Take the elevator in a dream. Dream Interpretation: ride in an elevator, a terrible elevator. The interpretation of dreams

An elevator is a construction that a person can face not only in real life. Also, this mechanism can be seen in night dreams. Take the elevator in a dream, use it - what does all this mean? In the article you can read the answer to this question.

Call him

Suppose a person is standing in the porch and waiting for the elevator in a dream. Why is this a dream ? This indicates that in real life a period of stagnation has begun. Something makes a person inactive where everyone expects decisive actions from him. Laziness, fear - only the dreamer himself knows the real reason for the decline in activity. The longer the sleeper spends his time waiting, the more difficult the situation becomes.

take the elevator in a dream

Does the person call the elevator and he arrives right there? Such dreams warn that the sleeping person will have a new interesting and profitable business. All his further life depends on how well the dreamer will cope with him. He needs to gather all his strength and get to work.

Are other people coming out of the elevator that the dreamer called out? Such a plot is a sign that a person needs the help of experienced mentors. If he follows the advice of others, he will benefit from it.

Take the elevator: Miller's dream book

What do such dreams mean if you rely on the opinion of a famous psychologist. Take the elevator along Miller’s dream book - move up the career ladder, get rich. A person needs to make little effort in order for his life to begin to change for the better before his eyes. It is possible that powerful patrons will soon appear to help him succeed.

take the elevator in the dream book

Getting stuck in an elevator while moving up is a bad sign. The dreamer is in danger. It is possible that the further development of events in night dreams will help to understand what exactly should be wary of.

Dream Book

This guide is also worth a look. To climb the elevator in a dream is a plot that promises a change for the better. Also, an upward movement can warn that the sleeper dreams of starting a new life. However, a person wants to achieve everything without the slightest effort, which, of course, he will not succeed.

ride up the elevator

Being stuck in an elevator while lifting is a sign of stagnation. In real life, nothing interesting and fascinating happens; the sleeper suffers from boredom. Also, such a dream can be seen by one who in reality finds himself in a hopeless situation. Have to ask for help from family and friends in order to get out of it.

Watch the elevator rise from the side - to the promotion. It is highly likely that the authorities will finally note the merits of the sleeping person and offer him a leadership position.

Upward movement

To climb the elevator in a dream is a good omen. Such a forecast is contained in almost all dream travel guides. A person’s awaiting career advancement, luck in business. If he is torn apart by internal contradictions, then soon he will be able to find spiritual harmony.

a man dreams to climb the elevator

In a dream, a man rises to the roof? Such a plot warns that the sleeping person has a bright future. The dreamer's talents will help him to become rich, to occupy a high position in society.


What does it mean to climb the elevator in a dream, what awaits a person? The answer depends on how fast the cab moved. If the elevator was traveling very fast, then this is a good sign. The dreamer is confidently moving towards his dream, nothing will make him turn or stop. Even if some obstacles arise, the sleeper will easily overcome them.

dreamed of going up in the elevator

Does the construction move very slowly? Such dreams warn that not everything will always develop as the dreamer wants. On the way to the chosen goal, various obstacles will arise that a person has to overcome. The experienced difficulties tempered his character.

Does the man control the lift himself, selects the speed? Such a plot means that he has to move up the career ladder. Most likely, the dreamer will be offered a leadership position.

Interpretation of Yuri Longo

What does the famous magician say about all this? Climbing up Longo's dream book means to deceive others. Some reason makes the sleeper hide the truth from his friends and relatives. If the secret ever becomes public, many will be offended by the dreamer for his secrecy.

woman dreams to climb the elevator

It is possible that to deceive a person has caused the desire to protect someone. The sleeper needs to make sure that the game is worth the candle. Does a person in need really deserve to risk a relationship with his entire immediate environment for his sake?

To get stuck in an elevator while climbing - why dream of this? In real life, a person should beware of scammers. It is possible that someone will try to convince him to conclude a deliberately failed transaction. Or a poor-quality product at a high cost will be slipped to a sleeping person. It is better to refuse to sign new agreements or make purchases in the next few days. Such a simple solution will allow a person to protect their money from scammers.


What is the dreaded elevator dream of? For example, the booth may be dirty, spat on. Such a dream warns a person that he is in danger. It is possible that the sleeper turned off the intended path, preparing to go the wrong way. Also, such dreams can disturb the night rest of the one who is waking up something unkind. We need to think about whether the game is worth the candle.

use the elevator in a dream

The cabin is terribly crowded, does it seem to a person that he is suffocating? Such dreams indicate that the sleeping person is "crowded" in real life. Other people (relatives, friends, colleagues) constantly put pressure on the dreamer, try to manipulate him. They do not allow the sleeper to reach its full potential.

What else could a scary elevator symbolize? For example, what does a cabin with a floor swinging underfoot promise? Such a plot indicates the precariousness of the situation in which, by his stupidity, he was asleep. A person feels uncomfortable, but there is nothing he can do about it.

Get stuck

In a dream, the elevator travels up and gets stuck - what does this mean? Such dreams warn a person that nothing important happens in his real life for too long. It seems to the dreamer that he is stuck in place, is engaged in the same thing, does not move forward. It is possible that it is time for the sleeping person to begin to actively manifest himself. If a person does not act, no one will do it for him.

To get stuck in an elevator in the company of other people - why dream of this? Dreams of the night warn that a person is not satisfied with his current relationship. It is possible that secretly he dreams of breaking up with a partner who has long been not causing him strong feelings. The gap in this case will be a blessing for both parties, so an important decision should not be postponed.

Does the elevator break suddenly? Such a plot is a warning that the plans of the sleeper may not come true. This will happen due to events that are not dependent on him. However, if a person does not give up and begins to improvise, then for him everything will end well. The main thing is to be able to hide your confusion from others.

Cabin Condition

In a dream, does the elevator go up? Interpretation also depends on how the cabin looks.

  • If it is old, then this is a bad sign. For a long time, a person feels broken, broken. He cannot recover, return to normal life. Perhaps it is time for him to seek help from a specialist.
  • Missing call buttons also do not bode well. The dreamer has accumulated many problems, and he does not see a way to solve them. Perhaps he should ask for help and advice from friends on whom he can rely.
  • The mirror on the wall is a sign that on the way to his goal the sleeper can rely only on himself. Other people will not come to his aid, because they do not believe in the success of his ideas. The right decisions will tell the intuition of the dreamer, which is certainly worth listening to.
  • Broken lights symbolize the loss of landmarks. A man has gone astray; he cannot return to the right path. He needs to stop and reflect on further actions.
  • Is the elevator car brightly lit? Such a dream is a sign that the sleeping person will be lucky in any undertakings. Careerists will get promoted at work. Lonely people can finally arrange their personal lives.
  • What does a cabin that has only a platform symbolize? Missing walls in this case indicate insecurity. The sleeping person cannot fence himself off from people who put pressure on him, deprive him of free will.
  • A small booth is a sign of stiffness. Something is strangling the sleeping man, preventing him from developing and moving on. It is possible that this is a sense of appreciation that he feels for someone. He is trying to repay a debt to this person, and it subordinates him to his will, manipulates him.


What else does it mean to ride in an elevator in a dream? A person presses the call button, but the cabin does not come, which forces him to climb the stairs? Such a plot predicts changes for which the dreamer may not be ready. For example, we can talk about parting with loved ones.

Fall asleep in the elevator - what does it mean? Such dreams warn about the attempts of the sleeper to isolate himself from the surrounding reality. A person does not want to deal with current problems, as a result of which they accumulate and run the risk of turning into a snowball once.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4571/

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