Tired of the wife: reasons, practical tips and advice

Quite often, from men of different ages you can hear complaints about the fact that the wife was tired. This seems rather strange, because we are talking about a companion, about life choices. What are the causes of this phenomenon? Should I think about divorce? Or can everything be fixed and family happiness restored?

tired of wife and children

The wife "cuts" all the time

Most of the men who are tired of the wife, refer to the fact that the spouse is constantly "sawing" them, not giving rest. Indeed, there is such a type of women who are constantly dissatisfied with something, believe that they have the right to teach others (in particular, their spouse), to impose their opinions, to demand something endlessly. With such a wife it is difficult, and sometimes even impossible to get along. In this case, the claims of men are fully justified.

But before you finally burn the bridges, think about whether you really "sawed"? Or is it a bit of an excuse, an excuse? Is it that you, for example, in a few months did not bother to fix the closet door, is the bad character of your spouse to blame? Perhaps you are not tired of the wife herself, but a constant reminder of your weakness and disorder.

tired of wife

The wife demands money all the time

A common reason that a wife is fed up may be constant “extortion” by the spouse. The appetites of some ladies go beyond all bounds. Fur coats, jewelry, expensive cosmetics, salons, trips - this is just a small list of the requirements of some ladies for their faithful. If your spouse looks at you like a wallet, is it worth it to continue the relationship?

But the coin also has a downside. Historically, a man has been given the duty of a breadwinner. If at one point you decide that you want to marry and have children, you must understand that it is on you that the main burden of responsibility for the material support of the family lies (regardless of whether the spouse works or not). If you can’t cover the basic needs of the family, then you should think not about divorce, but about finding a more profitable type of activity (and, possibly, rationalizing spending).

Wife does not understand spouse

A situation when a wife is fed up may arise due to a lack of understanding. Sometimes years of cohabitation do not make people closer, but further distance them from each other. Indeed, living with a stranger who does not share interests, does not sympathize with problems, does not provide support.

On the other hand, think about how often you tell your spouse about your problems? And do you tell at all? Perhaps your spouse does not suspect that you are worried. Make it a rule to talk about your problems and complaints, discuss them in a calm tone. You will see, this will make your relationship much warmer and stronger.

why husbands bother wives

Wife does not pay attention

It happens that a man is tired of living with his wife, because she does not pay enough attention to him. Yes, before the wedding, representatives of the stronger sex look after the ladies, surround them with care. But after marriage, they want to take care of them already. Female indifference knocks a man out of a rut and even insults him.

On the other hand, men are not always right in their accusations. Cleanliness reigns at your place, there is delicious food, shirts are always washed and ironed - is this not really called attention? Although, if economic affairs are not supported by a good human attitude, there is reason to think.

Wife constantly complains about lack of attention

Sometimes men complain that they are tired of their wife and children, because they constantly require attention, not leaving alone. Indeed, each person (even if he has a family) needs to have personal space and free time, which he can devote exclusively to himself. And relatives should treat this with understanding.

On the other hand, you must understand that, deciding to start a family, you must say goodbye to your selfishness. And the wife, and, especially, the children, are your wards, for whom you are responsible. Naturally, they want to feel your attention and care. Therefore, before getting annoyed, think about whether you pay enough attention to your family?

tired of my wife want another

Wife became ugly

It happens that the old wife is tired, because she became ugly. Indeed, many women sin by launching themselves after marriage. They stop caring for themselves, do not follow the figure, do not bother with their home look. Sometimes it even reaches such an absurdity when a woman neglects such an elementary procedure as removing excess "vegetation" from the body. Thus, if your spouse has turned into a slut, you need to openly tell her about it, and then proceed based on whether she will respond to your remark.

But if your complaints are caused by natural age-related changes (gray hair, wrinkles, loss of body elasticity, and so on), you are not entirely fair. After entering into marriage with a young beauty, you should have understood that appearance is not eternal. The age and birth of children leave their mark. And you are probably not the same as you were before. It is possible that you already have a beer tummy and bald spots. Rather than reproach your wife for the loss of attractiveness, it is better to give her a certificate in a beauty salon.

Intimacy with wife does not give pleasure

Monotony and problems in intimate life is one of the common reasons why husbands bother wives. Unfortunately, after the beginning of a life together, passion cools quickly enough. Many begin to regard intimacy as a duty, and not as pleasure. This sin both women and men.

But is this a problem to ruin a family? Perhaps it is worth taking care of lighting a former fire, diversifying an intimate life? Surely any woman will take such an initiative of her husband with enthusiasm.

tired of the old wife

Marriage by mistake

Does the wife bother? Unfortunately, when people live together for a long time, they may experience some irritation to each other. But if the marriage was in a hurry, thoughtlessly, surely the passion will quickly be replaced by a routine and mutual hostility. Realizing the perfect mistake, people begin to get annoyed. They take offense at themselves, taking out anger on each other.

There is also such a category of marriages that are concluded due to pregnancy. Driven by a sense of duty, young people get married. But quite often, the birth of a child does not help strengthen relations, people quarrel, get annoyed, bother each other.

Whatever the reason for your rash marriage, it’s worth doing what is best for both spouses. Is it worth it to endure each other further? Or maybe there is a way to build relationships? Or is parting the only way out?

Tips for Men

Family is not a toy. Therefore, instead of looking for ways to get rid of a tired wife, you must first of all try to maintain a relationship. Here are some tips from psychologists to heed:

  • Try to accept your spouse with all her oddities. Most likely, she does nothing to you in spite. Try to look differently at the annoying character traits, perhaps even love them.
  • Talk about the future. Perhaps the annoyance of the spouse is due to the fact that she is not confident in you. If you constantly talk with the prospect of a joint future, it will reassure her.
  • Occupy her with something. If the children go to the kindergarten or school, and the wife sits at home, it may be worth raising the issue of her employment. If you earn enough money, find your wife some hobby that will not let her get bored and distract from silly thoughts.
  • Say it as it is. Do not accumulate resentments and claims in yourself, but talk to your spouse about them. Surely this will make her look at herself from the side and change her behavior.
  • Remember the good times. After all, once your relationship was harmonious. Pleasant memories stimulate you to change something for the better.
  • Have time to get bored. So that your wife does not bother, you should not always be together. Periodically come out separately, spend time in different companies. It may even be worth practicing separate leave.
  • Do not “bring” your annoyance home. Try to understand if it’s your wife who’s tired of you, or you just take out the anger on her because of troubles at work.
how to get rid of a tired wife

Tips for women

Surely no woman would want to hear from her husband: "I'm tired of my wife, I want another." To avoid this situation, follow these recommendations:

  • Talk more. Start conversations with your spouse, tell him something interesting, ask for advice and advise him. Simple human words of support are sometimes important.
  • Get rid of the routine. Constantly try to bring some kind of novelty into the relationship. Arrange romantic dinners, initiate joint outings, and so on.
  • Take care of yourself. Do not turn into a housewife in curlers and a greasy bathrobe. At home you need to be as neat and attractive as in public.
  • Remember often what you used to be. Try to keep in yourself those qualities for which the man once loved you.
  • Be interesting. Being a good hostess is certainly important. But household chores are taken for granted. But if you can realize your career, or find some interesting hobby, your spouse will look at you in a completely different way.
  • Visit your home more often. Communicating with other people, getting new experiences, you will be charged with a good mood. Thus, you will not constantly mutter with annoyance, annoying your spouse.
Does the wife bother


Before you say that your wife is tired of you, think about whether you will be cozy, comfortable and calm without her. Imagine you got divorced. Won't you miss the taste of her dishes, her loving look, her sweet chatter? Can you build a family with another woman? And where is the guarantee that the other after a while will not begin to annoy you? Yes, there are times of crisis in relationships. But you need to have wisdom and patience to ride out the “storm” and open a new happy page in family life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4454/

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