you will spend them quickly enough on urgent needs.
  • If you made brickwork, it means that you have to work a lot to fulfill your desires.
  • If you counted the bricks, it means that soon you will have the opportunity to improve your financial situation.
  • If you dreamed that a fragment fell out of a brick wall, it means that someone will try to rob you or drag you into a deliberately unprofitable business.
  • If in a dream you were engaged in the manufacture of bricks, then, despite the low level of earnings, you love your occupation.
sleeping girl

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller’s dream book you can find the following information about what the brick dream is for:

  • It can be a symbol of obstacles and troubles. This may apply to both financial matters and personal life.
  • If you build something from brick, it means that you have a new interesting business that may turn out to be quite promising.
  • If in a dream you saw a mountain of bricks - this symbolizes your great hopes for the future. At the moment, you have every chance to implement them.
  • If you took out a brick from a wall, it means that in reality you are acting irrationally. Review your behavior if you want to rectify the situation.

21st Century Dream Interpretation

If you are wondering why a brick is dreaming, pay attention to the 21st century dream book. In it you will find the following explanations:

  • A pile of bricks is a symbol of your grandiose plans and far-reaching plans. But at the moment there are many obstacles to their implementation. Perhaps you should postpone your plans for a while until the situation becomes more favorable.
  • If you suddenly saw a brick on the road, this means that in reality you will make some important discovery that will help you solve the problem.
  • If you see how a brick wall collapses, it means that things will not go according to plan.
  • If you count the bricks, it means that in reality you should expect large profits from an unexpected source.
  • If you stumble on a brick, it means that in reality you are acting too arrogantly. You should be more careful not to fail.

Dream Book of Medea

If you dreamed of a brick, look in Medea's dream book. Here are some interpretations you will find in this source:

  • If you dreamed that you were the owner of a brick factory, then in reality you took full responsibility for the well-being of loved ones.
  • If someone gave you a brick, then in reality you will have an unpleasant serious conversation with this person.
  • Changes in love relationships - that's what red bricks dream of. If you built one of them, then the changes will be constructive. If you ruin, there is a risk of a breakdown in the relationship.
the guy is sleeping

Modern dream book

From a modern interpreter about dreams about bricks, you can draw such information:

  • This may be a symbol of a stable situation. In the near future, one should not expect any significant changes in life.
  • Well-being and prosperity in the future - that's what dreams of building from brick. You will succeed through your own work.
  • If in a dream you make bricks yourself, then soon you will have an additional source of income. Do not miss this opportunity.
  • If you unexpectedly stumbled upon a brick in the grass or on the road, then you will unexpectedly receive news that will dazzle you. But she will not be directly connected with you and will not affect your life in any way.
  • If you see bricks falling from above, you should be careful in the near future - the environment is fraught with many risks and dangers.

Freud's Dream Book

In the interpreter of the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud about visions with bricks, you can find the following information:

  • A dream symbolizes the constancy of romantic relationships. It may also be a sign of the conservatism and unwaveringness of your beliefs.
  • Unreadiness for changes and new discoveries in intimate life - this is what a brick wall dreams of. This can lead to a serious quarrel with your soulmate.
  • If in a dream you saw how a brick structure collapsed, this could portend a break in relations.
  • If you build something from a brick, it symbolizes your painstaking work on the development of relations with the second half. Be sure that your work will bear fruit.
build from brick

Family Dream Interpretation

Here is what information about bricks can be found in the family dream book:

  • Prospects for improving the financial situation of the family - this is what white bricks dream of. At the moment, you have all the opportunities for development. The main thing is to take action.
  • If in a dream you make bricks, then in reality you are trying to succeed in financial matters. But loved ones do not support you. Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the failures.
  • If you do brickwork, it means that soon your family will acquire new property. Based on the logic of the dream, this may be some kind of real estate.
  • If you dreamed about how you collect scattered bricks on the ground, this indicates your squandering. You should rationalize your spending.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4409/

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