Mosaic in the kitchen: types, styling, design

Whatever interior style is chosen for the kitchen, the mosaic is most often chosen for an apron. This is a good solution both in terms of design and as a search for wear-resistant material. In the catalogs of building hypermarkets a huge number of the most diverse options are presented. They differ in price, material of execution, type of drawing and many other parameters. And this means that it is possible to choose a mosaic in the kitchen that will be 100% consistent with preferences. It should also be combined with the general interior style of the room.

Like any other material, mosaic has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing, you should pay attention to such important factors as the material of manufacture, installation method, size and configuration of the elements. In general, there will be more than enough cases. In order to better prepare for the implementation of the plan and mount the mosaic without difficulty, it is important to prepare well and study the issue in detail. This article will help.

Mosaic in the kitchen: characteristics and features of the decorative element

Why is it worth choosing this facing material? The main feature of the mosaic is its unusual appearance, aesthetic appeal and unlimited possibilities for selection. Probably no more material can decorate the kitchen like that. Mosaic today is popular all over the world and, as already mentioned, is used in various stylistic directions.

Cladding material is characterized by a small size and, as a rule, has a square or rectangular shape. Sometimes there are round, triangular and hexagonal elements. The mosaic can be monophonic, consist of several shades, have a pattern or even form a pattern with the correct layout. It is made of materials such as mirror, ceramics, stone, porcelain stoneware and so on.

In what areas of the kitchen is mosaic usually laid?

The most often apron lining. Sometimes all the walls are laid out with mosaics in the kitchen, but this option involves large financial and time costs. Therefore, it is wiser to highlight only one zone - an apron. Why? Because the apron defines the main part of the room, so to speak, the heart of the kitchen. In this area, the main items of furniture and appliances are located: worktops, sinks, small household appliances, hob, range hood. Seen from the other side, the apron protects the walls from grease, water, soot and other contaminants. Therefore, it is very important that the selected cladding meets the stated requirements. And the mosaic is just one of them.

Advantages and disadvantages of facing material

Varieties of mosaics for a kitchen apron

Mosaic in the kitchen for an apron has only two drawbacks: the complexity of the calculation and the high cost. Small elements are really very difficult to lay down, for this you need to have a certain level of dexterity and be extremely accurate. Accordingly, a lot of time is spent on laying in comparison with the installation of ordinary tiles. In addition, grouting is not such a simple process - this stage will require an investment of no less time.

Although there are few shortcomings, they are weighty enough to abandon this undertaking. But do not rush, because you still need to get acquainted with the advantages:

  • Aesthetics. The decorative properties of the mosaic can not be overestimated - it looks incredibly stylish and beautiful.
  • Quality. Mosaic has excellent wear resistance, is not afraid of moisture, neither high / low temperatures, nor household chemicals - in general, nothing. Although it is relatively expensive, the investment is more than justified by the durability of the facing material.
  • Range. In construction stores there are a lot of different options for mosaics, you can even find it made of artificial material, so it will be much cheaper.
  • Care. Mosaic for an apron in the kitchen does not require any special cleaning measures, so the usual household chemicals are suitable for it. Moreover, this material is less noticeable pollution.

Varieties of mosaics

This cladding can be classified by type of material, configuration and size of elements, and method of attachment. Often the main role in the selection is played by the form. In addition to the "standard" geometric shapes, there are "broken" elements. This variety is usually created manually, it can even be done independently. But the layout will look mesmerizing and fill the kitchen with extraordinary attractiveness.

The size of the elements also matters. Usually mosaic details are made in the formats 10x10, 15x15 and 20x20 mm. This parameter may vary slightly depending on the shape of the parts. Also on the market there are elements in the format 50x50 and 100x100 mm. Here you should rely only on your own preferences.

Classification by type of material

Mosaic for decorating an apron in the kitchen

Mosaic in the kitchen is often selected depending on the raw materials used in the production. It can be the most diverse, starting with gypsum and ending with metal. Material such as wood is also considered popular. But, given that humidity is increased in this area, it is worth choosing from the following options:

  • Ceramics. Like tile, it is made from clay. However, it differs from it in a variety of shapes and colors. It is also durable and resistant to negative influences from the outside. There are both expensive options and cheap ones. But, the lower the price, the worse the quality will be. And, accordingly, the service life will be reduced.
  • A rock. High quality material, but rough and heavy. The stone is not recommended for use in a kitchen apron, as it is rough and has a porous surface.
  • Porcelain tile. Something between stone and ceramics: in strength and properties it is similar to the first, and in terms of production method - with the second. It is quite expensive, but differs in the highest quality and wear resistance, and therefore it will last a very long time.
  • Glass. It has the most pronounced decorative properties. Translucent glass elements shimmer, reflecting the incident light. This mosaic is very easy to care for.

Mirror mosaic is also popular - it makes it possible to visually change the proportions of the room. For example, the diagonal way of laying will contribute to the visual expansion of the space, and small elements will increase the distance between the upper and lower parts of the kitchen. According to its properties and quality, the mirror is correlated with tile. But smalt, used for decoration since ancient times, is characterized by the fact that it can create the effect of handmade, and therefore it looks expensive and stylish.

Classification by mounting method

As a rule, the manufacturer supplies facing materials to stores in a form in which it will be more convenient for the buyer to work with him. Individual fragments are combined in the form of a matrix of various sizes, which is collected on a grid or paper basis. The choice depends on how it will be more convenient to fix the mosaic. If this is a paper base, then laying out is done by attaching the tiles to the solution applied to the wall. When it dries, the paper peels off, revealing the front side. If the mesh, the matrix is ​​laid on the solution with the back side, that is, the one that has a mesh base.

Sometimes craftsmen create a mosaic on the kitchen wall on their own, breaking the material into pieces of different shapes, which are then randomly laid out. In this case, it is not recommended to apply the solution immediately over a large area, otherwise it will dry quickly.

Popular design options

Mosaic picture for apron decoration

An important part is the choice of design. You can relate to the question without enthusiasm, using the classic styling option. And you can approach it with all responsibility, combining various forms and materials together, so you can create an unusual composition.

If you do not want to mess with the design of the mosaic in the kitchen, you can turn to more classic options. Among them are such basic areas:

  • plain surface - a standard technique in which a mosaic of one shade is used;
  • the mix is ​​a simple option, but differs from the previous one in the greatest variety, since it combines several shades belonging to the same color scheme, as well as several randomly arranged elements of a contrasting tone;
  • a pattern is a more complex technique, in which complete ornaments of any complexity are created from separate drawings by combining elements;
  • the picture is the most difficult option, which is recommended not to think through yourself, but to buy ready-made sets of your favorite compositions.

Glass mosaic in the kitchen for apron decoration

Glass mosaic for kitchen apron

This option is practical and easy to care for, looks beautiful, is inexpensive, and therefore is one of the most popular. Most often, glass mosaics are painted in various colors, creating unusual, vibrant compositions. As a rule, elements are made in sizes of 1x1, 1.5x1.5 or 2x2 cm. The thickness of the products is about 3 cm. Mosaic details are matte, transparent or translucent, with decorative impregnations and other additions. You can achieve a simple but stylish design, alternating a white mosaic in the kitchen with one or more bright shades: light green, yellow, blue. Or pick neutral colors. This design is incredibly beautiful, as you can see by looking at the photo above.

Stone mosaic

granite mosaic apron

As already mentioned, natural material is quite expensive. That is why they choose it much less often. Also, do not forget about the characteristics of the stone - it is heavy and rough. If, nevertheless, the choice is based on such a mosaic, it will look incredibly beautiful in the interior of the kitchen, making it more β€œalive”. However, not every stone is suitable: it is recommended to choose between granite and basalt. An example of such a mosaic is presented in the photo above.

Porcelain and ceramic mosaic

These options are the most diverse, are versatility and high quality. But you should remember about their differences. Ceramic elements are produced separately, and porcelain tiles are ceramic tiles cut into pieces. They will also add uniqueness to the interior.

Metal mosaic

Metal mosaic for the kitchen

Another universal and high-quality material that will delight the eye for decades. Most often, steel mosaic tiles are laid in the kitchen. Less commonly, copper. But both options have excellent decorative properties and exceptional characteristics - strength and durability.

Mirror apron

Mirror mosaic in the kitchen

With its help, you can achieve an effect similar to glass. However, the mirror has its own personality, affecting the proportions of the room in one way or another.

Technical component: requirements for the basis and choice of glue

The surface should be smooth and even - this is the main rule. Only in this way will the mosaic fit tightly. Otherwise, it will turn out wavy, repeating all the surface irregularities. This will be especially noticeable on glass and mirror mosaics.

There are 3 types of adhesive used for such work:

  • on the basis of cement of rigid or elastic composition - for ceramics, natural stone and glass;
  • dispersive one-component adhesive - for glass;
  • two-component reactive adhesive solution - natural stone.

Step-by-step installation instructions

The layout of the cladding is carried out in several stages. If the finishing performed prior to this is of poor quality, the walls are first leveled. Next, you need to mark the surface. An area is planned on the wall, which, in fact, will be an apron. Everyone has the right to determine the area independently, making it larger or smaller. But usually this is the whole area that is located between the upper and lower cabinets. Do not forget about the part of the wall between the hood and the stove.

How to glue mosaic in the kitchen? Initially, you need to verify the evenness of the marking line, both above and below. Then part of the wall, hereinafter referred to as the apron, is covered with the selected type of glue. By the way, it is not worth saving on it. Cheaper options will creep under the weight of the mosaic, which will significantly complicate the already painstaking work. So, if there is a risk of such a problem, you can make a kind of limiter in the form of a shelf. Drywall or profile is suitable for its manufacture.

Laying the mosaic is made depending on the basis. It is already known that it can be mesh or paper. This is not to say which framework is easier to work with. Here the choice depends solely on the type of material the mosaic is made of.

The paper base involves applying tiles to the wall, the mesh - on the contrary, that is, the grid will remain on the adhesive layer. So all the matrices are laid out, neatly, alternately and leisurely. It is better to apply glue to the wall in small areas so that it does not dry. When all the elements form an apron, the paper base is removed (if you come across this option).

The next step is to clean the joints from glue residue. This is done with a brush. When the excess is removed, grouting is done. There are much more of them than when laying ordinary tiles, so you have to tinker. You will need a grout mixture, which is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions, and a spatula. She needs to tightly fill all the seams. It is recommended to move the rubber trowel at an angle - this way it is much simpler and a little faster. When the grout dries, the stains on the mosaic are cleaned with a damp sponge. That's the whole process of laying fine tiles. Having understood each step, it will be very simple to perform these manipulations.


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