How are the pivots replaced on the GAZelle?

Initially, the GAZelle light truck was famous for its simple design and unpretentiousness.

replacement of pivots on gazelles
in service. Therefore, most owners of such cars make repairs on their own. Despite the fact that this vehicle does not have particularly complex mechanisms, high-quality repairs are possible only when all work is done in accordance with the instructions. And if the driver makes repairs with his own hand, he must be sure of all his actions. In this article we will look at how do-it-yourself pins are replaced on a GAZelle car, and how much branded service stations charge for this work.

Instructions for dismantling and installing the part

First of all, I want to note that if you are doing this procedure for the first time and do not have the experience of locksmithing, purchase a few pieces of oil seals and bushings in the store in advance. So you will save a lot of your time.

So, let's get to work. The replacement of the pivots on the GAZelle first of all begins with the discharge of engine oil from the bridge. To do this, prepare a small container and substitute it under a stream of leaking fluid. Next, take the jack and put supports under the car. After removing the wheels, the caliper and brake disc should be unscrewed . When this operation is completed, you can remove the steering tip. But before that, we need to unscrew the brake shield and remove the drive with the bearing housing. After removing the tip, dismantle the lower grease fitting, remove the grease valve and king pin cover (in the lower part of the part we turn the plug out). We disassemble the second side of the bridge in the same way.

gazelle do-it-yourself pivot pins replacement

In addition, the replacement of the pivots on the "Gazelle" includes a whole range of works. First we need to extrude the old part. Moreover, this should be done only when the pin was heated on fire. Then it is necessary to clean the removed nodes from the accumulated dirt in order to assess their condition. If the part is damaged, the replacement of pivots is required.

A new spare part should now be pressed into GAZelle. To do this, lubricate the bushings. After repressing, it is necessary to check the reliability of fastening the part. It is important to ensure that the top sleeve is flush with the housing. All parts are installed in an upright position. As for the pivots themselves, they should enter the bushing easily, literally from finger pressure. We clean the part from the chips and check the condition of the seals. If necessary, change them. After installation, the axle oil seals must be lubricated with oil.

gazelle king pin replacement Price
After mounting the new part, all threaded joints on the SHRUS should be assembled and the axial movement of the fist should be examined. Further assembly takes place in the reverse order.

Replacing the pivots on the "Gazelle": the price of the service

At the moment, the cost of performing such work at a branded technical service station is approximately 5-7 thousand rubles. Sometimes you can order this service for 2.5 thousand, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Therefore, knowing the entire sequence of work, you save substantial money on replacement.


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