Age of reservists in the Russian army. What is the age of reservists in Russia?

The growing geopolitical tension in the region caused the Russian leadership to seriously talk about the modernization of the army of reservists for the first time in many years, or rather, the creation of a fundamentally new management institute specializing in the study and organization of the country's mobilization potential. It is still difficult to talk about the real terms of the project. Yes, the relevant law has been passed, and a presidential decree has been published. But the flywheel of the system is just gaining momentum.

Age of reservists in the Russian army

Many experts, as well as ordinary citizens, are already interested in the nuances of this program. And the main question raised at all levels is, of course, the age of the reservists in the Russian army. According to military analysts, speculation on this topic in the media led to the fact that objective information was lost on the general background of the picture of the day. As a result, there was an urgent need for an explanatory conversation with an accented arrangement of all points above the “i”.

The formation of the army of reservists: potential applicants

According to the decree of the President, the following categories of citizens are subject to compulsory military draft:

  • persons discharged to the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • former university students who underwent comprehensive training in military departments and received officer ranks;
  • men who have not served in the ranks of the Russian army because of release from conscription;
  • women with a military specialty;
  • persons who had a deferment at the time of the call, as well as those who received the right to perform alternative civilian service ;
  • military personnel dismissed without registration.

In addition, a separate provision of the decree determines the maximum age up to which reservists will be recruited in Russia - 60 years.

The purpose of the reorganization of the training system for reservists

The reform launched last year has far-reaching plans. The primary task is to eliminate the bureaucratic confusion inherent in the modern Russian army, and in the future, to make of the reservists a sort of universal soldier who can get into operation in a matter of hours without losing the functionality and controllability of the units.

age of reservists in the Russian army 20 34 years

But the ambitions of the General Staff leadership are not limited to this.

The main idea is to bring reserve troops to a new stage of evolution: to establish a level of understanding between existing combat formations and rear units at which, in the event of the start of real hostilities, there is no need to reprofile personnel. Simply put, the policy of educating a “multi-vector” soldier and specialist officer who is equally prepared both for solving purely combat missions and for performing functions inherent in civilian power structures will be cultivated at military training camps.

Since “universalization” of a person implies a long learning process, there are already tough discussions in the Presidential Administration, in the Government and in both chambers of the Parliament regarding what the average age of reservists in the Russian army should be in 10-15 years: 20-34, as in most western countries, or 30-45.

Military training: exercises or combat experience?

The military training program is not a constant. Even within one calendar year, completely different training algorithms can be compiled for the same types of troops.

age to which reservists will be recruited in Russia

The situation in the world is constantly changing, so it would be wrong to build teachings on the same pattern. And the age of the reservists in the Russian army, of course, plays a role. People who are weaned from the hardships and deprivations of military service, are far from always able to fulfill the standard the first time, which was specially calculated according to the physical capabilities of a healthy twenty-year-old guy. And this is another reason to think about whether to begin the rejuvenation of the army of reservists.

The military exercises held at the time in the USSR were as close as possible to the conditions of warfare and fully reflected the degree of training of personnel. That experience, of course, has long been taken as a basis in our army (all the more so since the age of the reservists in Russia allows us to talk about unspent "genetic memory" regarding military dedication and the rules of the TRP). However, it’s already 2015, the training program needs to be brought closer to today's realities.

Types and dates of military training

According to the current charter of military service and regulatory documents that govern the procedure for conducting military training, there are several types of military training meetings:

  • management fees (with a thematic focus on the process of managing units);
  • training;
  • verification;
  • attributed.

Age of reservists in Russia

In the case of reservists, we are talking about training camps organized to restore previously acquired skills (or to acquaint the military with the rules of service). Such events, as a rule, are combined in nature, that is, their theoretical part is supplemented by practice.

Despite the fact that the age of the reservists in the Russian army is determined in a rather wide range (from 20 to 60 years), the time of the collection is indicated by a valid decree in the interval of only two months. Some analysts believe that this is the wrong approach, because the perception of the same information by people of different age categories varies qualitatively.

Age of reservists: who will be called upon and under what conditions?

The principle of completing combat training units, consisting of reservists, is quite simple. Responsible officers of the military registration and enlistment offices select persons according to three basic criteria: presence / absence of military service experience, presence / absence of health problems and the number of full years. However, they will not row everyone under one comb.

You need to understand that the reform of the "system of putting in the gun" of the reservists implies the implementation of two scenarios: the professional training of ideological partisans and the registration, and, in fact, military service of paid volunteers.

Age of reservists in the Russian army: what are the limitations

The age of the reservists in the Russian army, as mentioned above, is set at 20-60 years. However, for those wishing to become part of the paid mobilization rear services, other rules will apply, or rather, already apply. In particular, soldiers and warrant officers older than 42 years, as well as officers who are 47-57 years old (47 for junior officers, 52 for the middle command, 57 for senior army leadership, will not be able to sign a contract with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation )

Personnel officers and reserve officers: their role in creating a second front

A reservist under a contract is a common occurrence for the armed forces of developed countries. Henceforth, paid patriots will be in Russia. By the way, along with the functional reorganization of the voluntary paramilitary movement, the government is implementing the reform of the classical army. So, at the initiative of the executive branch, proposals were submitted to the State Duma on amending certain articles of the law on military service. As a result, the deputies, having familiarized themselves with the opinion of the relevant ministers, voted to extend the term of servicemen in service for 5 years.

Now that the age of the reservists for the Russian army is being established based on the needs of the Armed Forces, the personnel officers were allowed to serve longer. And this is the logic: why take off shoulder straps from a 60-year-old colonel, if he can take reservists under his command and pass on invaluable experience to them?

Professional army of reservists: the experience of foreign countries

The bureaucracy and incompetence of the General Staff are the two worst enemies of any army. Life shows that the bet on quick reaction forces is justified today as never before.

age of reservists for the Russian army

Contract volunteers serving in the US Armed Forces may not be younger than 20 and older than 39 years of age. This moment is fixed by law. Young people, men and women in their prime, are ready to come to the aid of their country at the first call and complete the task with maximum efficiency. Perhaps the age of reservists in Russia will also be reduced over time, because experience is experience, and years take their toll. What if youth is the secret of the success of the overseas army?

Social protection of reservists

The state is obliged to take care of its defenders. This postulate does not cause the slightest doubt. Now it is extremely important to understand what privileges domestic reservists are entitled to count on: are they guaranteed social benefits, salary allowances, and so on.

By a decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, contracting guerrillas assigned their jobs (salaries are paid in full even during the period of military training). Also to all volunteers from the mob. reserve is established official salary (the amount varies depending on the rank, length of service until the moment of discharge in the reserve, etc.).

Additional benefits apply to the educational process: re-profiling and advanced training - at the expense of the budget. True, the bonus program is slightly spoiled by the established boundary age of the reservists in the Russian army (what restrictions apply can be found on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense).

Age of reservists: who will be called?

The right to non-participation in military training

Contracting contractors is not allowed to ignore military charges (the only good reason is health status). Those who are deprived of the status of a paid volunteer may not participate in such events if:

  • training has been completed over the past three years;
  • they are leading employees of strategic enterprises;
  • their activities are related to teaching at universities;
  • there are other (legal) reasons for obtaining a delay.

A kind of exemption from participation in military training can serve as the age of reservists. Who will be called upon this year? First of all, those who at the time of receipt of the agenda will meet the age limit.


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