Actor, singer and screenwriter Denis Kukoyaka: biography, creativity and personal life

Our today's hero is actor Denis Kukoyaka. TV shows with his participation are watched by thousands of Russian viewers. Want to see a guy’s personal and creative biography? Now we will tell you everything.

Denis Kukoyaka

Denis Kukoyaka: biography, childhood

Born January 31, 1986 in Moscow. Denis is from an ordinary family with an average income. The father and mother of our hero are not related to television and the film industry.

Denis Kukoyaka (this is his real name) grew up as an active and sociable child. He often hosted home concerts for parents, family friends, and neighbors. At school, not a single event was held without his participation. Several times a week, Den attended circles - theater, painting and aircraft modeling.

Student years

Many friends and relatives were sure that at the end of school the guy would go to a theater university. However, Denis surprised everyone. He submitted documents to the social pedagogical institute at Moscow State University. The talented young man managed to enter the faculty of pedagogy and psychology the first time.


After receiving a diploma of graduation, Denis Kukoyaka did not go to work in his specialty. He wanted to realize himself in a creative way. Our hero, along with friends Kirill Trifonov and Sasha Shuliko, created a humorous online project called "What kind of show?" In a short time they had a whole army of fans. However, the project soon became obsolete. And then the guys launched a new Internet show - "I like it." Their next project was called “Tell Friends”.

Denis Kukoyak biography

Our hero has established himself not only as a comedian. Under the pseudonym Deni Deni, he recorded several songs in a style close to rap. His most popular songs were Like, Letter to an Arab Girl, and Remove Me. Most recently, Den, along with friends organized a musical group, called "Bread". They have already released several tracks, including "My rap".

Filming in TV shows and films

Initially, Denis Kukoyaka got into the film industry as a screenwriter. Especially good for him were comedic stories. But the director of the comedy weekly movie managed to persuade the screenwriter to star in a small role. The guy agreed. Unfortunately, this film went unnoticed and unappreciated by professionals.

Denis Kukoyaka TV shows

In 2013, many of you could see Denis in the series “Real Boys”. He successfully got used to the image of sales assistant Alik. This time he liked working in the frame.

On the TNT channel in 2015, the premiere of the sitcom “ChOP” took place. One of the authors of the script is Denis. He also played a cameo in this series.

Den was able to fully reveal his creative abilities in 2016. The young man played one of the main roles in the sitcom “Civil Marriage”. His colleagues on the set were: Rostislav Khait, Legchilova Anna and Agata Muceniece. The plot focuses on a couple in love. Their relationship has been in the candy-bouquet period for a very long time. But lovers have not yet reached the wedding morally.

Denis Kukoyaka: biography, personal life

A nice guy with a good sense of humor has always been popular with girls. However, he can not be called a womanizer and a ladies man.

Dan met his soul mate back in 2004, at a party with mutual friends. His chosen one is a slender blonde Elena Panarina. A week later, our hero invited her to meet. The girl agreed. After 2 years, the couple began to live under one roof.

What is known about Denis's beloved? She is his age. Lena received a higher medical education, although she does not work in her specialty. The girl maintains her own blog, and also helps her beloved man hold various events.

Denis Kukoyaka biography personal life

On August 19, 2014, Denis and Elena played a wedding. First, they signed in one of the capital's registry offices. Then the newlyweds went to the nearest suburbs. The celebration was held in the fresh air. Spouses pre-selected a site with stunning landscapes (forest, water). Tables literally crowded with original appetizers, delicacies and dishes of Russian cuisine. There were many flowers around in snow-white vases. Friends, relatives and colleagues came to congratulate Denis and Lena on the marriage.

Spouses have long dreamed of children. Let's hope their family grows very soon.


Denis Kukoyaka is a bright and interesting young man, a comprehensively developed personality. We wish him creative success and great happiness in family life!


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