Skating is available for everyone

With the advent of winter and snow, we recall winter sports. Active people who prefer outdoor recreation rather than home can go skiing and learn the technique of skating. To do this, you need a special track and appropriate equipment: boots, skates for skating, fastening, ski poles. But the first thing you need is, of course, your desire and desire to learn.


If possible, it is better to enroll in the ski section, where they will provide you with everything you need, and a professional trainer will teach you how to skate. To begin with, so that you are sure that you will succeed, you can rent skis for skating at the box office. This is a good opportunity to solve the problem of unnecessary expenses, since in the event of failure of your attempts, disappointment and regret about the spent funds on equipment will not come. If you are determined to learn how to ski and learn this riding technique, then the first thing you need to do is go to the store and purchase skis for skating.

To do this, you can seek help from a professional consultant in the store or, knowing all the nuances, choose your own skiing. There are two types of skis: classic and skating. And to distinguish between them, it is necessary to know their differences. Visually, skating for skating is distinguished by a rounded toe and the presence of an edge on the side surface. There should be no roughness or roughness on the edges (especially pay attention if the skis are not new and you rent them). And also skating is more rigid than classic.

how to choose skis for skating

It is worth choosing skis slowly and approach this issue with all responsibility, since your health, safety when walking on them and positive emotions will depend on this. So, how to choose skis for skating? A simple method will help, which you can easily do yourself. To do this, put the skis on a flat, stable, hard surface and stand on them, equally distributing their weight. Skis should be hard enough - even when simulating a jolt, a very decent clearance should be maintained. Their length should be approximately 10-15 cm greater than the height of the skier.

In addition, you must select the appropriate sticks. They are selected depending on growth, while it is better to give preference to those that have mounts with special adjustment on the wrist.

skiing technique

Beginners need to know that such skis are usually slippery. Therefore, for starters, you need to choose a track with a small slope. The technique of skating on skis can be different, there are several options: half-skating, simultaneous two-step running and skating without repulsion (that is, without sticks). An important point is that the weight of the skier on the supporting leg and at each step moves from one leg to the other. The leg that makes the push bends and straightens after the push. You can not ride with a straight body and constantly bent legs. Having mastered the technique of skating, you will not want to return to classical skating, having forever loved this sport.


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