Dream Interpretation: what is the dream of a guy with another girl?

Dreams, especially those in which we had to deal with the betrayal of a loved one, can not only ruin our mood for the whole day, but also make us doubt the integrity of the second half. But is it worth it to worry if your beloved guy is dreaming of another girl? Perhaps this is just a trick of the subconscious and do not attach importance to such dreams? Let's turn to dream books that will help us find out why a guy is dreaming of another girl.

The Miller's Explorer

what is the dream of a guy with another girl

What does a guy with another girl dream about? Miller's authoritative dream book knows. If you have already parted with a guy who dreamed of you at night, then such a dream indicates an existing offense. Perhaps you are not comfortable with the current state of affairs, or you are unhappy with your own behavior.

A dream with a former lover who exchanged you for another beauty may indicate your excessive credulity. Such a dream means that the feelings have not cooled down yet and there is a high probability that you will be together again.

Dream Wanga

If a guy who likes is having a dream with another girl, such a dream is not always directly related to his personal life. Most likely, you will have problems with study or at work. Any initiative you take will be punishable. You should wait a while with the realization of your own ambitions. If the guy who went to another, managed to return back to the end of the dream, then you can find a way out of any difficult situation, become successful, no matter what.

Shot-explorer Medea

Does the guy kiss another girl? Why does such a dream dream, the witch Medea will tell. Sleep indicates your inner experiences, distrust of your beloved. You feel fear and think that a young man is capable of treason. Perhaps in real life he had never crossed the line of what was permissible, but he glanced with interest at attractive girls.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

dreaming of a guy who likes another girl

This sleepwalker will tell you what a guy is dreaming of with another girl. If in a dream you became a witness of how your young man passionately kisses a beautiful stranger, then in reality you should expect dramatic changes. Your life will become more interesting, positive.

Lott's Explorer

This dream book also believes that such a dream is a good sign. If in a dream your lover showed interest in another woman, hugged her or kissed her, then rest assured - in real life, he will never allow himself this. Your boyfriend cherishes relationships and will not exchange.

Dream Interpreter Navi

why dream a guy kisses another girl

Boyfriend hugs another girl? Why such a dream is dreamed, the dreamer of the famous witch knows. Navi says that ahead of you are waiting for incredible changes that will only benefit. Currently, you feel lonely despite being in a relationship. You are absolutely dissatisfied with what is happening and are mentally prepared for the most radical changes, perhaps even for parting.

Esoteric dream book

What a guy is dreaming of with another girl can be found out from this source. If you are jealous of watching a young man kiss or communicate with a sexy stranger, then in real life you are completely dissatisfied with everything that is happening around. The commentator says that the time has come to listen to the inner voice, to trust intuition. Only in this case, everything will start to work out for you. Perhaps in the near future you will receive unexpected help from someone you have not noticed before.

East dream book

dreamed beloved boyfriend with another girl

Dreams of this kind are an unfavorable sign. If you had a photo in which your young man and a pretty person of the opposite sex are captured, then there is reason to think. Pay attention to the company with which your lover communicates. Perhaps, under the influence of evil, he will make a rash act or just chill to you. You need to be wary of those whose men do not mind flirting with unfamiliar young ladies.

However, if your partner does not give you reason for jealousy, then you can not even react to such dreams. They are unlikely to carry any meaning. Stop wrapping yourself up and do something useful, enjoyable. Take a break.

Dream Interpretation Longo

The dream in which you saw your young man with another girl indicates your inner tension, real experiences. It makes sense to arrange a frank conversation with your lover, to tell him about what is happening inside. Perhaps you will be able to find peace of mind, find answers to questions of interest.

Lunar Dream Book

if the ex-boyfriend dreams with another girl

If the former guy dreams with another girl, you are afraid to take the initiative in your own hands. Most likely, in reality you are completely unsure of your own abilities, try to smooth out problems, and not solve them. If your lover kisses a stranger, you have no reason to worry about relationships that will soon reach a new, higher level.

A young man hugs a stranger - you have doubts about his loyalty. Having sex with another girl - a symbol of the fact that it is time to work on yourself. Maybe you have completely relaxed, believing that your soulmate is not going anywhere. Try to get rid of habits that annoy your man, pay attention to your own appearance, spend more time together.

If in a dream you found your beloved in bed with an unknown young lady - a good sign. Such a dream indicates that your choice was right. The man next to you is simply not capable of treason or other betrayal.

To dream in a dream of your lover, who dreamed in an embrace with his wife, is an unfavorable sign. In the near future you will feel lonely and helpless.

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

The dream in which you admitted to treason is positive. A man walking with you in life loves you very much and does not think about anyone else. Ahead is only a happy and calm family life.

Modern dream book

why is a guy hugging another girl

The dream in which you saw your beloved with another girl can warn of impending financial problems, as well as that you will find yourself in an absurd, shameful situation. In order to avoid such troubles, do not go about your own emotions, keep a distance in communication with colleagues. A dream in which you met your boyfriend in an embrace with a representative of the weaker sex may portend a new acquaintance. A stormy romance will develop into a serious relationship, and then a wedding, children.

Generalized interpretation

Most dream books agree that a dream of this kind is a bad omen. As a rule, girls who have absolutely no satisfaction with how things are in their personal lives dream of such dreams. It seems to them that the world is unfair, and they receive much less from it than they deserve.

However, the problem must be sought, first of all, in oneself. She hides in the psychological characteristics of the personality. For example, a girl cannot achieve her goals because of her naivety or weak character. Try to gather your thoughts, be patient and set yourself a specific task that must be completed, no matter what. Having achieved a positive result, you will learn to go towards your goals, feel the taste of victory, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4474/

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