Celery for weight loss: benefits and harms

There are a huge number of mono-diets, which are based on only one food product. It can be fruit, vegetables, drinks, cereals, etc. It is difficult to judge their effectiveness, since each diet is effective in its own way.

Celery Slimming

The most important advantage of monodiet is the ability to choose a diet based on your favorite product. Lose weight, eat, have fun and cleanse the body. Mostly people come to the conclusion that it is better to choose diets based on fruits and vegetables. Today we will find out how effective celery is for losing weight (photos of it are given in this article). This plant is completely edible. It is used in cooking and medicine. Celery is interesting in that each part has its own taste, as well as special use in various fields of activity.


Celery was eaten in ancient Greece. The Greeks considered this plant a good aphrodisiac. By the way, then he was noticed in Rome. True, in this state it was used exclusively as an ornamental plant. Its leaves were decorated with the heads of the winners of various sports competitions.

With healing, it began to be used for the first time in China. Doctors there noticed that this plant fights well with parasites and knocks down high pressure. Thus, the range of indications for its use expanded.

The harm and benefits of celery

The beneficial properties of celery are simply impossible to exaggerate. This product has an incredibly low calorie content - per 100 g is only 12 kcal. Moreover, there are carbohydrates - 2.1 g, proteins - 0.9 g, fats - 0.1 g. If we talk about the glycemic index of celery, then it equals 15, which is also very good.

By the way, this vegetable is considered the leader among all products that are called "high-calorie foods."

In addition, celery stores a large number of valuable substances, among which:

  • phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc and other minerals;
  • vitamins;
  • fiber;
  • organic acids, etc.

Due to this composition, celery can be used in the fight against a variety of diseases. So, it treats rheumatism of a disease of the stomach, genitourinary system. In addition, it is advised to use it for heart problems.

Stem celery for weight loss

This plant has antiseptic, wound healing, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can improve tone, as well as increase physical and mental performance.

Due to the presence of fiber, it has a slight laxative effect, which helps to cleanse the body. Thanks to this, stem celery is also used for weight loss. In addition, the plant stimulates the appearance of gastric juice, therefore, products are better absorbed by the body and processed faster.

If we talk about harm, then it can also be. It will appear only if you overdo it with eating this plant. Pregnant and lactating women should refrain from it.

How to use celery for weight loss?

A great option is celery juice. The main thing here is not to overdo the dosage. The maximum volume that can be drunk at a time is half a glass, while diluting it with water. Celery juice for a change can be diluted with apple or carrot.

It can also be used raw in vegetable salads. From it you can cook the first dishes, for example, a soup for weight loss from celery and onions. In general, there are several diet options, while introducing you to one.

Weekly celery diet

This food system is considered low-carb and contains a small amount of fat. It appeared in America and was used initially as a healing technique for people with heart diseases. Later, she gained popularity among losing weight.

This diet is designed for one week. For this period, you can throw about 8 kilograms. Below we examined a sample menu, at the end of the article you can see recipes. Celery for weight loss in this case plays a major role:

The first day. Unlimited celery soup for weight loss. You can also treat yourself to fruit (except bananas).

Celery Slimming Photo

Second day. Celery soup with fresh vegetables (except peas). At the same time, you can eat potatoes seasoned with unrefined vegetable oil for dinner.

Day Three Celery soup, vegetables and fruits.

Day four. You can eat celery soup, fruits and vegetables. Also treat yourself to a small cup of milk.

Day five and six. Celery soup, these days you can eat a tomato salad and 400 g of lean boiled beef.

The seventh day. Celery soup on this day is supplemented with 200 g of boiled rice. In addition, fruit natural smoothies are allowed on this day.

This is the celery soup diet. During weight loss, you should drink plenty of water. While coffee and tea lovers can treat themselves to a cup of unsweetened aromatic drink.

Diet recipes

A lot of all kinds of foods can be prepared from celery for weight loss. We will consider some recipes for some dishes. All of them are notable for simplicity of preparation and use.

Celery and Chicken Salad

To prepare this celery salad for weight loss, you need to take:

  • celery stalk;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • a handful of peeled walnuts;
  • natural yogurt;
  • green apple.

Boil chicken. Grind nuts and dry in a pan a little. From the apple, remove the core with seeds, and then cut into thin strips. Then sprinkle the apple with lemon juice and mix with chopped celery. Now cut the chicken meat. We combine all these components, fill in with yogurt. Mix everything thoroughly. Salad can not be salted, as lemon juice adds a little sourness.

Celery with Kefir

This dessert is a great option, suitable for a fasting day. At the same time, due to fiber, it is quite satisfying, despite the fact that celery is added to it for weight loss. Therefore, you will not be tormented by hunger for a long time.

Celery Slimming

There are several options:

  1. 400 g of celery must be chopped, beat with a liter of kefir and a pack of low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. Grind 4 petiole celery with a blender with a glass of water and a liter of kefir.
  3. Beat kefir with a bunch of parsley and celery.

Such a meal is prepared very simply. Send your selected products to the blender bowl. Whisk thoroughly and mix. The resulting cocktail must be drunk per day.

Celery and apple smoothie

This cocktail is considered an excellent tonic. In addition, this dessert has an excellent cleansing effect.

In order to cook it you will need:

  • green apple;
  • petiole celery.

Remove the core with fruit seeds and remove the apple in the bowl of our blender. We put there the stalks of celery. Grind and mix the components.

Celery stew

Celery for weight loss can be used in the following form. The recipe for this dish is as follows:

  • Β½ celery root;
  • 2 onions;
  • Β½ tablespoon turmeric;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt;
  • greenery;
  • vegetable oil.

Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil until a light golden color. Then we send the grated carrots here and simmer for about 3 minutes. This time we peel the root from the skin and cut it into small cubes, then add to the vegetables.

Sprinkle the vegetables with turmeric and reduce the heat on the stove. Cover with a lid and simmer for about 20 minutes. Sometimes look under the lid - stew during cooking will need to be disturbed several times. If you have a feeling that there is not enough liquid in the pan, add a little water.

Salt the dish at the end of cooking and mix. Sprinkle the stew before serving chopped herbs.

Beef stew with celery

In this case, celery will also be useful for weight loss. Ingredients:

  • celery (stalks) - 300 g;
  • beef - 400 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • bell pepper - 150 g;
  • black pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • salt.

To prepare this dish, it is better to take a deep pan in which vegetables and meat will be stewed. Cut the beef and fry in olive oil. Add chopped onions, mix and fry. Then add celery, peppers and tomatoes. Pour a little water, pepper, salt, cover and simmer until cooked.

Celery Slimming

Chicken, Apple and Celery Salad


  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • chicken fillet - 250 g;
  • green apples - 200 g;
  • celery (stalks) - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 150 g;
  • olive oil;
  • red onion - 100 g;
  • mustard;
  • salt;
  • lemon juice.

Boil the chicken, cool, then tear in small pieces. Dice the vegetables into the same size. Now mix pepper, chicken fillet, apple, celery, onion, tomato. Season with olive oil and sour cream, drizzle with lemon juice, salt and add mustard.

Celery Cutlets

In this case, we need celery root for weight loss. Ingredients:

  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery root - 500 g;
  • clove of garlic;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • egg;
  • potatoes - 100 g;
  • salt;
  • olive oil;
  • black pepper.

Grind celery root, onions, carrots, garlic and potatoes in a meat grinder or blender. Add the egg, pepper and salt. The finished mass will look a bit like minced meat, which is usually obtained for cooking conventional meatballs. We create cutlets that can also be crushed in breadcrumbs, after which they are fried in any vegetable oil.

Cream soup

This is a very interesting recipe for celery soup for weight loss. Ingredients:

  • white cabbage - 150 g;
  • celery root - 300 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • green beans - 100 g;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 100 g;
  • fresh greens;
  • A glass of tomato juice;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

All vegetables must be cut into strips, put in a deep pan, add one glass of tomato juice, and then bring to a boil. Continue to simmer, adding a little water. When the soup is almost ready, you need to cover it and insist for about 10 minutes. Now it should be crushed with a blender. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

Celery Salad Slimming

Magic juice

Celery juice is a whole storehouse of trace elements, vitamins, minerals, absorbed by the body with ease. Prolonged use of celery juice will significantly strengthen the body, and appetite will normalize. It can be used in its pure form, in addition, mixed with some other juices, for example, apple or orange. For overweight people, it should be your must-have daily drink.


Despite the usefulness of the plant, as well as your well-established desire to say goodbye to excess weight, which bothers you in every sense of the word, celery can not be included in the diet in the following cases:

  • people with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins;
  • during lactation and pregnancy;
  • with peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach;
  • with hypertension.

It is worth noting that in the absence of such contraindications, this vegetable can be safely included in your diet, thereby enriching your body with various valuable elements and vitamins.

Celery for weight loss: reviews

It’s worth mentioning right away that there are a lot of reviews about the use of this vegetable for weight loss, negative ones also occur. They are precisely connected with the fact that the main goal - getting rid of excess weight - was not achieved. It should be noted that such comments should not be taken seriously - for the most part they are left by people who do not follow the diet strictly, as required by the instructions.

Celery Soup for Weight Loss

In all other cases, I want to say: nothing just happens. And if you are full of desire and determination, you will be able to lose weight. For this, you may need the diet described in this article, as well as a reasonable approach to changing your lifestyle, nutrition and thoughts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4423/

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