The subtleties of breaking up relationships: how to part with a guy without offending him

Building a relationship between a guy and a girl can be quite difficult. The difference in perception of the world, tastes and views on the same things only complicate the situation. And it so happens that the relationship is established, but something does not add up. At one point, the girl realizes that her chosen one was not the one she represented next to her. And here a problem arises - how to part with a guy without offending him.

how to part with a guy without offending him

Why is it so difficult to disconnect

It often happens that it is no longer possible to be together. Relationships become bland, feelings cool down, your companion’s company becomes unpleasant for you. It would seem that the solution is obvious: to state directly that you need to leave. However, this is actually difficult to do. The reasons can be very different:

  • the girl is afraid that she will hurt the guy and he will suffer;
  • if the young man has a short temper, there is a danger that he may not understand the decisions of his companion and cause her physical pain;
  • there is a desire to remain friends, but a woman does not know how to part with a guy without offending him, so that he does not turn away from her;
  • the girl may also be afraid that the guy after breaking up will begin to tell others about her secrets.
    break up with a guy by sms

All these reasons make it clear that screaming scandals is not an option. Neither the girl nor the young man needs this. That is why it is necessary to know how to part with a guy without offending him.

Weigh the pros and cons"

Before you begin to think about a plan for a delicate breakup, you need to look at the situation from all sides and think about whether it is really necessary. From time to time, every relationship experiences a period of crisis. This may be due to some completely extraneous reasons. A guy or girl has problems with work, school, friends, family, etc. And if they do not find support in a relationship, it begins to seem to them that there is a stranger nearby who is not capable of understanding. But problems are finally resolved and resentment is forgotten. But the consequences of these grievances can fundamentally change lives. And not for the better.

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In order not to have to bitterly regret the consequences, you should not make decisions under the guidance of emotions. We need to calmly weigh and ponder. And if after that the girl firmly says to herself: “I really want to part with the guy,” then it’s time to start acting.

How to initiate a breakup

To not have to mourn the consequences of an unsuccessful break, you need to know how to part with a guy. Without offending him, the girl receives many bonuses for herself. So, the options are:

  • To disappear from his life. Of course, this is not worth sharply. As a way out, it’s less likely to see each other, reduce the duration of visits, and try not to call him. The best option would be if a woman leaves the city for a period of time. Gradually, the relationship will come to naught.
  • Make the guy drop first. To do this, you need to try the girl to behave so that she began to annoy and anger the young man. To do everything that he most dislikes. Then the guy will understand that they should not be a couple, and, perhaps, he will decide to part with himself.
  • To part with a guy by SMS. This method is perfect if the girl does not know how to express her feelings accurately, and it is very unpleasant for her to notify about the decision to leave. In SMS you can safely state everything, ask for forgiveness, and then, if he decides to call back, do not pick up the phone.
  • To fine-tune treason. To do this, you need the help of a good friend, who will be able to play along and begin to flirt frankly with a guy. He may not reciprocate with her, but having managed to beat everything well, you can twist the situation to your advantage.

Extraordinary ways

In some cases, girls prefer to break all ties with a guy forever. They do not want to be friends, to communicate, and they absolutely do not care how a young man reacts to it. Such girls are not interested in how to part with a guy without offending him. In this case, you can try to use some sharp methods at your own peril and risk:

  • A girl can pretend to be gay. Of course, this will cause bewilderment for the guy, but then his self-esteem will not drop, and he will suffer less.
  • Change him. This is the most drastic and risky way. The guy's reaction can be unpredictable and too negative. The only plus is an instant gap, without too much clarification.

It is important

When parting with a guy, you must break all contacts and try not to return to this issue. For some time it is better not to see each other, not to call up and not even think about each other. Otherwise, the girl may feel guilty that she broke up with the guy. Not only a man, but also the culprit of the gap can become very bad.

want to break up with a guy

It’s best to distract yourself. Do something, immerse yourself in study, work. More relax with friends. As an option - find yourself a hobby, thereby time will pass quickly and with pleasure. The main thing is to survive the first period after the separation, and soon everything in life will improve.


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