"Tinder Dating", mobile version: reviews, features and interesting facts

Social networks and the Internet, which have become part of everyday life, have greatly simplified the way people get to know each other. However, recently dating has become a new-fangled trend - with the help of special applications and services. The article will focus on Tinder - how it works, what it is for, reviews and methods of use.


Tinder is a mobile application designed specifically for dating. Present on the Android and iOS platforms. The prototype of the program was a service for dating between representatives of non-traditional orientation. By the way, “tinder” from English translates as “fuse”.

tinder dating mobile version reviews

The application has gained popularity due to the fact that it uses geolocation to identify users in the immediate vicinity of the smartphone, as well as a quick way to choose the option you want. The goals of dating are both long-term relationships and short-term ones.

Work algorithm

The principle of the application is based on the compilation of your own profile, which indicates: gender, age and name. The main source of assessment of a potential partner are photos uploaded by the user. The process of viewing candidates takes place in the screening mode of the entire set of pictures of people. If the user liked, then the corresponding label is put, if not, the photos are shown further. Each participant of the service does this, and if there are matches, then the couple is informed about this. From this moment, they can start a chat with each other and arrange a personal meeting and continued communication.

Project development

The founders of Tinder are Hatch Labs. For the first time, the program was released in 2012. As of 2014, the number of estimates exceeded 400 million per day. In 2015, the studio introduced additional paid features that were required to expand the capabilities and further develop the application.

tinder dating site reviews

Today, Tinder is a leader in downloads in app stores.

How to meet on the Tinder network?

After downloading and installation, the running application will prompt you to enter the profile. To do this, there is a convenient opportunity to log in through your Facebook account. However, for this, the Facebook application itself must also be present on the device.

All basic information about age, gender and name will be “pulled” from the social network. Therefore, before using Tinder, you can change some data on Facebook, if necessary.

How to create a profile?

The main criterion is photography. Therefore, it should be clear and the presence of the user himself is desirable on it. The more photos, the more in detail it will be possible to evaluate the good and bad sides of a person.

computer program tinder reviews

To expand the search area, you need to specify this in the settings. This is due to the fact that in the current city or locality there may not be suitable options.

To start looking for a partner, you must specify the range of age of interest, as well as gender. Then the application will offer the first candidate. The screen will show his photo, name and age. To indicate that the user liked, just swipe the screen to the right or click on the heart. Swipe to the left or a cross means that the candidate was not interested.

As soon as a pair is formed, that is, two people indicated in each other's profiles that they are interested in meeting each other, Tinder will notify you of this. Now you can start communicating with a potential soul mate through the built-in chat.

Reviews about dating in the mobile version of "Tinder" and recommendations

Users who constantly use Tinder have developed their strategies using the correct dating methodology. They vary, depending on who gets acquainted - a guy or a girl. Which is quite natural, because often different goals are pursued.

tinder how does it work

Here is a small set of patterns from dating reviews in the mobile version of "Tinder" for girls:

  • You should not publish too frank photos, as this emphasizes accessibility.
  • If the couple came together and liked the guy very much, you should not write to him first, let him show imagination and interest the girl.
  • In communication, you should use fewer different emoticons, signs and "emoji", sometimes a banal "hello" looks much more aesthetic.
  • You should not publish photos with other guys, brothers, etc., since this is a clear signal for men - this is either an ex or an existing boyfriend, and, accordingly, a hindrance.

Reviews about dating in the mobile version of "Tinder" from men look a little different:

  • Always write first. There was a coincidence - write, one more - write more.
  • To eradicate the banal “Hello! How are you?" and write something about what is shown in the photo and can help you get to know each other.
  • Show as much interest in the girl as possible.
  • Do not delay with a personal meeting. The sooner the guy offers to meet, the better.
  • The meeting place is better to choose closer to the partner's place of residence. This will increase the chances of a successful outcome, because she will not have to go through the whole city.
  • Good photos. Pictures from the gym or fitness center are great.

Success and Failure at Tinder

The percentage of successful and failed dating in Tinder varies. Some users note that in reality everything does not happen as fast as they wanted. Someone in their reviews of the mobile version of dating in “Tinder” says that very few partners responded when trying to find a couple. And only one case out of ten came to a real meeting. Analyzing the situation, the user writes that the whole thing is possible in the approach of the application - you need to evaluate a person in just a few seconds from a photograph, which, of course, does not fully understand his inner world.

who can be found in dating apps from tinder

Many positive reviews about the Tinder dating site come from people who appreciate the simplicity of the process. What could be simpler - sit, choose, like a person - swipe to the right, do not like - to the left. There is no need to suffer from strong disappointments in case of failure, because there are still many options with which everything can turn out.

Also, from the reviews of the Tinder dating site, one can understand that the service has a very small percentage of the so-called “scammers” and “breds”, which are full of many online services of similar subjects.

But do not neglect the successful cases of acquaintance and further relations. Among the reviews on the Tinder computer program, you can find many good finals when people really find each other and are in a relationship to this day.

As for the application itself, a lot of reviews are devoted to how quickly the program “eats” the battery.

General tips and tricks for everyone

These small tips will help everyone increase their chances of a successful meeting.

Among those you can find in the dating app from Tinder, more often people come forward smiling at their photos. After all, they carry a positive and good mood, which means they are disposed to themselves.

how to get to know each other on the tinder network

It is believed that the most successful angle for photography is a half-profile. It is worth applying this trick more often to increase your chances of a successful acquaintance.

It is very easy to talk about your hobbies with the help of appropriate photos. People who support the same lifestyle and goals will appreciate and see “their” person.

When chatting, it is very important to remain literate, to use unusual speech speed. Now this is a trend, and the absence of grammatical and spelling errors is a big step towards success.

Even if the user is looking for a partner for one night, it is still worth pointing out broader prospects. Who knows what the first date will be like? Maybe it will lead to a serious relationship.

Do not immediately immediately filter out people with phrases such as "not a sponsor" or "scary past." This not only repels potential good candidates, but also indicates bias.

Humor, irony and the ability to laugh at oneself are important factors that are relevant in any environment and era. It is worth using them for your own purposes.

failed dating in tinder

To conduct an interesting conversation, you need to learn more about your interlocutor. To do this, you can carefully study his profile in social networks and bring conversation topics to what is closer to him.

You should not send your photos, especially of an intimate nature to unfamiliar people. This could turn into extremely negative consequences in the future.

If the meeting did take place, it is advisable to carefully prepare for it. To boys - in order to surprise as much as possible, to girls - to show themselves in all their glory.


It remains to be hoped that the tips from the article will be useful to beginners in online dating. Someone for a couple of meetings, others for a serious relationship. The application is still gaining momentum in Russia, and every day the database is replenished with more and more "applicants". Therefore, it is worth downloading "Tinder", log in and see who is ready to meet in your hometown.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4465/

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