Dream Interpretation: why dream of a wedding?

Why is the wedding dreaming? A church rite, holding together the union of two loving hearts, people can see in night dreams for various reasons. Dream Interpretations will help to understand what such a dream warns about. The dreamer only needs to remember as many details as possible.

Why dream of a wedding: Freud's dream book

The famous psychologist offers his own interpretation of the dream in which the sacrament is performed between loving people. Why is the wedding dreaming? Freud believes that such a dream suggests that a person does not imagine sexual relations with a partner whom he does not like. Sex without love does not give him pleasure, therefore random connections are excluded for him.

what is the dream of the wedding

Moreover, for the dreamer not only their own feelings play a role. It is important for the owner of the dream, in which the wedding appears, that the partner reciprocate.

With husband

Why dream of a wedding with a husband or wife? Most dream books claim to be a symbol of spiritual union. The man was not mistaken in choosing the second half, the partner is ready to share his joys and trials with him, to go through life together. The marriage will be happy, peace will reign in the family.

what is the dream of a wedding in the church

There are also guides to dreams that express a different opinion. A wedding with a spouse may dream of someone who does not have confidence in the feelings of the second half. A man overly controls and takes care of his partner, is afraid of losing him. Attempts to tie a loved one to yourself can end in failure. The chosen one will get tired of this obsession, think about parting.

Why dream of a wedding with a spouse if the couple kiss during the ceremony? Such a plot suggests that the couple has a harmonious relationship, the partners are happy with each other and are not going to leave.

With a loved man

Wedding with a beloved is often dreamed of by unmarried girls. This may indicate that the dreamer dreams of this man, wants to connect his life with him. It is possible that in the near future her desire will come true. However, there are dream books that insist that such a dream predicts a quarrel with a lover, separation. This is especially true if a secret rite has been dreamed.

what is the dream of a wedding with her husband

If a single woman or man dreams of kisses during the ceremony, such a plot promises changes on the personal front that will happen in the near future. If you already have a loved one, marriage is not ruled out.

Failed ceremony

What is the dream of a failed wedding? Surprisingly, such a dream may not have anything to do with the dreamer's personal life. Often such a plot predicts problems related to the business sphere. A person may encounter obstacles on the way to his goal, but he will surely overcome them by making the necessary efforts.

what is the dream of a failed wedding

Is there any need to worry if the dreamer, on the eve of his own wedding, sees a dream in which he refuses to marry, breaks off his relationship with the other half? Most likely, such a dream is caused by doubts that gnaw a person in reality. In this case, one should think about whether the decision on marriage was made too hastily. Also, a dream with a similar plot can be the result of fatigue caused by pre-wedding chores. If so, then he should not betray any value.

People may also dream that they are late for the ceremony. The reason for being late does not play a significant role, since sleep in any case predicts a strong marriage.


Why do women dream of a wedding in a wedding dress? Suppose a dreamer is already dressed in a wedding dress, makes the last preparations before heading to the temple. Such nightly dreams can predict an upcoming public appearance. The hostess can make a speech in any public place.

what is the dream of wedding in a wedding dress

It is also important to recall the emotions that a woman experienced during sleep. If the dreamer liked the way she looks in a wedding dress, she will be lucky. The performance will surely appeal to the audience, the goals set will be achieved. If the wedding dress seemed ugly to her, speech would not have the expected success. In this case, it is worth paying maximum attention to the preparation, think over possible questions and answers to them.

Someone else's wedding

Why dream of a wedding in the church, if the dreamer acts as a guest? If a girlfriend or boyfriend is married, the sleeping person can count on luck in business. Soon he will have incredible opportunities that should not be missed. If a person manages to use the chance that fell to him, new horizons will open before him.

Miller is of a different opinion. His dream book argues that a dream in which best friends are married has a negative meaning. Soon, a person will have to deal with the problems of loved ones, so without his help they will not be able to cope with them. It is not at all necessary that those acquaintances who marry in a dream will appear in trouble.

Is there any need to worry if outsiders get married in night dreams? No, because such a plot promises changes for the better that will happen in the coming days. A person can safely hope that his secret dream will come true, the obstacles to the goal will disappear. It is wonderful if young and beautiful young men and women become participants in the ceremony. The dreamer who dreamed of this would in reality fall in love with his other half again.

Miscellaneous plots

Why dream of a wedding if the sleeping person acts as a priest who conducts the ceremony? The waking master of the dream has to survive a severe shock. It can be associated with a disaster that threatens a dear person. It is impossible to intervene in the events that are taking place; it is best to rely on the mercy of conducting.

What does the dream warn in which the sleeping person is invited to the ceremony? In the coming days, he is destined to become a member of a noisy feast. There is a high probability that this pastime will be pleasant, give positive emotions and pleasant memories.

In a dream, the second half can offer a person to get married? Great if the dreamer agrees to a church ceremony. Such a plot predicts changes for the better, long-awaited events. The people he hopes for will surely keep their promises.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K453/

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