"Tonight" with Galkin and Menshova: reviews. The program "Tonight" on Channel One

The program “Tonight” on Channel One has been collecting television viewers for several years now, and its ratings are impressive. The studio brings together pop and film stars, united by one topic of discussion. The program opens the veil of secrets of life of famous people, allows the viewer to look at them from a different angle. And, in fact, the program would have continued its peaceful existence, if not for the recent events and changes.

Tonight with Galkin and Menshov

For the first time on the channel and the main idea of ​​the project

“Tonight” on Channel One is the author’s program of the famous Russian journalist and showman Andrei Malakhov. The program began broadcasting in 2012 and for 5 years every weekend has been gathering millions of viewers near television screens.

tonight with galkin and menshov

By nature, the program is the exact opposite of the scandalous show "Let them talk" of the same Malakhov. Meeting guests and discussing topics takes place in an atmosphere of calm and goodwill, there are no scandals and intrigues. The host and guests recall interesting, but unknown moments from the life of media personalities, show previously unpublished photos and video chronicle.

Such a friendly atmosphere in the studio, especially against the background of constantly broadcast violence and cruelty on television, made the program popular with viewers.

Frame replacement

In September 2017, important changes took place in the fate of the program, which literally stunned its fans. The leader has changed. Andrei Malakhov, who has been a favorite of Channel One fans for many years, suddenly left not only the show being described, but also the popular “Let them Talk”.

The seemingly permanent leader of “Tonight” was replaced by no less famous personalities.

Unexpected tandem

tonight first channel

Maxim Galkin and Julia Menshova replaced Andrei Malakhov. Few could imagine them as leading. But the greater resonance was produced by the fact that such different leaders united in tandem. Reviews about "Tonight" with Galkin and Menshova were and remain too controversial and very ambiguous. And there are more opponents of the creative union than its admirers.

We can conclude that the fans of the TV show were not ready for such a sharp change in the beloved Malakhov. As it happens in all spheres of life and creativity, people are always negatively inclined towards new changes, especially when it comes to something they like and are so familiar with.

Opinion of the audience about Menshova as the host

Reviews of "Tonight" with Galkin and Menshova, as mentioned earlier, are filled with negative attitude towards the changed composition of the leaders, although both of these people have already been and continue to be actors in other programs on the First.

program tonight with Menshov and Galkin

Julia Menshova with great success hosted the program "Alone with everyone", where in a cozy studio she had a conversation with an invited famous person. The theme of Menshova’s program is very similar to that of “Tonight”, maybe this was the reason that the presenter was invited to this project.

Moreover, “Alone with everyone” has stopped broadcasting, having high ratings and, as they say, being at the zenith of success. Yes, and Julia arranged the audience as the main person of the television program.

However, becoming the host of "Tonight," or rather co-host, Menshova received a flurry of negative from fans of the show. The audience in every possible way denied such a change to Malakhov, and even demanded to remove Menshov from the program. People in their reviews expressed their irritation to speech, facial expressions, gestures and even the appearance of the host. Some claimed that Menshova absolutely did not have any skills to transmit, and owed her fame only to the well-known name of her parents.

One way or another, Julia Menshova continues to be co-host of Galkin in "Tonight", despite the stormy negativity. It pleases those fans who admire her talent. Many regret that the show "Alone with All" ceased to exist, but in the program "Tonight", Menshov and Galkin delight the watchers.

What do they say about Galkin?

Maxim Galkin, although he established himself as a talented presenter of many programs, including the First, still at the beginning he was also not accepted by the viewer of the program "Tonight." With Menshova and Galkin, the people refused to accept the television project, addressing their indignation to the leadership of the channel.

leading tonight

People are so used to seeing Maxim in entertaining and humorous shows that such a change in his role somewhat confused the audience. Telemans, accustomed to a more restrained (in terms of humor) format of the program, argued that Galkin simply did not fit into the good and comfortable atmosphere of the show with his jokes.

Reviews about "Tonight" with Galkin and Menshova went through the popular comedian. Viewers said that the presenter is simply not intended for this program and that it needs to be replaced. Even the appearance of the showman was touched, which, according to the audience, gives him more comedian than a serious person who is able to conduct small talk. In "Best of All" it is more appropriate than in discussions of the personal life of eminent and respected people.

It would be very gloomy if fans of his work had not stood up for the star of the show of children's talents. They expressed their genuine enthusiasm and support for Maxim and stated that it was just such a fun and witty host that was missing in Tonight. Many distinguished Galkin as the best co-host who, with his unbridled energy, will ultimately eclipse Yulia Menshova.

Both supporters and opponents of Galkin still consider his tandem with Menshova not the most successful.

Scandal around leading

Discussions around new co-hosts have not subsided so far. Someone came to terms with the changes in the program, while someone still hopes that Galkin and Menshova in “Tonight” will cease to be participants and main characters. And small changes have happened.

Either such a dislike of the viewer for new shots, or something else affected the fact that the creative union of Galkin and Menshova disintegrated, but at the same time each of them did not cease to be the acting host of "Tonight." In his Instagram, Maxim notified fans that starting in October, he and Julia will be releasing releases in turn.

What reaction will the viewers have, and what will be the fate of each presenter in this program, only time will tell.

Maxim Galkin and Julia Menshova


No matter how negative the reviews of “Today Evening” with Galkin and Menshova were filled with negativity, the sudden change of personnel did not negatively affect the rating of the show, but, on the contrary, fueled the interest of the people.

Some once again convinced of the incompetence of new leaders and seek out new reasons for quibbling, while others, on the contrary, admire the all-encompassing talent of their favorite stars.

One way or another, Galkin and Menshova have not yet left their new place of work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4533/

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