Furniture arrangement and interior planning programs. 3D interior design

When carrying out repairs or the usual rearrangement of furniture in the apartment, any person plans the future design of the room. To facilitate this task, there are special furniture placement programs. They will help to place the necessary interior items in the apartment, choose the right color, size, texture, the most successful angle.

furniture placement programs


Almost all furniture placement programs work on the same principle and have three stages that the drawing goes through before becoming your room. First of all, you have to make an exact copy of your apartment plan.

Using an ordinary ruler, you will need to draw the outline of the room and indicate its dimensions. Depending on the specific application, you may be offered either a ready-made layout or start creating a room from scratch. In any case, do not forget to accurately measure the size of the existing room and mark windows, doors and sockets in the picture. Be sure to consider heating devices (batteries), as they can be very interfering with accurate calculations.


After you outline the boundaries of the room, you can take up the design of the interior. Most applications have their own base containing various elements, from banal sofas to flowers in pots and animal houses.

Some software products are supplied by furniture stores (for example, Ikea). Such applications are beneficial if you know exactly where you will buy interior items, because usually their content is based on products sold on the enterprise network.

program for arranging furniture in an apartment


The latter function may not be available in all applications. It allows you to create a three-dimensional model of the room that you furnished on the layout. In fact, the 3D furniture arrangement program is a good way, without resorting to the services of a professional designer, to imagine what your room would look like with your chosen interior. This function simply must be in any user-oriented program, and not a construction engineer.


Having dealt with the principle of work, you can consider specific furniture placement programs. The already mentioned application from Ikea is a prime example of a good marketing move.

It has a small size (about 13 megabytes) and uses interior items distributed only through this distribution network. Thus, before you go there to buy, you can well pre-select the necessary models of furniture and try to furnish the room. However, despite the obvious advantages, this utility has several disadvantages:

  • Available interior items are exclusively suitable for the kitchen. You cannot create a dream bedroom or hallway.
  • Despite the fact that the program chose a kitchen specialization, the presented furniture options are far from everything that is in the store’s catalog, which means that when you come to the trading floor, you may well find something that was not on the created plan.
  • And one more problem - there are not enough textures for design. So experiments with the color scheme will have to be postponed.

interior items

Sweet Home 3D

An excellent program for arranging furniture in an apartment. It includes all three previously indicated functions and clearly demonstrates all the features of the created premises. The interface is completely in Russian, as well as the built-in video tutorial.

One of the main features of the application is a dual-window mode of operation. On the one hand, you have a work surface on which you draw walls and place elements, and on the other, a 3D image that is updated in real time. So you can see all the changes in the room as you work.

The main advantage of SH is that all items in the catalog are not standardized. You can customize their size and impose any texture on your own.

You can also take a photo of the premises from anywhere. The only drawback is the quality of the graphics. If when using real models of furniture the assembled room will be like a real one, then in this program the graphics are mediocre, and drawing parallels with the real world is quite difficult.

interior design


Another program for arranging furniture in the apartment. Online and offline versions are available. Despite its very simple appearance, it has one useful function. Interior design does not need to start from scratch. You can always use ready-made sets and layouts of rooms and even entire apartments.

That's just all the program is capable of. The layout (arrangement) of furniture is carried out manually, but the number of models presented is limited. So the maximum that the user can count on is to create a general idea of ​​the interior placement and check how different colors and materials are combined. The rest is just problems that cannot be ignored:

  • You cannot make sharp or obtuse corners. Only direct.
  • Some items are disproportionately displayed on the plan.
  • Very low quality graphics.
  • Sophisticated interface.
  • Deficiencies with the placement of items.

Modernline furniture

This option is much better than the previous one. The program, although it has an exclusively English interface, is more than compensated by its simplicity and comprehensibility. Sets of template objects are very diverse and allow you to create any type of room, including bars and landings. Benefits:

  • Intuitive interface.
  • Setting the shape of the room and the thickness of the walls.
  • Many different textures for both objects and flooring.
  • There is also a large set of ready-made solutions that can be changed as desired.

Unfortunately, there is no way to make a three-dimensional picture in the program. So the created sketch will remain only an apartment plan, not a design project. The following is also connected with this problem - you cannot choose the color of the walls. You don’t see them at all, and without it, choosing the rest of the interior is useless.

3d furniture arrangement program


A small program, but it includes the basic functions, unlike its predecessor. You can create in it not only rooms, but also all additional communications - batteries, wiring. Install doors, windows, partitions, stairs and more. After that, proceed to the furniture.

The program contains a large number of interior items, which is good news. You can arrange everything as you want, including flowers and animal houses. However, the application has two small drawbacks:

  • Bad view of a three-dimensional model. You can only view the room from above. Therefore, you will have to remove one of the walls in order to look inside.
  • The item icons in the interface are very small. You will have to study the contents by trial and error. It will take a lot of time before you can fully furnish the apartment as you wish.

program layout furniture arrangement

Astron design

We finish our list of programs for interior planning with one of the most popular applications on the Internet. The fact that the application is widespread already says a lot. Many detailed instructions and finished projects by other users will help the beginner to master this program.

The process of furnishing the room itself is not difficult. But the end result is pleasantly surprising - the resulting 3D image has a high resolution and high-quality color gamut. This will allow you to realize the most daring desires in reality, using furniture placement programs.


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