Reality show "Rublevo-Biryulyovo": reviews

Sometimes, in order to change ourselves, it is necessary to rethink the values ​​that have long been rooted in our lives. However, for this purpose it is not enough to change the situation; this will only give a temporary effect. An objective view from the outside is needed. And for this it’s enough to take part in the new TV show “Rublevo-Biryulyovo”. Reviews of this show will help you get a general idea of ​​the characters, participants and creators of the project. We will talk more about the transfer in this article.

ruble biryulyovo reviews

TV project "Rublevo-Biryulevo" in detail

Rublevo-Biryulyovo is a relatively new reality show, which premiered on the Domashny television channel on December 8 last year. The director of the project is Olga Schmidt, and the producer is Tatyana Matveeva. The plot of the show is as follows: there are two heroines from completely different social layers; one is a rich and well-groomed lady from Rublevka, and the second is an ordinary average woman. At the same time, for each show, the organizers of the show select two new participants who want to revise their life principles and take part in Rublevo-Biryulyovo. Reviews of the program help to attract new heroines and have a direct impact on the popularity of the show. We will talk about them a little later.

What is the plot of the show?

So, there are two heroines who, according to the transfer scenario, should exchange places for one week. That is, the lady from Rublevka temporarily becomes the "mother of the family" of a woman from Biryulyovo and vice versa. As a result, both participants face new difficulties and in various ways try to solve them. As a result of such a “family trip”, both heroines meet, share their impressions and give advice to each other. As a result - a lot of new experiences, as well as the opportunity for each of the heroines to learn something useful and rethink their lives.

ruble biryulyovo transfer reviews

Who are they, the heroines of the program Rublevo-Biryulyovo?

Rublevo-Biryulyovo is a reality show with meaning. Rich and famous women and members of their families take part in it. For example, in one of the issues, the common-law wife of the well-known and wealthy restaurateur Tatyana Pinsker and the ordinary housewife Victoria Kharchenko are found. Each of them has its own family and destiny.

So, wealthy and not refusing anything to herself, Tatyana got used to luxury from childhood. She was born in a wealthy family, loves to live in a big way and travel a lot around the world. However, she also has her own difficulties. So, her common-law husband does not yet consider it necessary to make her a marriage proposal, and his son is a difficult spoiled teenager, to whom Tatyana is unable to find an approach.

Victoria Kharchenko, on the contrary, was born in an ordinary family with a small income. She is not spoiled by luxury and is the mother of two daughters. The heroine is a typical housewife who, after the decree, cannot go to work in any way. In her family, husband Michael is considered the main earner. He works in a car repair shop, but his earnings are barely enough to make ends meet. In addition, the housing problem aggravates the situation, since a family of four has been living in a communal apartment for quite some time. In a word, each of the heroines was able to live in unusual conditions for a week and learned how to find a way out of any situation.

What stars took part in the project?

In total, the original Rublevo-Biryulyovo television series (reviews about it can be found in this article) includes 20 episodes. During the filming, the show was attended by such famous personalities as the wife of businessman Alexander Tolmatsky - Anna, TV presenter and model Anastasia Barashkova, businessmen Alexander and Irina Rogovtsev, wealthy owners of the mansion in the Moscow region Alexander and Irina Tumanov, Yana Nivelskaya, Elena Brauns, Olga Ivantsova and others.

show ruble biryulyovo reviews

Rublevo-Biryulyovo (reality show): reviews, opinions, criticism

Since its release on the screens, this television show has caused a flurry of reviews and criticism from viewers. At the same time, some users considered the idea of ​​such a program as open plagiarism, since it is an analogue of the Ukrainian project “Young Lady-Peasant”. The second part of the audience, on the contrary, expressed their comments on the creators of the project, since, in their opinion, the rights of low-income people are violated in each issue. The third part of the audience is inspired to discuss the behavior of wealthy ladies and is critical of low-income families.

ruble biryulyovo reality show

Many argue that after watching the Rublevo-Biryulyovo show, reviews of the transfer arise by themselves. For example, some like-minded people come together in forums, create topics that allow discussing the main characters of the project, etc., among them there are many conflicting comments and observations.

What do they say about the Rublevo-Biryulyovo show?

The greatest number of disputes and emotional statements arose after one of the episodes of the show, where the main characters were Anna Tolmatskaya and the ordinary cashier Tatyana Kucherenko. One likes a domineering socialite with a beautiful figure and well-groomed appearance. Others, having watched this issue of Rublevo-Biryulyovo, leave very unflattering reviews about the project and about heroin as a whole. In addition, many viewers are outraged by the behavior of the former dancer, and now the wife of a rich “daddy”.

In particular, some impressionable women were hurt by the moment when a lady took Tatiana's two adult children to a very expensive store, photographed them, and then told them for a long time what they needed to do to make money on such beautiful and high-quality clothes. Also many were struck by a certain disgust of a rich lady in relation to the household members of the Kucherenko family.

ruble biryulyovo reviews of participants

Some, on the contrary, viewing this issue from the Rublevo-Biryulyovo show (reviews about it are present in various contexts), were intolerant of Tatyana herself. They are outraged by her behavior, for example, when the heroine tried to ask for money from the husband of a socialite. Many users were frankly annoyed by the father of the family, who does nothing and lies on the couch for days on end.

What do the participants themselves think about the transfer?

The participants themselves write about their stay in the Rublevo-Biryulyovo project. For example, model Anastasia Barashkova is delighted with the opportunity to participate in such a show. She believes that sometimes it is simply necessary to visit someone’s skin in order to rethink her life. After participating in the project, the secular lady says, she began to respect her husband even more and became much closer to him.

Anna Tolmatskaya is indignant at the behavior of her opponent, unhappy with the conditions in which she lived, and says that the number of days in a strange apartment could be reduced. Elegant skater Anastasia Grebenkina believes that the idea of ​​the show itself is a good one. During her participation, she did not experience much negativity and discomfort, and treated the problems of the family of the other heroine with understanding. However, the celebrity was upset by the unpleasant remarks, which were not too lazy for her family to express the second participant in the show.

The wife of Roman Zhukov, Elena, spoke about participating in the show as a wonderful experiment. She praised the organizers and screenwriters, and also spoke about the invaluable experience gained in another family.

ruble biryulyovo project reviews

Thus, re-reading the feedback from the participants left about the Rublevo-Biryulyovo project, you can get a general idea of ​​the characters, creators of the show and draw certain conclusions.

What was interesting during the filming of the show?

In the process of filming, the creators of the show faced with some interesting points and sometimes even with curious situations. So, about 200 low-income families tried to get into the first season of the project . It is understandable, because almost every second woman and girl wants to visit the role of Cinderella (even for a short time). And then the selection took place on the principle "the greater the difference between the participants on both sides, the better." During the work on the project, 40 families with different income levels took part in the show.

According to the show's producer Tatyana Matveeva, there is nothing better than the Rublevo-Biryulyovo project. Reviews of this program allow us to conclude that such topics are of interest to viewers. And the creators themselves were interested in watching how both families exchange experiences. However, there were some excesses. For example, during the transfer, one of the heroines quarreled with her husband and drove him out with the entire film crew. In addition, in many families, including wealthy people, there were skeletons in a closet that you could not even imagine.

ruble biryulyovo reality show

In a word, the social show series was a success. In the near future, according to its organizers, a casting will be held for the second season of the project. Whether you become participants in this show or not, you decide!


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