Question: why does a person need a person?

why is man needed
The question of why a person needs a person is asked repeatedly by people. And everyone thinks that he knows the answer, but not everyone can formulate it. Let's try to figure out why a person needs a person.

From a biological point of view

Like animals, we are mammals. We are also driven by instincts: we want to eat, sleep, protect our family, protect our home, continue our family and so on. You can talk about it endlessly. The only thing that distinguishes us from animals is the mind, the ability to think, to be aware. We got it in the course of evolution. Philosophers from ancient times have been looking for the answer to the question of why people are needed. And strangely enough, they still can’t find him. There are two points of view: scientific and religious. From the point of view of the first, man is a material creation that was born in the course of biological progress. For example, Darwin concluded that we were descended from a monkey. It is impossible to prove it even now, as well as to refute it. From the point of view of the church, man is the creation of the Lord, that is, a higher power that no one has ever seen, but at the same time everyone believes that it is. And yet, why does man need man? From the point of view of survival - it is much easier to survive as a group. In this regard, we are very similar to animals. They also unite in packs, prides, where always

why do we need people
there is a leader who leads everyone else.

From a spiritual point of view

A person’s need for communication and being close to his kind originates from the most ancient times, when people still did not even know how to communicate. It's just that in a society like you, it is always easier to be and experience life's difficulties. Social contacts appear at birth. The first person we see and perceive is mom. And further, throughout life, no matter how our fate may be, we cannot break this connection. Family relations follow the same principle . In difficult moments, we seek support from these people, in moments of happiness we share our feelings with them. When we start our own family, there is a need to create, to protect. So, we can conclude why a person needs a person:

  1. For a comfortable life and pastime.
  2. For communication, exchange of information.
  3. For help, both physical and moral.
  4. For a love relationship.
  5. For friendships.
  6. To continue the genus.
  7. In order to have someone to live for.
  8. To go through life together.
  9. For support in difficult times.
  10. In order to share joy, happiness.
  11. In order to feel warm in cold weather, both literally and figuratively.
    human needs human

Etc. The list of reasons why a person needs a person can be continued endlessly. Probably, each of us will be able to replenish it with something, because despite the fact that we are people, we are all different. In conclusion, I would like to recall the film, where the main role was played by Tom Hanks, entitled "Outcast." In this film we can see what loneliness did to a person, the lack of people, what torment he was doomed to. Of course, to be alone sometimes I want to think, reflect. But sooner or later this state will come to an end - and then a person will need a person.


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