Ummy Video Downloader reviews. How to use the program

The YouTube video platform is a world-wide hosting that millions of people visit every day. It is not surprising that they periodically have a need to download some video to their computer, but there is one caveat - this cannot be done on the site. But do not despair, you can always install Ummy Video Downloader on your computer and download your favorite recording through it. Not sure how to do this, then read this article.

Convenient video upload

ummy video downloader reviews

First, I would like to discuss the functions of the program themselves, along with giving instructions on their use. It is also worth noting that the reviews about Ummy Video Downloader on the Web are only positive. Therefore, do not worry about the security of your computer.

So, how to use Ummy Video Downloader to download videos from YouTube? You just need to run the program, paste the link to the video copied from the browser in the appropriate field for entering, and click the "Download" button. As you can see, everything is simple.

If you want to visually see the download process, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the thematic video.

Ability to choose quality

By the way, Ummy Video Downloader also receives positive reviews for the fact that the program has the ability to choose the recording quality. After you insert a link to the video and the program analyzes it, you will be asked to select the quality in the corresponding drop-down list. Agree, it’s very convenient. This way you can save time on loading and hard disk space.

how to use ummy video downloader

Download audio channel

But what if you want to get only sound from the video, what if the video is not important to you at all? Do not download and install a powerful video editor for these purposes! Of course not. Ummy Video Downloader and it can do. You just need to select the MP3 item from the aforementioned drop-down list and click the "Download" button. Please note that you are also allowed to choose the sound quality, which is good news.

Select a folder to download video content

Most likely, after using this program and you will write in the comments a laudatory comment about Ummy Video Downloader, because in addition to the above options, the program allows you to even change the path to the directory where the video will be downloaded.

If you do not change the settings, then all the recordings will automatically fall into the standard "Video" folder, which is located on drive C, but most likely you have a separate special folder for the video in another place. You can easily point the program to it. You just need to click the "Settings" button and in the window that appears specify the path to the directory, writing it in the "Save Path" field.

If you do not remember it, then you can click on the icon in the form of a folder, and then select the folder through the "Explorer" window that appears.

install ummy video downloader

By the way, in the settings you can also choose the preferred quality of the downloaded video so that you do not have to select it every time. And there is also the opportunity to change the language of the program, although, of course, this parameter is unlikely to be changed by anyone. Remember to click OK after changing the configurations.

Download multiple videos at once

Another pleasant surprise will be the fact that it is not at all necessary to download videos sequentially, waiting for the completion of downloading each of them. By putting one video on the download, you can immediately enter a link to a new one and start downloading it too. Thus, you can put a lot of videos at night, and in the morning they will all be downloaded.

Advantages and disadvantages

I would like to complete the article by listing all the advantages and disadvantages of the program, let's start with the first.


  • The presence of the Russian language.
  • The program interface is intuitive and not loaded with superfluous elements.
  • Convenient implementation of loading rollers.
  • The program is free.

Now let's move on to the shortcomings, which are not so many:

  • When installing the application, products from the Yandex company will be automatically installed, but you can refuse them if you wish.

As you can see, due to shortcomings, it is unlikely that someone will write a bad review about Ummy Video Downloader.


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