USSD - what is it? MTS USSD requests. USSD-teams "Megaphone"

Each person using a mobile phone knows that there is a set of technical commands with which you can perform various actions related to your subscriber number. For example, you can check your balance in this way, find out the status of a particular service, check the balance of bonuses, and so on. All this is possible thanks to the interaction function - the interaction of the human subscriber and the operator system in real time. Thus, you can directly send some data that the service perceives and processes.

Message exchange

All this is possible due to a special exchange of teams. As you can see, information about your balance, what kind of tariff is connected, about the actions that are available, and much more, comes to your device in the form of messages. Your task after such a message arrives is to respond appropriately. If you are talking about an information alert, you do not need to do anything - just read it. It is also possible that this is a command menu, and in it you need to select a specific item using numbering. For example, it can be a list of actions that can be performed by indicating their number in the list.

All this is familiar to you, since each user has repeatedly come across this. All these commands and actions are called the general term - USSD. What it is will be described in our article today. It will be devoted to this format of data reception and transmission. In it we will talk about the features, applications, as well as the most popular USSD teams of Russian operators.

What is USSD?

USSD what is it

First, we decrypt and translate the abbreviation. "Unstructured Supplementary Service Data" translates as "an additional service that allows data transfer." If you look, then this is really so. We know: a lot of technical requests go through USSD (what kind of requests are, we will talk more). To organize their reception and instant response in any other way and in such an operational time would not work - only the quality of this service allows to achieve such a result. An Internet connection is not available on all devices, and obtaining information via SMS takes longer. And knowing the USSD code, any operation can be carried out quickly and simply, in a matter of seconds! Because of this, obviously, the system became so widespread in the form of technology used on every mobile phone.

Even before the advent of mobile Internet, various instant messengers and the numerous software with which communication now takes place, the technology discussed in this article successfully performed its functions of communicating between the subscriber and his device with the operator’s center, the company serving the user.

Request format

It is also important to mention what rules and requirements are set for teams. After all, there are a number of restrictions that apply to USSD. What these restrictions and requirements are, it’s easy to understand - just remember how you type the team to check the account. That's right, first you enter the symbol “*” (the so-called “asterisk”), then - the number you would like to contact for the operation (for example, 111); followed by the symbol "#" (the so-called "lattice"). Obviously, she is closing the team.

In addition to the marked characters, the USSD request may also contain prefixes. As a rule, they serve to select an option within an existing team. For example, you need to dial * 111 * 1 #. Separates the prefix from the main number using the "asterisk". This means that the subscriber, within the framework of a given command, selects the first option (for example, when switching to a tariff plan, this is important).

USSD request


If we talk about how the interaction between the subscriber and the server occurs, then we should mention the session technology. This means that the exchange of information takes place in one session, without involving the database. In turn, this means the following: if, in the case of SMS messages, the subscriber can receive them even after sending (for example, when his phone was disconnected), then with USSD requests the data is not saved anywhere and only “lives” for one session. Due to this, we can say that such an interaction is instantaneous and instantaneous, without a long existence.

It is also important to say about USSD that it is a text-only service. It does not support voice signal transmission, and you cannot make calls using it. It differs from SMS technology in that the latter is intended for the exchange of information between subscribers, and USSD allows you to send requests to the server. That is why, even in the initial part of the article, we called it the “technical” way of communication.

Where is it used?

We have already partially covered the purpose of using the USSD request in the previous parts of the article. However, in order to more clearly form the reader’s understanding of this technology, we will tell a little more.

USSD teams

So, as for the service, we figured it out: operators using USSD send people information about their balance, about the latest new tariff plans, about how many people can use this or that service, and so on. In order to reproduce a particular function, for each of them there are special USSD commands. Entering them in the phone, the subscriber receives pre-programmed information that interests him. Easy, simple and free - everything that meets the ideals of service. But this is only one of the areas of application.

Any USSD number can also be used for entertainment. Media content providers offer subscribers by entering a request to receive the latest music hits, videos and other options on their mobile. This is done as follows: first, the subscriber accesses the service, then his device displays a menu with available services. To select one of them, simply enter the number that corresponds to the menu item. Thus, the interaction is carried out.

In addition, informing is a great application for technology. The operator can configure the short number to provide the subscriber with data on a particular topic in the shortest possible time - as simple and easy as possible. And, in truth, some operators take advantage of this. For example, sometimes the location of the nearest communication salon of the network in which the subscriber is served is reported via USSD; or with the help of the service menu caused by such short requests, it is possible to show the user various interesting commercial offers.

USSD on tablets

Megaphone USSD

Since USSD commands are entered on mobile devices, it is obvious that their use is somewhat difficult on some tablet computers. It is about using SIM cards with wireless internet on tablets without a GSM module. In this situation, the subscriber sees alerts from the operator, but, due to the lack of access to the call menu, he cannot dial the command he needs. Checking the balance of the account because of this becomes impossible.

For this, there are special applications and add-ons for your device. For example, such a USSD-Widget for Android tablets can be downloaded from Google Play. This will allow the subscriber to use all communication services with less restrictions. For iOS, such software, respectively, can be downloaded from the Appstore.

Such applications are required exclusively for those tablets that do not have the ability to make calls. After all, as you know, there is a category of devices that can dial the phone numbers of other subscribers using the built-in GSM module. True, this applies mainly to the so-called "phablets" - small tablets that differ from the phone only in the size of their displays. Larger devices like the iPad, of course, do not. Applications for sending USSD requests that are installed on the operating system of such devices allow this.

USSD "Megaphone"

USSD team "Megaphone"

Now, having described the capabilities of the technology, we give information about the commands that telecom operators use. Let's start with the Megafon company. It is very easy to find USSD-requests of this operator - they are described on a single page of the company's official portal. Here, first of all, they mention the team that all subscribers without exception appeal to - balance check. This can be done by introducing * 100 #. Do not forget that, having typed a command, you must press the call key on your device.

Megafon divided its other USSD commands into different sections depending on their functions. For example, reference information can be found by the following commands: access to your personal account (* 105 #); information about the My Number service (* 205 #); checking the remaining bonuses (minutes, megabytes) on the account (* 558 #); receiving information about paid services by your number (* 105 * 559 #). We also did not forget about roaming - in order to find out about additional services when leaving the territory, the * 601 # team will help. This, of course, is not all USSD commands. Megafon also lists requests in order to find out the latest requests (* 512 #), recent payments (* 105 * 12 #). You can find out about services by entering * 105 * 2 #, and about your tariff plan - * 105 * 3 #. To get data on available bonuses, you can dial * 115 #. To search for the nearest Megafon salon, the USSD request * 123 # serves.

In fact, there are much more teams - some of them are only responsible for some specific tariffs or options.

USSD Beeline

The set of commands that the subscriber is allowed to apply here is very similar to the set of "Megaphone". And in general, it should be noted that the functions that the subscriber can use using the USSD service are typical for most operators.

Judge for yourself. To determine your number (for those who cannot remember it in any way) there is a command * 110 * 10 #. The team common to all - checking the balance on a mobile account - is * 102 #.

To find out the balance of other services from Beeline, USSD commands from * 105 # to * 108 # are applied. It is now about SMS, MMS, Internet traffic. The last command allows you to check everything at once with a single message.

In order to replenish an account with a card, there is a request * 101 * X #, where instead of “X” you must indicate the number of the purchased recharge card. Another important code - * 110 * 09 # - allows you to determine what services are currently installed on your phone. If you don’t know what tariff plan is currently in effect and what it is, dial the command * 110 * 05 #. To ask another subscriber to call you back, just dial * 144 * subscriber number #, and replenish your account - the same number, only 143.

To order additional features also have their own requests. To activate the "anti-identifier", use the command * 110 * 071 #; and to enter the chat - * 110 * 511 #.


At the other largest Russian mobile operator, the situation is similar. MTS USSD requests are not much different from other operators. The command * 100 # allows you to find out the balance of the account, and * 145 # - to get a list of the last five paid actions that were performed by phone number. The tariff plan on which you are served can be seen using the command * 111 * 12 #, and in order to transfer funds to another person, you need to enter the command * 121 #.

USSD requests pay

If you are serviced by the MTS operator, you can also order additional services through the USSD service. For example, the option “Credit method” can be activated through the number * 150 #, and packages for working with the Internet can be connected by sending requests from * 111 * 423 # to * 111 * 443 #.

Like MegaFon, MTS USSD requests are clearly divided into entire blocks depending on their functions. Thus, it is quite easy to search among them for the service that you need at the moment.

USSD Tele2

Another operator whose teams I would like to describe is Tele2. To check the balance of this operator, the subscriber needs to enter * 105 #. For information about your phone number, use the command * 201 #, and to display data about the tariff plan on which you are serviced, * 107 #.

If you are currently in roaming and would like to know what services are available to you in order to save on communications - dial * 146 #. The subscriber who wants to use the entertainment content from the special "Tele2" portal, the number * 111 # will be useful.

You can also order additional services using USSD here. In particular, the Black List option, which blocks calls from certain subscribers, is ordered by sending a request * 202 * 1 * subscriber number #.

In the event that you notice that you have lost funds in an unknown direction from the account, you must enter * 153 # - this is a control service for connected paid services.

Finally, through the commands you can get the WAP, MMS or GPRS settings. It is very simple - drive * 202 #, then press the call.

A more complete list of available teams can be found on the official website of Tele2. There really are a lot of them.

USSD Rostelecom

Beeline USSD

A telecom operator like Rostelecom also uses USSD codes. The standard and most common request is * 105 #. With it, the subscriber can call the menu to check the balance on his account. The main menu for changing tariffs, ordering additional services and connecting various paid options is called by the Rostelecom operator USSD-code * 111 #.

If you do not know what tariff plan you are currently servicing, request * 107 # to help. For those who constantly forget their phone number, there is a command * 201 #.

You can replace the beep with * 115 #; ask to top up your account - * 123 * subscriber number #. The same applies to the ability to send "call me back, please" - done using * 118 * phone number #.

Of course, the operator has other request codes, some of which relate to specific tariffs and options. You can find them on the official website or from a company consultant.

USSD Velcom

Of course, USSD codes are valid not only in Russia. The Belarusian operator Velcom has a set of its own requests. In particular: * 100 # - a call for help on how much is left on your account; * 100 * 1 # - information about the bonus minutes available on the balance, SMS and MMS messages, as well as the amount of data in GPRS format.

Using some USSD, Velcom allows you to connect additional services. For example, * 200 * 1 # - an order for the Stopitsot service, * 424 # - “Melofon”, and * 126 * 1 * 4 # - activation of international roaming. With the help of other commands, you can simply control some settings: change “favorite numbers” (* 126 * 7 #); set the home region for your number (* 126 * 4 #).

Information services are also available in the USSD menu, for example, you can get a list of all the commands using the request * 126 * 9 #. This is perhaps the best opportunity to find out in the most convenient way how to perform the action you are interested in as soon as possible. Therefore, we recommend just remembering this command in order to have access to everyone else.


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