Vladimir Solovyov: biography of the TV presenter and interesting facts from life

Vladimir Solovyov is a famous journalist, political scientist, publicist and public figure. During his life, he made many outstanding achievements, published several popular books, and became one of the most famous television and radio hosts in the country. The fate of this interesting person will be discussed in our article.

Vladimir Soloviev biography


Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev, whose biography is of interest to many, was born in one of the maternity hospitals in Moscow in 1963, on October 20. His dad, Rudolf Naumovich Meninsky, is a famous historian who once graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of the Pedagogical Institute. For many years he taught political economics at the technical school. The mother of the future famous journalist, Inna Solomonovna, is an art historian by training. She studied at the same faculty with her future husband, and then worked at the famous Borodino Battle Museum. Vladimir's parents met at the Lenin Institute, lived together for many years and separated when the boy was six years old.

You might think that the future celebrity was brought up in an elite family, all of whose members had higher education, but this is not entirely true. Vladimir Solovyov, whose biography is considered in this article, was really brought up in an intelligent family, and his mom and dad possessed extraordinary creative abilities, which were later transferred to himself. But the grandfather (Solomon L. Shapiro) and the grandmother (Polina Petrovna) of the boy worked at an engineering plant, were simple workers and were proud of their profession. They instilled in their grandson a love of reading and work.


The entire biography of Soloviev Vladimir Rudolfovich testifies to his indefatigable energy and rare ability to work. These qualities were manifested in him in early childhood. The boy grew very inquisitive, loved to read, play all kinds of shooters and soldiers, listen to records with children's tales, operas and stories. In the first grade, the future journalist and TV presenter went to school near the house, but his parents wanted to teach him English and wanted to get him to an elite educational institution No. 27 on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. For Inna Solomonovna, a simple museum employee, this plan seemed impracticable, but a miracle happened, and the school principal allowed the boy to exams. Vladimir Solovyov brilliantly dealt with this test. The biography of the future celebrity has made a new turn: now the guy studied among the children and grandchildren of nomenclature workers, diplomats and other outstanding personalities and from an early age involuntarily acquired the necessary connections and acquaintances.

Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev biography

Character and hobbies

Volodya studied absolutely independently. He was not a perfect student, but he never slipped into the "deuce". Even at school, the biography of Vladimir Solovyov was built according to only one scenario known to him. The boy strictly divided objects into favorite and unloved ones. For example, he was sincerely fond of history and literature, and for hours could defend his own point of view on a particular issue. Volodya sought to study the topic of interest to him thoroughly. So, the future journalist knew no less about the personality of Napoleon and the difficult fate of Paul the First than recognized experts in this field.

In the ninth grade, Vladimir Solovyov became interested in karate. The biography of this interesting person knows many serious hobbies. The philosophy, traditions, ethics of the East were very interested in Vladimir. Thanks to sports, the boy quickly got rid of teenage angularity and acquired a special plastic.


The choice of a future profession was not easy for Vladimir Solovyov. For two whole years, many tutors made a humanitarian technician out of a humanitarian boy and succeeded a lot in this. First, the future journalist decided to submit documents to the most prestigious university - MEPhI, but did not pass on personal data. Then the young man tried his hand at the entrance exams at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys and achieved success. He graduated from this institution with honors and acquired a technical specialty.

However, the metallurgical profession did not allow the young man to reveal his creative potential, so Vladimir Rudolfovich Soloviev, whose biography is complex and instructive, decided to continue studying. Already a family man, he entered graduate school, defended his thesis and became a candidate of science. However, postgraduate studies did not bring money, and therefore the future journalist has mastered many useful professions. In an effort to feed his family, he worked as a janitor, built garages, sewed hats and shirts. In addition, during this period, the biography of Vladimir Solovyov, Vladimir Rudolfovich, was marked by teaching activities. Until 1990, he taught mathematics, physics and astronomy in his native Moscow school.

biography of Solovyov Vladimir Rudolfovich

Career development

The biography of Vladimir Solovyov is striking in its richness. In 1990, he left for the United States and worked for almost two years as a professor of economics at the American University of Huntsville (Alabama). In parallel, he becomes an active participant in the political life of the country during this period. Winged Solovyov returned to Russia in 1992 and began to engage in research in the field of scientific technology. Together with friends, he opens his own business. It was a time of dramatic changes in the life of the country, and Vladimir Rudolfovich made tremendous efforts to take place in the new realities. In the 1990s, he had his own factories in the Philippines and in Russia, he was engaged in the export of disco equipment around the world. In addition, the future journalist opens his own employment agency in the capital. To this day, he is a full member of the American Committee of Entrepreneurs, as well as vice president of the Association of Beginning Young Economists.

Work on the radio

In 1997, the biography of journalist Vladimir Solovyov made a new unexpected turn: he was invited to lead the program on Silver Rain. Soon at this radio station he had an author's project - the morning program “Nightingale Trills”. In it, the presenter talks with his listeners about the realities of modern life: fashion, cooking, Chinese philosophy, political life, cars, computers and much more. This show is broadcast to this day and aired three times a week from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. And not so long ago, Vladimir Solovyov, together with Saffron Anna began to lead the program “Full Contact” on the radio under the name “Vesti FM”.

TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev biography

TV activity

In 1999, TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, whose biography and personal life are under the scrutiny of the press, first tried himself as a TV presenter. He made his debut in two programs at once: “Passion for Solovyov” (TNT) and “Process” (ORT). For Vladimir Rudolfovich, it was a difficult and fascinating period of professional growth, awareness of their own abilities and the accumulation of experience. He came to television as an already established person with established life values, character, intellect and an indestructible sense of humor, and immediately became a very sought-after television presenter. Soon, on the TV-6 channel, he appeared two author's shows: “Nightingale Night” and “Breakfast with Solovyov”. In their focus, these programs are completely different, but they very accurately characterize the essence of Vladimir Solovyov, his unique style. A famous journalist is always closely within the framework of one image; in his author's experiments, he constantly strives to reach a new level.

Peak of popularity

The career of the famous TV presenter developed very quickly. Since 2003, Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov began broadcasting “To the Barrier”. The biography of a celebrity during this period was marked by wide popularity, because he hosted one of the highest rated talk shows on television. It broadcast a verbal duel between two famous people who adhered to polar opinions and views. At the same time, live viewers voted interactively, and according to its results, the winner was determined in the final of the program.

In addition, Vladimir Solomonovich began conducting “Sunday evening with Vladimir Solovyov,” where he discussed the most relevant events of the past week. Active television activities of the presenter did not go unnoticed, and in 2005 he received the TEFI award as the best interviewer, and his Internet page won the Golden Site award in the VIP category.

the biography of Vladimir Solovyov

Temporary oblivion

In 2006, Vladimir Solovyov suddenly disappeared from the air. The biography of any celebrity consists of ups and downs, so the famous journalist could not avoid this fate. He lost his favorite job immediately after the publication of the rating, according to the results of which he was recognized as the best leading. What caused this development is unknown. Perhaps the reason was the scandal after the televised debate between Georgy Limansky and Viktor Tarkhanov. Then Vladimir Rudolfovich publicly insulted one of the opponents, and he was charged with a lawsuit for a very large amount. There could be other reasons. The main thing is that at this time the disgraced TV presenter held up with dignity and was "treated" by work.

Writing books

During this period, TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev was actively involved in writing books. The biography of this wonderful person is marked by the creation of several interesting works. In 2009, the TV presenter released three books: “Putin - Medvedev. What next? ”,“ We ​​are Russians! God with us!" and Soloviev vs. Soloviev. And since 2005, Vladimir Rudolfovich has written fifteen works, among which there are creations of a journalistic and artistic genre: “The Empire of Corruption. The territory of the Russian national game ”,“ The Gospel of Soloviev ”,“ 1001 questions about the past, present and future of Russia ”,“ We ​​and they. A short course of survival in Russia "," Putin. Guide for those who care ”,“ Russian Roulette. Notes on the fields of recent history ”,“ Confrontation: Russia - USA ”and others.

Solo performances

The biography of Vladimir Solovyov, a TV presenter with great experience and experience, has some more interesting details. For example, trying to find a new form of communication with people, he began to give creative evenings devoted to the most pressing problems of modern Russia. The first such event took place in 2007 on the stage of the Mir Concert Hall in Moscow and immediately won universal recognition. Since then, Vladimir Rudolfovich has been conducting creative evenings regularly. The venue for them was the theater stage of the Moscow Art Theater named after Gorky. People seek such events in order to hear an independent point of view from the famous TV presenter. The solo performances of Vladimir Solovyov reign in a creative and friendly atmosphere, the journalist not only seeks to convey his innermost thoughts to the audience, but also enters into a dialogue with them. From such evenings, the presenter always returns enthusiastic. Now he gives his speeches not only in Moscow, but also in other major cities of the country: Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Obninsk, Magnitogorsk. In addition, Soloviev holds master classes and business forums in Krasnoyarsk, Kaliningrad, Sochi, Krasnodar, Perm and other megacities.

Vladimir Soloviev brief biography

Return to TV

After about a year of forced television silence, the biography of Vladimir Sergeyevich Solovyov again made an unexpected turn: he was invited to conduct a new show on the Rossiya channel. The program was called "Duel", and it quickly began to gain popularity among interested viewers. And in September 2010, the author’s project of Vladimir Solovyov, entitled “Full Contact,” appeared on Vesti FM radio. After that, the TV presenter perked up again and began to lead a life in the familiar atmosphere of full workload. This famous person simply can not live without work and continues to work hard and hard. His creative activity now does not do without excesses. For example, in 2011, the biography of Vladimir Solovyov (TV presenter) was overshadowed by a new scandal. He allowed himself a number of unflattering remarks about the Republic of Azerbaijan, and a protest was sent to the leadership of Vesti FM radio station from the religious community of the Jews of this country.

Personal life

Surprisingly, with all his boisterous public activity, Vladimir Soloviev manages to find time for his personal life. Biography, the family of this person deserve special attention. The famous TV presenter has seven children growing up, the eldest daughter recently got married and brings up her son Plato. She graduated from the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, but did not work in her specialty, devoting all her time to her husband and child. The second child of the famous TV presenter - son Alexander - lives and studies in England. He shoots videos and films. From the second marriage with the daughter of the famous satirist Elga Sapp, Vladimir Rudolfovich has five children: Daniil, Sofia-Betina, Vladimir, Ivan and Emma-Esther. The TV presenter’s family lives brightly, constantly requires attention and actively reminds himself, therefore his personal life is always filled with turbulent events.

biography of journalist Vladimir Solovyov

Now you know how Vladimir Solovyov walked towards his popularity. A brief biography cannot give an idea of ​​all his creative achievements and achievements. But even without details, it is clear that this person lives a full life and enjoys the love of his family and a devoted television audience.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4519/

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