What does the Internet troll mean, how to distinguish it? How do trolls earn on the Internet? How to behave with trolls on the Internet? How to deal with trolls on the Internet?

Recently, a concept such as the Internet troll has appeared on the network. Who is this at all? How can I distinguish it from a regular user? What are we talking about? All this should be understood, because this issue concerns everyone and everyone. Someone even manages to receive money on his status! It would also be nice to know about the means of combating trolls on the network. Indeed, according to one term, it is clear that we are not talking about someone good. The association is unpleasant, nasty. And this is normal. So who are virtual trolls? How to recognize them? How to fight? About all this and not only - on!

internet troll


What does the internet troll mean? You can simply say - a pest. But this does not reflect the true meaning of the term and users. The thing is that trolling on the network is very common. And those who organize it are called trolls. They need to be recognized, and also able to deal with them.

What does the internet troll mean ? This is a user who communicates roughly, and also posts provocative posts and posts on a variety of forums and sites. Often such people write silly (sometimes even frankly "stupid") messages. We can say that the troll on the Internet is the one who behaves slightly inappropriately, spitefully, and even “teases” and provokes users. In general, it is difficult to define this concept. Usually, it means an evil prankster who enjoys provoking other people.

What does

The Internet troll, as we found out, is a kind of provocateur. But he, like any other user, has his own activity, which he trades. So what do such people do?

Of course, provocations. Trolls compose and invent silly provocative texts, mock users, ask obscure and ambiguous questions. In general, they annoy with all their might, viciously "pin up" and in every way attract attention to themselves with inadequate, sometimes stupid behavior.

Nothing more can be expected from them. Unless of sharp messages, insults, provocations. The Internet troll (a photo example is presented below) is the most ordinary user who constantly “dulls”, provokes and annoys. This we found out. These people need to be able to fight. But you should also learn to distinguish them from other users. After all, it is not always a provocation on the network or a stupid, ambiguous post - this is the work of the troll. How can you distinguish him from an ordinary person?

what does the internet troll mean


In general, this is not very easy to do. After all, there are no signs of a troll on the Internet. All you can do is rely on your own intuition. Nevertheless, there are some points for understanding who is in front of us. True, not everyone is able to pay attention to them.

Who are called trolls on the Internet? Provocateurs and inadequate. These are the main signs of trolling. Have you seen a stupid post that is distinguished by its bitterness? The handiwork of a troll!

It is also worth paying attention to user communication. Trolls, as a rule, constantly turn to personalities, repost messages and correspondence in order to evoke emotions in other participants in the conversation. Plus, the principle "I am the king, you are nobody" works here. That is, when communicating with the troll, you will notice that your interlocutor imagined himself to be the center of the universe. Also a clear sign of trolling.

Please note: this type of user is a provocateur. They will constantly touch upon “sore topics” in order to evoke emotions of the rest, and negative ones. Also, trolls often express an opinion on a particular issue that is fundamentally different from what is generally accepted on a forum or topic. Inadequate, sometimes stupid, uneducated and pompous user - this is the one who falls under the description of our today's term.

internet troll photo


Oddly enough, but trolling has its own classification. More precisely, the Internet troll can be different. In some cases, even recognizing such a user is difficult. So what types of inadequacies in the network can be encountered?

There are two concepts in total. This is a "fat" and "thin" troll. These users differ in their behavior. Therefore, you will immediately understand who you are dealing with. Especially if you have ever encountered provocations on the network.

How to distinguish a troll on the Internet? For example, “fat” is a typical inadequate. He simply attracts attention, often does not respond to adequate answers. Shy, trying, if something happens, to self-destruct. Fighting a fat troll is easy. Usually so called users "near", with a shaky nervous system. As some say, a typical rebellious schoolboy.

But the “thin” troll is already a more serious problem. Such recognition is not easy. And to figure out how to deal with trolls on the Internet of this type is also not always easy. Usually, the "subtle" are well versed in psychology, behave quite adequately, but manage to attract attention and also cause negative emotions in people. These are clever manipulators who always achieve their goal. Able even with complete peace of mind to bring the interlocutor to hysteria and a nervous breakdown. Very dangerous, especially for those who succumb to psychological influence without any problems.


Many people wonder how trolls earn on the Internet. After all, something drives users when they "go crazy" on the network. It is earnings that become the main motivation.

how do trolls earn on the Internet

In fact, usually all the profit of such a user is self-satisfaction with attention paid to his person. Or direct payment of "labor". Sometimes users turn to trolls to destroy forums and groups, and they are paid for this. The same applies to the "tricks" of various citizens. For example, if you want to play a trick on someone online and bring him to hysteria, turn to the troll.

Perhaps this is all the user data earnings. In real life, they work and earn income just like everyone else. It turns out that money is not the main motivation for the troll. Rather, a greater advantage is given by moral satisfaction with the scandal at the forum or site.

The answers

But how to behave with trolls on the Internet? Here you can offer several options for the development of events. A lot depends on what type you came across. Most often, of course, there are "thick" trolls. And to fight them is not so difficult as it might seem.

The first option, although not the best and most effective, is to respond to provocations. The main thing is to remain completely calm. Your answers should be reasonable, balanced. Try not to show that you are annoyed and put on emotion troll posts. After all, this is precisely what he achieves! As soon as it is noticed in your answers that you are not responding to provocations, they will leave you behind.

how to deal with trolls on the Internet

Calm, only calm

The next technique that will help you in the future is calm. Remember, the more indifference you show to the provocateur, the less interesting you will appear. It has already been said - the Internet troll in the first place simply attracts attention and provokes. Do not fall for these tricks.

Yes, sometimes it’s not so easy to keep calm. Especially if you come across a "thin" troll. Nevertheless, it’s worth trying. Otherwise, instead of rebuffing, you will attract a fool to yourself even more. This will make you an interesting target. So be calm, no aggression, even if you really want to.


The best and most effective option that you can offer is just ignoring it. Just do not notice the troll, do not respond to its provocations, by all means show that you do not care about him. The main thing is no aggression, only peace.

By the way, this option is relevant for all types of trolls. It doesn’t matter who is “fat” or “thin” in front of you, you can still otmazatsya by ignoring. Sometimes it’s not easy to do this, but you’ll have to try. Even if they brazenly get into your dialogue, don’t notice it.

In general, with any provocateurs, ignoring is the best weapon. Your interest will simply disappear, because there will be no emotions and attention needed by the troll on the network. So, it makes no sense to have a dialogue with you. It is a waste of time that will not bring any pleasure to a fool.


How to behave with trolls on the Internet? Often, users are simply not able to stay calm when provoked. And here you can only advise one thing - if you don’t have the strength and desire to endure, try trolling the troll. That is, to pay him back with his own “coin."

how to behave with trolls on the Internet

Trolls do not always expect this kind of behavior. Not too relevant, not particularly effective, but sometimes even this technique works. Especially if you have a “fat” troll, a typical schoolboy who is enough to put in place, to be taken by surprise.

Nevertheless, it is not recommended to go down to the level of such users. Only as a last resort, when there is neither the strength nor the desire to endure. And if you yourself enjoy provocation provocation. Sooner or later, a person will get tired of receiving returns, and he will lag behind you.

Black list

True, there is another rather interesting scenario. It is relevant for a variety of social networks. If someone is clinging to you and is already annoyingly mad with his "near" mind, and ignoring it did not help, you can resort to the last reception. It will help not to see provocative messages.

It's about adding a user to the blacklist. We can say the same ignore, but only forced. However, you can no longer receive messages from the provocateur. A good option if you are just annoyed by the troll's molestation. It is often used in a variety of forums and social networks.

Sometimes, in order not to think about how to deal with trolls on the Internet, you can contact the site administration with evidence of trolling so that the provocateur is banned. The inappropriate behavior that these users are famous for is usually a great reason to cover access to a resource. It’s also a good option, although soon there is a chance that the troll will register a new account.


So we met you with a rather interesting term that appeared on the network not so long ago. The Internet troll is who we are talking about. In addition, it is now clear how you can distinguish this provocateur, what and why he does. You won’t have to think about ways of dealing with such people either.

how to distinguish a troll on the Internet

Remember, there is such an expression: "Do not feed the trolls." It means that you just need to ignore user data, not give them what they are seeking - attention and emotions. Sometimes it’s not so easy, but it’s worth trying. It is ignoring that is your main weapon in the fight against provocations on the network. So do not stoop to the level of trolling, try not to apply it in response. This will only aggravate the situation. Show that you are not interested in dialogue - then there will be no attention to your person from the trolls.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K451/

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