Julia is a programming language. Description and features

Our article will talk about the programming language Julia. We will consider it a bit, describe its capabilities. We will also tell you what literature to choose if you plan to master the Julia language.

This language is dynamic, but uses JIT compilation. This allows you to make applications that are written in a “pure language” faster, without the use of vector operations and low-level libraries.


The language supports the reloading of operators and functions, and you can optionally specify a type for its argument. As you know, this is not permissible in dynamic languages. Thus, it is possible to create variants of operators as well as functions to speed up the calculation.

A priority in the development of the language is support for distributed computing.


Let's get acquainted with the capabilities of the programming language Julia. The main ones include the following:

programming language
  1. Dynamic typing.
  2. Huge opportunities for managing various processes.
  3. Suitable for distributed and parallel computing.
  4. You can determine the behavior of functions, depending on what type of argument is passed.
  5. Excellent performance when compared statically with typed languages.
  6. Using PyCall, you can call Python functions.
  7. Unicode support (not only UTF-8).
  8. Built-in package management system.
  9. Directly without add-ons, you can call functions.


Those who want to learn the Julia programming language should read books about it. Such tutorials describe language features, syntax, and other necessary information. What book is worth paying attention to? For example, on the publication “Mastering the Julia Language”. The book was written by Malcolm Sherrington. Here are the steps for installing and running this language in various operating systems. The book describes the diverse methods of working with Julia. The key functionality is also considered, examples are analyzed in detail. This book is intended for developers who plan to familiarize themselves with this rather non-standard programming language, as well as for specialists working with data analysis.

julia programming language


Now you know what Julia is a programming language. We examined its features and capabilities. Also in the article are publications that will help in its study.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4415/

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