Russian actors: “Crime by inheritance”. A film combining several genres

This 8-episode film is not just a detective story. It is about love, and betrayal, and about trying to restore justice, despite the fact that many years have passed. Spectators who are sympathetic to this kind of spectacle will be pleasantly amazed, as all the actors have shown. “A hereditary crime” is one of those paintings that, once looked, is impossible to forget. Therefore, after a while I want to restore the smallest details of this action in my memory.

Story line. The village instead of the sea

The protagonist of this story for the coming summer has its own grandiose plans. Anya is going to the sea to undergo student practice in the warm Crimea, which promises to be fun and exciting. But they are not destined to come true.

Due to the fact that her grandfather, a distinguished academician, is near death, she radically changes her route and comes to a garden partnership under the strange name “Soviet geologist”. It is located near Moscow. It is here that her grandfather lives, who dies almost in the arms of his granddaughter.

hereditary crime actors

This is the plot of the mini-series “Crime of Succession”, the actors of which were able to embody all the relationships, qualities and oddities of the characters of different people, their devotion to their favorite business and the desire to get to the goal at all costs.

The role of the young academician Ermolaev was played by the famous young actor Artem Tkachenko. He is only 34 years old, but his track record has more than fifty works in film and television projects. In the same, 2012, when the artist was present on the set as the head of the geological party Anton Ermolaev, in parallel, he starred in several more films - Cinderella, Beauty, Dragon Syndrome. And in each picture was different.

Valya in adulthood was played by the wonderful Russian actress Lyudmila Polyakova. Despite the fact that her role is far from positive, it is impossible to take her eyes off each scene with her participation. This mini-series was one of several dozen works where she took part. Once, in the late fifties, she did not dare to dream of a career as an actress, because her height of 176 cm then seemed shocking. For her long life in the theater and cinema, Lyudmila Polyakova played stepmother and ministers of health, chairmen of a collective farm and peasant women, queens and housekeepers, landowners and hostesses of parking lots, heads of pioneer camps and physiotherapists. This can be seen in "Vacations in High Security", "Heavy Sand", "Kamenskaya", "Agony", "Crown of the Russian Empire" and many others.

Olesya Fattakhova, who played the role of Ani, the granddaughter of Ermolaev, is one of those young actresses who are said to be the find of Russian cinema. This is beyond doubt. Olesya has been filming since 2009, and in her piggy bank there are quite interesting movie characters: Nadia from the Hotel for Cinderella, navigator Lipko from Night Swallows, Nadia Potapova from The Coast of Hope, Vera from "And the Ball Will Return" ... But this is only the beginning of her creative biography.

The brilliant Evdokia Germanova - the role of Rina Drozd in adulthood. Probably, only she would be able to play a woman with a mental disorder that occurred after the murder of her beloved husband. Little is known about the actress herself, her biography remains quite closed to the masses. It remains only to admire her on the screen, marveling at how different it can be: Dasha Rozanova from the "Draw", Oksana from the "Wedding Gift", Svetka from "Life by Limit", Larisa from "Niagara", Jacqueline from the series about Dasha Vasilyeva. .. She can be a baroness and a witch, a cleaner and a circus artist, a teacher and a chic lady. And in each role it is unique.

The young actor Yuri Moseychuk played the role of Fedor in this mini-series, who died on an expedition to Kankara in 1966, while working in the laboratory, because his wife replaced the reagents. He started acting as a young man, but if someone did not notice his first work, then not watching the series about the Gromov family (the role of Studebaker), Ondine (Vasya), The Indiscriminate Murder (Alexander Gusalov) is simply impossible. He is only 35, and he not only acted in films, but also managed to work in the troupes of Lenkom and the theater to them. Vakhtangov.

Criminal or slandered?

Before her death, Ani's grandfather - academician Ermolaev - tells her one piece of news, upon learning which, the girl is simply shocked. As it turned out, many years ago her grandfather had two close and faithful friends, also professors. Under some mysterious circumstances, they were killed. For the rest of his life, Ermolaev had to prove to everyone that he was not to blame for the tragedy. Unfortunately, until the last day, the academician was not able to remove the stigma of the criminal from himself, no matter how he tried.

His sorrows and regrets helped to beat and show as brightly as possible other serial actors. “Crime of Succession” is not an ordinary film. It contains both recognized stars of Russian cinema and young artists taking their first steps on this path. As is customary for many years, if the film affects more than a dozen years, then different actors play the same hero in young years and in old age. It should be noted that in this picture they were simply chosen filigree: those who played heroes in their youth were very similar to those who played them at a respectable age: Tatyana Demidova and Lyudmila Chursina, Tatyana Polosina and Evdokia Germanova, Alexander Ratnikov and Nikolai Sakharov, Nadezhda Gorelova and Lyudmila Polyakova, Artem Tkachenko and Valery Kosenkov.

Not guilty. But how to prove it?

In one of the last conversations with her granddaughter, Ermolaev, having told her the whole story, asked him to do one service. He really wants Anya to even try to prove his innocence in the death of best friends. Grandfather is sure that it is impossible to raise a hand for someone you have known for more than a year and with whom you have real warm friendly relations.

inherited crime actors

Quite accurately and accurately, young actors played such a relationship. “Crime by inheritance” - This is not just a detective story. Here is the love line, and envy, and jealousy, and the desire to be the first in everything.

The last word the academician said was the strange word "Kankara." What is it and what matters, he did not have time to explain.

"I will do everything, Grandfather!"

To whitewash the grandfather’s honest name, Anya promised herself that she would certainly get to the truth. How long does it take, can she find the necessary evidence, because everything happened so long ago, Anya does not know. She also does not know what dangerous and even fatal situations can await her on the way to the truth.

Here is an unusual story told by Russian actors. “Crime by inheritance” is a picture dipping the audience into the distant sixties, which gives them a full sense of presence with everything that happens then.

The girl is firm in her intention, because she loved her grandfather very much. But how much she will have to plunge into the incredible and strange events of the distant 1966, she does not even have an idea. But only in this way Anya can unravel the gloomy secret of the still unknown river of Kankara ...

inherited crime actors and roles

So fascinating, keeping in suspense every minute, was the film "Crime of Succession." Actors and roles they played in the project, very convincingly showed the audience that love and friendship can last a lifetime, and can end for just one reason; that hatred can sometimes live in the heart for many years, and revenge can be not just a cold dish, but even icy.


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