Leafing through the dream book. Cuisine: The Meaning and Interpretation of Sleep

The kitchen is a room that symbolizes the creative potential of a person, his life energy. It is here that all the elements coexist, starting with Fire and ending with Air. People spend a lot of time in this room in real life. What does the appearance in the night dreams of a kitchen mean? The dream interpretation will help to solve this riddle. The interpretation depends on the details.

Kitchen: Miller's Dream Book

What does a famous psychologist say about this? What does the kitchen symbolize according to Miller’s dream book? To see this room in night dreams is to get into a critical situation in real life. There is a possibility that the sleeping person will become depressed for some time. However, then he will force himself to shake himself and begin to get out of the difficult situation in which he finds himself.

what is the dream of the kitchen

In a dream in the king’s kitchen is clean and tidy? For a woman, such dreams mean the onset of a streak of luck. In the near future, everything that the sleeping person will take will be a success.

Interpretation of Freud

What does Sigmund Freud's dreambook mean? If a person cooks food in this room in night dreams, then in reality he likes to dream of love affairs. He again and again returns thoughts to that which has never been.

kitchen in the dream book

Eat in the kitchen - dreaming of an ideal sexual partner. The current relationship does not bring sleeping satisfaction. A festivity in the kitchen is a dream for someone who secretly dreams of having group sex. Hardly sleeping will ever risk confessing to this partner.

Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

What does the kitchen symbolize in the dream book of Dmitry and Hope of Winter? Interpretation depends on the storyline.

dream book kitchen new
  • Just seeing her is preparing for important events. It is not at all necessary that they are related to home and household.
  • Bake bread in the kitchen - think about starting a business. For example, a sleeping person can make good money on his hobby. It is possible that someday a part-time job will turn into a life-long affair.
  • A dirty and untidy room is a sign that the sleeper does not have a specific plan that would help him to reach his goal.
  • A cozy and clean room is a sign that the dreamer is doing well.
  • What does it mean to cook in the kitchen? Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter calls the sleeping man to active actions. The time has come to embark on the implementation of their bold ideas.
  • A stranger in the kitchen is a bad omen. The sleeping plans are not destined to come true due to the intervention of unauthorized persons. Unfortunately, nothing can be done about it, a person can only come to terms.
  • An unfamiliar kitchen is a sign that the dreamer will soon penetrate someone's secret. It is possible that someone of his own free will share his terrible secret with him.

Friend and foe

Obviously, in their nightly dreams, people can see both their own and other people's cuisine. The interpretation directly depends on who owns the premises. Own cuisine is a good dream, which testifies to the fact that peace and harmony reign in the family. Spouses love and respect each other, children bring joy to parents. The house is always welcome guests, it is clean and smells of delicious food.

eat in the kitchen in a dream

What does someone else's kitchen symbolize? The dream interpretation connects such dreams with adventures in which the sleeping man is to take part. In the near future, a person will agree to take part in someone's crazy undertaking, with which his adventures will begin. A settled way of life will be over. The dreamer will forget about the routine.

What does the appearance in the night dreams of someone else's kitchen mean? The dream book tells about what symbolizes a room belonging to neighbors. Such a plot is a sign that someone is trying to ruin the life of a sleeping person. Most likely, people are plotting him out of envy. The successes and achievements of the dreamer haunt them. There is no doubt that their actions will harm enemies first of all to themselves. Justice will certainly triumph, you just have to wait for it.

How she looks like

Interpretation directly depends on how the kitchen looks.

cook in the kitchen in a dream
  • A large and clean room full of utensils is a good sign. Such a plot indicates that the life of a sleeping person develops successfully. Everything goes exactly as he wants.
  • What does the new kitchen symbolize? The dream interpretation connects such dreams with readiness for changes. If they visit a young girl, then in real life she will soon receive an offer of marriage.
  • New indoor furniture predicts a change for the better. All cases for which the sleeper will take up in the near future will be successful.
  • An empty kitchen is a sign that a period of stagnation has come. There have been no changes in the dreamer's life for a long time. A man is mired in a routine; he does not know how to get out of it even for a while. Fortunately, a period of stagnation will not last forever. Someday, the right time will come for action.
  • A dirty and uncleaned kitchen may dream of someone who is in reality inclined to make hasty decisions. A person makes one mistake after another, it concerns both work and personal relationships. Perhaps he should stop and consider a plan for further action.


What does it mean to wash the kitchen in night dreams? Dream Interpretation gives a positive assessment of night dreams with such a plot. If a person carries out a general cleaning in this room, this indicates that he is on the right track.

Dream interpretation kitchen repair

Now the sleeper is busy putting his thoughts and plans in order. He is trying to regain control of his own life, to get out from under the influence of others. In the near future, a person will be able to achieve all this. A small victory will give him a great mood for a long time.

Cooking food

What else can you tell about what the kitchen is dreaming of? In the dream book is considered and such an option as cooking. Such a plot is a sign that the time has come for decisive action. Right now, the dreamer can realize all his ambitious plans, achieve incredible success.

to be in the kitchen in a dream

What does a woman have night dreams in which she cooks in the kitchen? Such a plot is a sign that the dreamer has to create a strong and prosperous family. Chores around the house, motherhood - from all this, she will receive a lot of pleasure.

Using a stove is a good omen. Such a plot means that a person is surrounded by loyal and loving people. They will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation, understand and support. Therefore, he should not allow petty troubles to spoil his mood.

Repair work

What does the repair in the kitchen symbolize? The dream interpretation connects such a plot with the intrigues that the enemies weave. The successes and achievements of the sleeper haunt envious people, they are trying to destroy his life. The main weapon of enemies is dirty gossip, but they are capable of more.

Is the kitchen repair completed successfully? Such a plot means that the victory will remain with the sleeper. The dreamer will inflict a crushing defeat on his enemies. They will disappear from the horizon for a long time or forever.

Noble dream book N. Grishina

You should definitely look into this interpreter.

  • Own cuisine is a symbol that promises the dreamer success in any undertakings. If the sleeper chooses the goal and starts moving towards it, he will surely achieve his goal. Now luck is on his side.
  • Neighboring cuisine is a sign that someone is spreading gossip behind the back of the sleeper. Unfortunately, the inner circle is inclined to believe in them. The dreamer's reputation is rapidly deteriorating. If he didn’t do anything in the near future, then she would only have rags left.
  • What does a very large kitchen symbolize? Dream Interpretation N. Grishina predicts sleeping to participation in a grand event. It is possible that a person will be interviewed, his photographs will fall into the newspaper.
  • Feeling kitchen smells in a dream is a real health problem.


What does a kitchen fire mean? The dream interpretation connects it with scandals, conflicts. Most likely, the sleeping person will spoil relations with his immediate family. Clarification of relations will not end and edge.

Did the kitchen burn out completely? Such a plot can promise a big change for the sleeper. There is a possibility that a person wants to start life from scratch, and he will succeed.

Negative stories

The sleeper dreamed that he had cut himself, burned or scalded during the kitchen work. Such a plot is a sign that the dreamer's plans can come true not in the way he expects. There may be negative consequences that the person did not foresee.

Such dreams also call the sleeper to caution. A person needs to learn how to control his negative emotions. If he allows them to one day break out, then this can lead to serious conflict. It might be worth considering a safe way to let off steam. For example, a person can visit the gym.

Is a stove that the sleeper touches accidentally or intentionally too hot? Such a plot indicates that the plan will not be easy to implement. Conflicts, disputes, strong emotions await a person. However, he still has good chances to achieve his goal. The main thing is to continue to defend your point of view.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

What useful information does this guide contain? What else can you tell about what the kitchen is dreaming of? The dream book deals with various storylines.

  • Fussing in your own kitchen - what does it mean? Wake up at the sleeping appetite. Also, he may face a long and debilitating disease, which will entail a weakening of the body.
  • To get into someone else's kitchen is to be in a critical situation. A person will be able to get out of it, but it will cost him peace of mind. The sleeper has to plunge into depression for a long time.
  • To do cleaning - to clean up the house in real life. It is also possible that guests from another country will suddenly come to sleep. There is no doubt that a person will be pleased with such a visit.
  • Change furniture in the kitchen - become a victim of gossip and gossip. Unfortunately, the sleeping man’s enemies do not want to leave him alone.
  • Repair in the kitchen is dreaming of someone who is destined to become a favorite of fortune for a long time. Everything that a person undertakes, he will surely succeed.
  • Using a stove is a good omen. The dreamer has many devoted and loving friends. He will never be left alone.

Interpretation of Simon Kananita

What information is contained in this interpreter?

  • The kitchen mixer dreams of quarrels, conflicts. Break it during use - find a way out of a difficult situation. Unfortunately, the sleeper will succeed only after numerous trial and error.
  • A microwave is a sign that someone will present a pleasant surprise to the dreamer. Buying it symbolizes well-being, profit. If the oven breaks down during use, it promises negative events in your personal life.
  • A food processor dreamed up? Such a plot predicts sleeping hard work. If a person goes this way to the end, then at the end he will be waiting for an amazing reward.
  • Just seeing the kitchen is suffering from boredom. Sleeping needs adventure, fresh emotions. Also, such a plot can predict a harmless disease for him, with which he can easily cope.
  • Being in the kitchen is a bad omen. Soon, the dreamer will spoil relations with households. Quarrels, conflicts will not end.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4547/

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