Why dream of swearing with mom: a dream book

A vision in which a person had to swear with his mother, the dream interpretation is negative. The most harmless explanation for such a plot is that in reality, the sleeper should pay more attention to relations with her. But there are more serious interpretations. About them now and will be discussed.

swearing with mom dream book

Universal interpreter

A good explanation for this vision can give this dream book. Swearing with mom is not good, but if she was calm during a quarrel initiated by the dreamer himself, then you can not worry. Most likely, in reality, she often thinks about her child, and just misses him. Therefore, after such a vision, a person should think: does he devote enough time to his mother?

If the relationship with her in reality is almost perfect, then a dream can simply reflect the negative emotions accumulated by the dreamer. This lump of nerves makes you vent aggression in a dream, which is certainly not good. It is recommended to think about the vacation and restoration of mental strength and harmony. Although sometimes such a dream still reflects the recently awakened guilt experienced by a man in front of his mother for the fact that he was once not the best child.

dream book swearing with mom in a dream

According to Miller

This dream book can tell something interesting. Swearing with mom happened in your own house? This is the beginning of the black line in life. Which, most likely, will drag on for a long time. A difficult period is coming, during which a person will have to go through many checks and tests for resistance.

Was the fight long and loud? It is generally believed that this is a serious illness of a loved one, possibly a relative.

But if such a dream occurred to a person who has in the near future the intention to make a major purchase or invest his money somewhere, then it is worth the time. Perhaps the strategy is not thought out clearly enough.

But the dream in which the skirmish ended with reconciliation is a good sign. He points out that all problems that concern a person will very soon be resolved as if by themselves. A bright streak of life is coming, and this is the best time to translate into reality the plans and ideas that had previously been put into a long box.

Female dream book

It will not be superfluous to look into this interpreter. Girl did not swear with her mother, but with a potential mother-in-law? This is a bad sign. A quarrel with a lover's mother is a harbinger of the beginning of a difficult period in their relationship. It is possible that soon between the guy and the girl there will be a serious disagreement. Perhaps even from scratch.

A little more can be said by the female dream book. Girl had a chance to swear with mom in the presence of her father? It is to loneliness. Suddenly, she will understand that all her friends, comrades and acquaintances are engaged exclusively in their own affairs, and they don’t even take a minute to her. Due to loneliness, the girl will feel depressed, and will feel an urgent need for care and love. But there will be no one to take it from, so in the end it can become immersed in depression, which will cause other problems.

dream book swearing with deceased mother

21st Century Interpreter

This book recommends paying attention not to the situation in which the quarrel occurred, but to what caused it. The interpretation of the dream book depends on the subject of scandal.

Did you have to swear with your mother because of poor academic performance or problems at work? This is a conflict with fellow students or with colleagues.

The quarrel became the dreamer's personal life? This is a disagreement with the "second half."

Mom scolded the dreamer for excessive spending and inability to handle money? Perhaps in the near future he will have to face problems of a financial nature.

The most important thing is that a person does not swear with his mother because of his appearance. Because such a vision portends diseases and health problems.

dream book swearing with a dead mother

Consequences of the scandal

They are strongly recommended by every dream book. Swearing with mom in a dream is practically not good in almost all cases, but the details of the vision can clarify the interpretation of a particular vision.

How did the quarrel end? If by assault, then soon a person will suddenly overcome self-flagellation. Whatever adversity may occur (not only with him), he will blame himself for everything. It is better not to get carried away with self-flagellation, otherwise in the end you can bring yourself to depression.

A man at the end of a quarrel gloated and rejoiced that he had offended his mother? Then nothing good is to be expected. Such a vision is a harbinger of extreme disappointment.

Had to swear with mom and cry? The dream interpretation considers this vision a reflection of a person’s state of mind. Perhaps he is so depressed that he can really break at any moment. If this is so, then it is recommended to think about meditation, outdoor recreation or pastime in a fun company.

Did the dreamer have a big argument with his mother and eventually left home? This, oddly enough, is good. Such a vision promises positive changes in life. They can be an appointment for a new position, moving, a significant purchase, an expensive gift or a long-awaited trip.

dream book swearing with mom and crying

Esoteric interpreter

There are times when a person dreams about how he has to swear with his late mother. The dream book says that such a vision personifies the bitterness he experiences with regard to unspoken words. The loss was sudden, and the man was never able to come to terms with it. Well, the dream book advises to accept what has happened and to realize that nothing will be returned. Believers can light a candle.

But this is not all that the dream book tells. To swear with a dead mother, to put it mildly, is painful and sad. And the meaning of the vision is the same. Sleep indicates a person’s unclean conscience. Perhaps he made mistakes that he cannot admit. Or nothing good has been happening in his personal life for a long time, but a person prefers to turn a blind eye to this, rather than take any action to correct the situation.

If the initiator of the quarrel was the late mother, and she was scolding the dreamer with might and main, then it would not hurt him to think about his behavior. Perhaps he often commits reckless acts and mistakes, for which he has to pay dearly in the future.

swearing mom dream interpretation

Correlation with reality

In the end - a few words about what the dream of a quarrel with a mother portends for a man who quarreled with her in reality. This is especially detailed in the dream book of the witch Medea.

Such a vision seems to say: the time has come for a truce. The dreamer should become the initiator of establishing relations. His mother feels bad about what happened and is afraid to be rejected by her child. So do not be afraid to take the first step. All contention will quickly be forgotten.

By the way, if after a quarrel that happened in reality, there was a truce, then you can rejoice. Very soon, some event will happen that will be pleasant for both the dreamer and his mother.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4442/

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