How to lose weight in the upper body at home? Exercises, Results, and Reviews

Body features always make people adapt. This can be done with clothes, hairstyles or the right accessories. The article will discuss how to lose weight in the upper body with diet and exercise, but maintain proportionality.

Body types

Depending on some features, these types of figures can be distinguished:

  • Hourglass.
  • An Apple.
  • Pear (triangle).
  • Inverted Triangle.
  • Rectangle.
different types of figures

As you understand, depending on the type of figure, the predominant deposition of adipose tissue occurs in either the upper or lower body. In this case, in order to lose weight the upper body, it is necessary to make the main emphasis on the hands and stomach. Most often, the face and chest lose weight without much effort on their own.


How to lose weight in the upper body? It’s worth starting with psychological preparation. It is important for any person to consciously come to the desire to change something in themselves. Decide on motives and goals. Be sure to indicate the final result. Well, do not forget about the promotion. For example, when you reach your goal, allow yourself to shop or buy an expensive item. It can be a vacation or a trip to your favorite restaurant. The main thing is that the reward is important and long-awaited for you.

We take measurements before and after. Of course, it is best to carry them out in intervals (every 3 - 5 days). Remember that in this case, weight loss does not mean achieving the goal. In solving the problem of how to lose weight in the upper body, great attention should be paid not to weight but to volumes.


Many do not know how to lose weight in the upper body, and simply begin to use the first diet that catches your eye. This approach will cause the body to become disproportionate. After all, reducing the calorie content of food leads to a decrease in the amount of fat in the body. But this does not mean that he will leave precisely from the upper body. It is important to supplement the diet with exercise, yoga, fitness, or swimming. Mandatory walking and good sleep.

fruit platter

First you need to determine the amount of calories consumed. Your daily diet should be brought closer to 1,500 - 2,000 kcal. At the same time, the amount of simple carbohydrates should be minimal or absent altogether (pastries, cookies, sweets, snacks, etc.).

meat fish

For those who do not know what to do to lose weight the upper body, an approximate 14-day nutrition menu will be presented below. There should be plenty of protein and fiber in your diet. Fish, meat, vegetables - the main components of the diet. In this case, food must be steamed or boiled. Vitamins and minerals must be present in sufficient quantities. They can be taken in capsule or supplement form.

Two week diet

Day 1: 2-3 boiled eggs, fruits and raw vegetables in the required quantity.

Day 2: 1,000 ml of low-fat kefir and 2 packs of cottage cheese (400 - 500 g).

Day 3: One liter of juice or kefir, as well as raw fruits and vegetables.

Day 4: a liter of kefir and 500 g of boiled chicken breast.

Day 5: any fruits and vegetables.

Day 6: kefir and cottage cheese (1000 ml and 500 g).

Day 7: fruits and fresh vegetables.

Day 8: boiled egg, 300 g steamed chicken and vegetable salad.

Day 9: vegetable salad with vegetable oil, 150 - 200 g of boiled beef, fruits.

Day 10: steamed piece of fish (150 g) with vegetable salad and 2 slices of whole grain bread, 500 ml of low-fat kefir and fruits.

fresh fish

Day 11: scrambled eggs with 2 eggs, 150 g steamed beef and 4 slices of bread (rye), 0.5 l of low-fat kefir.

Day 12: fruits and vegetables, 1,000 ml of kefir.

Day 13: vegetable salad with boiled chicken breast (300 g), 2 eggs.

Day 14: fresh fruits and vegetables, you can potatoes, a liter of kefir.

All of the above products are divided into equal portions and consumed throughout the day. You should pay attention to fruits such as banana and grapes. They are best consumed in minimal amounts. Vegetables can be grilled or boiled for a change.

Drinking mode

A sufficient amount of fluid activates the metabolic processes in the body. You should be sympathetic to this moment. You can not start drinking 2 liters of water immediately, if you have not drunk before and 500 ml per day. You should instill the habit of drinking a glass of water 30-40 minutes before eating. In the morning on an empty stomach it is also necessary to drink 1-2 glasses of water, preferably warm.

How to lose weight in the upper body: exercises

Sport is an important component in the struggle for an ideal figure. Only by physical exercises you can correct the problem parts of the body. It is imperative to evenly distribute loads and alternate exercises.

gymnastic ball

On fitball

Choose a small ball. The initial position is on all fours. We put our hands on the fitball. Keep your back straight and even (parallel to the floor). We begin push-ups from the ball, touching the shell with the chest. Beginners need to perform the exercise 5 to 10 times (three approaches). Each time we increase the number of times by 3 - 5 units.

With dumbbells on the floor

This is a very simple exercise for the arms and chest. Lie down on your back, raise your hands up perpendicular to the floor and begin to make a bench press. Lower your hands to the chest, then raise up. We do 3 sets of 10 times.

For shoulders

It is very important that the shoulder area is tightened. To do this, you need to do a simple exercise. Starting position - sitting or standing, hands with dumbbells pressed to the hips. We spread our arms to the sides and try to raise the dumbbells so that the elbows are almost completely bent. At the same time, pay attention to the back - it should always be straight. This exercise can be done with the complex with dumbbells on the floor. The number of times you need to adjust yourself.

Fitball Rise

You need to take a shell and straighten your arms in front of you. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, press and back should be strained. The ball is started behind the head and returned back in front of you. This is a very simple and uncomplicated way to use many muscles at once: back, chest, abs, arms. It is necessary to do several approaches 10 times.

fitness ball


Perhaps you will not find a more effective way to stretch and tone all the muscles in the body. It is worth giving at least one day a week to this sport. How to lose weight quickly in the upper body? Just do yoga. Your personal trainer will show you several poses that will contribute to losing weight in the required area. You can develop flexibility and form a beautiful relief of the figure.

Opinions and reviews

The desire to lose weight is a new fashion in the modern world. On this way you can meet both boys and girls, and adults. Each of them has its own goal, for which you need to lose weight in the upper body. To achieve it, it is important to eat right and exercise. In this case, the main set of exercises should fall on the upper shoulder girdle.

If you still decide to lose weight in your upper body, the feedback of those who have already gone this way will help you cope with the task. Many women in their reviews complain that, along with the fat on the shoulders and arms, the magnificent breast also “melts”. To avoid this, you need to choose the right set of exercises.

To lose weight the upper body, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. It is important to maintain proportionality and a beautiful silhouette. With an adequate diet and regular physical exertion, the upper body very quickly takes on the necessary forms. This is what young guys write about in their reviews.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that achieving any goal is a long way. Those who are looking for the answer to the question of how to lose weight in the upper body should start by looking for a good nutritionist and fitness trainer. It is necessary to correctly determine the motives and opportunities. The process of losing weight should always be taken seriously, because it is our health.


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