Feeder equipment in winter

The onset of cold weather does not become an obstacle for true fishing enthusiasts. Judging by numerous reviews, fisherman fishing is very popular . The equipment has proved its high efficiency when fishing fish in various reservoirs. The device is used in places with a strong current. According to experienced fishermen, they take the feeder on bream, perch and roach. Also with the help of this product you can fish other types of fish.

Understanding the design of the feeder for beginner anglers is not easy. However, according to experts, there is nothing complicated in this product. Most fishermen go to ponds with homemade appliances that are no less catchy than branded ones. Information about the device, the use of equipment and the installation of a winter feeder from ice is contained in the article.

bream feeder equipment

Acquaintance with the device

Ice feeder is a simple tackle that can be used on any pond. It is suitable for those who practice feeder fishing in the summer, but in winter this product is no less effective. By analogy with the summer in the winter feeder from the ice, the snap- in includes a feeder with the corresponding bait. According to experts, winter is much easier to collect. Using feeder mounting and bait, you can fix for the best the most hopeless fishing.

About design

The feeder equipment consists of the following elements:

  • fishing rods;
  • whip not less than 200 mm long;
  • special legs on which the fishing rod is installed at the hole;
  • a large and bright nod-guard;
  • forests;
  • leash;
  • hooks;
  • feeders.
snap mounting feeder

About Species

The equipment of the winter feeder is different, however, judging by the numerous reviews, for the under-ice fishing variant, fishermen mainly use the following types:

  • Gardner's loop. The fishing structure has great sensitivity and is considered the most common. The product is universal, as it is suitable for any water bodies. Structurally, it has much in common with a paternoster. This feeder equipment is intended for beginner fishermen. It will be easier for a beginner to master the fishing technique precisely with the Gardner loop.
  • "Helicopter". Feeder rigging is carried out in cases where it is necessary to vary the fishing horizon.
  • Paternoster. Judging by the reviews of fishermen, structurally, this equipment is considered the simplest.
  • Inline. This winter feeder equipment is used together with a spring feeder. As a bait, porridge is used.

About the Gardner Loop Features

The design was invented by the famous fisherman, feeder and floater Steve Gardner. Prior to this, many fishermen used similar equipment, but Gardner systematized the installation and made it popular. The loop is not only suitable for classic feeder fishing.

With the construction of Gardner, many fishermen use ordinary donkeys. Judging by the reviews, today most anglers do not use various wire taps and anti-twisting tubes. The design features of the equipment make it possible to replace the feeder with a conventional lead sinker.

This approach is mainly used in cases where roach are hunted in the pre-spawning period. According to experts, when a fish makes a move, it is impractical to use baits, since roaches often ignore them.

winter feeder accessories

Judging by consumer reviews, the snap feature is its self-intersection. After the fish has taken the bait, the fishing line is pulled, and the leash strikes the feeder. In this way, the fisherman detects. It only remains for him to make an additional cut and fish out the catch. Mostly this method is good if the fish is active enough and not too cautious. If the activity is low, with looped equipment, most bites turn out to be single.

To hunt for bream, experts advise taking a Gardner loop with an elongated leash to the pond. This recommendation is due to the fact that even with little resistance, the bream will spit out the bait. With an extended leash, resistance can be reduced. However, judging by the reviews, this measure is not always effective. If the loop design does not live up to expectations, it is worth experimenting with other feeder accessories.

About the advantages and disadvantages

The strengths of the loopback equipment include:

  • Constructive simplicity and the ability to perform quick installation. Experienced anglers knit a Gardner loop for one minute already on the pond itself.
  • The equipment can be used both in closed reservoirs and in reservoirs with a strong current.
  • During operation, the leash does not overlap with the feeder.
  • With the Gardner loop, you can use only one swivel.
  • The fishing device is quite effective both with monophilic fishing lines and with braided cords.

Despite the undeniable advantages of the Gardner loop is not without some drawbacks. The weaknesses of this fishing device include the following:

  • Loop equipment with monofilny fishing lines very often twists.
  • In places with passive fish, the Gardner loop is not sensitive enough, so experienced fishers take other feeder equipment to hunt too careful underwater inhabitants.

About the rod

According to experts, to equip the feeder with ice, you can use almost any winter fishing rod, for which both a simple reel and an inertia-free one are provided. It is very important that it does not wedge and that there is a sufficient supply of forests. Fishing will be much more convenient with a special stand. In order to improve signaling, gears are supplied with nods. You can also use a homemade fishing rod, the length of which varies from 50 to 100 cm. A handicraft is a combination of a winter fishing rod handle and a feeder top.

About fishing line

As experienced fishermen recommend, it is better to use monofil fishing line as a feeder equipment . It should be soft enough and resistant to abrasion. Despite the fact that classic winter fishing is carried out using ultra-thin monophilic gear, when operating the feeders, it is desirable that the diameter of the main scaffold be from 0.14 to 0.18 mm. Since the tackle sinks to the bottom of the pond and lies there, the fish may not pay attention to the thick fishing line, but fishing becomes much more convenient. For the leash of the equipment of the feeder use a fishing line, the diameter of which is 0.12 mm

ice feeder snap

About the feeder

As experts recommend, for ice feeder fishing, the bait should be equipped with bait so that it weighs less than when fishing from the shore. Water will exert minimal load on the fishing line and it will be easier to keep the feeder at the fishing point. It is better to use equipment with a small volume, since in winter too much of the bait mixture is not needed.

About snap

As experienced fishers recommend, for a feeder design you do not need to choose a too soft gatehouse. Otherwise, the current will have a strong effect on it. The gatehouse should be sensitive to bites, be at the right angle to the forest and not impede its movement. In the ice feeder, they use the same installations as in the summer. When choosing a leash diameter, you need to consider the activity of the fish. On average, it ranges from 0.08 to 0.11 mm. The length can be from 60 to 80 cm. The feeder equipment is equipped with hooks. Experts recommend taking products No. 16, 17 and 18.

winter feeder with ice snap mounting

About fish bait

The feeding mixture for feeder fishing in the winter can be very different. Some anglers use the same mixes as in the summer. These baits are already well tested by more than one generation of anglers and provide a good catch. Often they are additionally equipped with animal components. Some use special winter bait. Judging by the reviews, such mixtures have a weak aroma and their composition is not as nutritious as summer, so often feeder fishing lovers stop at the best option, which is obtained by mixing various baits. In winter, the feed consumption is small. Judging by the reviews, for two days a fisherman will need about one kilogram. When adding animal components to the dry mixture, it is important to observe the measure. If you overdo it, the fish will quickly get enough and ignore the bait. In addition, the bait will turn out too loose.

About bait

Experienced fishermen recommend using bloodworms or maggots as bait for the feeder. It is possible to fish bream, chub, silver bream and roach on these animal components.

winter ice feeder snap

According to experts, when using a feeder in winter, you cannot know for sure which fish will bite. There are frequent cases when the bait is eaten, but bites do not follow this. Judging by the reviews, in winter the use of dip is considered a rarity. If the fisherman still decided to use them, then you should choose an additive with the aromas of shrimp, worm, crab and bloodworms. Before using animal components, experienced fishermen figure out what the forage base of local fish consists of. In rivers, food brings flow; some of the fish are found in silt. Mainly those underwater inhabitants who catch food from the plume react to the feeder - the feeder will not scare such fish.

About a homemade fishing device

Judging by numerous reviews, most fishermen go to reservoirs with handicraft equipment. Do-it-yourself feeder accessories as follows:

  • At the end of the doubled main scaffold, make a loop for the leash. Its size should be in the range of 150-250 mm.
  • Stepping up 250 mm, tie a larger loop. A feeder will be attached to it.
beginner feeder accessories
  • On a long section a small eyelet is tied, to which a leash will be attached.
  • Tie a fastener to a short length. With its help, a feeder will be mounted in a snap.
  • Attach a leash and tie a hook.

After these steps, the feeder tool is ready for operation.

About choosing a place

Before you start using feeder equipment, you need to determine the most suitable place for fishing in the pond, because the fish chose a certain route for migration, and first of all it is necessary to find it. Mostly in winter, the most successful feeder fishing at the borders with fast and slow currents, along the coast or edge. It is in these places that the current blows a large amount of food, which attracts fish. Then you should study the bottom of the reservoir. After the depth is measured, the fisherman can draw a conclusion about the relief. At the point at which there is a sharp drop in depth, make holes. They must follow the stream one after another. This will make it possible to judge the presence of any other longitudinal points with sharp differences. After the holes have been made, the first feeding of the fishing point is carried out. Having equipped several small feeding troughs with a mixture with a feed bloodworm and lowering them to the bottom, the fisherman β€œsettles” a place on the pond. While gear is being prepared, the bait mixture performs its task. Its function is to attract and retain fish, and not to overfeed, therefore the content of bloodworms in the mixture should be insignificant, otherwise the fish will get enough and float away.

How to use?

In winter, ice feeders work in the same way as the summer option. The fishing process is as follows:

  • Unwind the feeder equipment and attach a feeder to it.
  • Equip it with a bait mixture and, holding the leash, carefully lower the tackle into the hole.
  • As soon as the feeder sinks to the bottom, the fishing line is pulled until the gatehouse is bent at the right angle.

In order not to miss the bite, you need to follow the nod. During the bite, he noticeably twitches. This element can weaken sharply, which also cannot go unnoticed by the fisherman. At this point, you can hook and fish the fish. If there are no bites within 20 minutes, the feeder is removed from the water and equipped with a new bait mixture.


According to experts, several styles and methods of fishing can be combined in fishing. Since various situations may arise in the reservoir, the fisherman will feel more confident if his arsenal consists of several options for feeder erection.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4499/

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