Roach bait: home-made recipes. What to catch roaches?

Roach is a widespread flocking fish. According to experts, roach fishing is possible in any body of water in which the water is clean. This species in search of feed moves throughout the pond. Therefore, the task of the fishermen is to attract and hold the fish at the point of fishing. To cope with this angler will help bait for roach. In specialized stores you can buy a ready-made bait mixture.

what to catch roaches

However, judging by consumer reviews, many fishermen prefer to use homemade roach bait. Such mixtures will cost the angler much cheaper. In addition, the mixture, properly prepared at home, is not worse than branded. Information on how to make bait for roach with your own hands is contained in the article.

Getting to know the bait mix

Being an active fish, not finding enough food in one place, roach will quickly leave it. Thus, the use of lures is an urgent need, and not a tribute to fashion. Without the presence of the bait mixture, fishing will turn out episodic. However, roach bait should be used very carefully. A mixture that is too bright or pungent will scare the fish.

What to catch roaches? This question is often asked by beginners. Experienced fishermen know that when making the bait mixture, you must take into account the taste preferences of the fish, which may vary depending on the season and weather conditions. Bait consists of a base of animal or vegetable origin, flavorings, sweeteners, dusting, binders and loosening elements.

DIY roach bait

About animal components

According to experienced anglers, it is desirable that the animal composition of roach bait be represented by the following ingredients:

  • forage bloodworm;
  • Mormysh;
  • aquarium feed (you can use dried daphnia);
  • ground shrimp (three pieces are enough).
    roach bait recipe

About binders and loosening components

Prepare homemade bait for roach with:

  • breadcrumbs;
  • ground peas in flour;
  • bran;
  • decoy.

The above ingredients, with the exception of breadcrumbs, are intended for bonding the mixture. Crackers, as experts recommend, should be added very carefully. If roach bait is prepared correctly, it will be easy to sculpt bait balls from it. If you go too far with breadcrumbs, the balls will crumble very quickly.

About dusting elements

According to experts, the best bait for roach is a mixture that can form turbidity. This is due to the fact that this type of fish prefers to feed in troubled waters. To do this, you need to acquire natural milk powder.

About sweeteners

Judging by numerous reviews, roach fishing will be more successful if the bait is sweet enough. This is due to the fact that this fish is considered a sweet tooth. Therefore, it is advisable to add sugar or honey to the roach bait. You can also use halva.

About Flavors

Those who are interested in what to catch roaches to make fishing successful, experts recommend enriching the mixture with various flavors. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is best to equip it with vanilla. However, you should not use a culinary, but a branded product. This recommendation is due to the fact that culinary vanilla has a bitter taste. The proprietary ingredient should be added so that 1 g of the mixture accounts for 100 g of flavor. Since in the presence of coriander as a part of the bait, its small particles emerge and roach is attracted, we recommend using this product as well. The mixture will have a pleasant aroma if anise is present in its composition. In addition, you can use the following aromatic additives:

  • almond;
  • chocolate;
  • hemp;
  • caramel.

A well-prepared mixture should have a soft, alluring aroma, and not a heavy odor that repels the fish. Therefore, aromatic additives make drops, not spoons.

About the color of the mixture

Roach is considered a peaceful fish that escapes from predators due to the ability to disguise itself. This fact should be considered when making bait. It is desirable that the color of the bait merges with the general background of the bottom in the pond. If the bottom is dark, and the mixture is too light, then this will adversely affect the bite.

About Extra Supplement

Some fishermen enrich the bait mixture with dried and chopped pigeon droppings. Wild birds, according to experts, are not suitable as producers of this raw material. These should be pigeons that feed on sunflower, hemp and corn seeds. Due to the peculiarities of the digestive system of pigeons, complete digestion of seeds in the stomach does not occur. Therefore, roach is attracted by the litter itself, moistened with gastric juice, which is also used as an excellent gluing element.

Summer fishing bait

roach fishing

According to experts, in different seasons the recipes of roach bait are slightly different. The bait is prepared taking into account the natural diet of fish. For spring fishing, the bait mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • breadcrumbs (200 g);
  • fried buckwheat groats (200 g);
  • milk powder (50 g);
  • chopped bloodworm or worm (50 g);
  • flavoring (5 g of anise recommended);
  • clay or river sand.

Also a good bait mixture can be prepared from:

  • 200 g breadcrumbs or ground crackers;
  • 100 g of Hercules porridge;
  • 200 g of boiled rye;
  • 20 g hemp seeds;
  • 50 g filamentous algae;
  • 100 g of flake or sunflower meal.
winter bait for roach

If the bait is prepared correctly, it is easy to mold balls from it, which should be broken with a slight pressure. In the summer, experts recommend that the mixture has a fine or medium grinding.

Mixture for summer surface lure

According to experienced fishermen, in the bait, the food should disintegrate and float up faster, which is important, because in the heat of the roach most of the time it spends in the upper layers of the water. For summer fishing, use another cooking recipe. You can make a mixture of:

  • sunflower seeds (half a cup);
  • one tablespoon of milk powder;
  • white bread (100 g);
  • breadcrumbs (50 g);
  • one teaspoon of flavor (anise).

This bait is designed to lure roaches on the surface.

Deep Feeding Mixture

In cool weather, roach leaves the upper layers and is deployed closer to the bottom. You can lure it to the place of fishing using bait prepared according to another recipe. To make a mixture at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • sunflower seeds (a quarter cup);
  • maggot (one matchbox is enough);
  • boiled millet (one glass);
  • ground anise (one teaspoon).

The above components are mixed with sand or clay.

On the composition of the autumn mixture

In autumn, roaches are fished using a bait consisting of the following ingredients:

  • breadcrumbs (150 g);
  • rye bran (150 g);
  • maggots (30 g);
  • bloodworm (20 g);
  • caraway seeds (3 g).

The above components are mixed with clay, thanks to which it is convenient to roll bait balls from the mixture.

About bait in the spring

These mixtures are intended for use in cold water. They are prepared from the following ingredients, the proportions of which each fisherman determines for himself:

  • pearl barley (100-150 g);
  • corn porridge;
  • buckwheat;
  • peas;
  • Basilica
  • coriander;
  • orange peel;
  • hemp seeds;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • salt.
homemade roach bait

The above components must first be thoroughly ground using a coffee grinder or blender. Then the ingredients need to be fried in a pan. They are mixed in a large container, after which they are again ground in a meat grinder and thoroughly mixed. These products form the basis of future bait. Upon arrival at the reservoir, the mixture is enriched with chopped worms, maggots or bloodworms.

If there is a strong current in the pond, it will be more convenient for roach to fish using another bait mixture. To cook it you will need the following ingredients:

  • roasted and carefully chopped sunflower seeds (one glass);
  • dried tangerine or orange zest (one glass);
  • breadcrumbs (glass);
  • boiled millet (200 g);
  • wheat flour (50 g).

Since bright, light spots frighten roaches, experts advise that the bait of artisanal cooking should have a dark color. The mixture is soaked in water at the place of fishing. In the holes, bait balls are recommended to be thrown with finely chopped king prawns (ten pieces are enough). Experienced fishermen recommend starting the starting bait in the holes that are located upstream.

About winter bait for roach

According to experts, in Russia and the CIS countries, many fishermen use peas as the main component in the manufacture of bait. Pea-based bait mixtures have proven their worth while fishing in various bodies of water. You can prepare winter bait for roach from the following products:

  • Breadcrumbs. This ingredient has a pleasant aroma, great nutritional value and stickiness. For bait, you need at least 800 g of crackers.
  • 200 g of oat flakes. The product is necessary to create an aroma and an attractive plume.
  • Pea porridge. For its preparation you will need peeled peas (500 g). It is poured into a container and filled with water (1.25 L).

Next, put the pan on a slow fire. You can also soak peas. To do this, you need to fill it with water just enough to cover it a little. After a few hours, water should be added to the container. As a result, peas should be covered with water by 20 mm. After that, the pan can be set on low heat. Cooking is necessary until the peas are completely split. If this does not happen, and the water in the pan is all boiled away, pea grains are crushed with a crush. Also for this purpose a blender or meat grinder is suitable. Then hot pea porridge is mixed with breadcrumbs, seeds and oatmeal porridge. According to consumers, this is an excellent steaming breadcrumbs.

Experienced fishermen recommend preparing this mixture on the eve of fishing. It is important that the bait is fresh. It is also desirable that the mixture contains a little moisture. If the bait turns out liquid, then it will stick. You can fix the situation with breadcrumbs. Pea bait can be thrown into the hole in the form of bait balls. The mixture is also used with cone feeders and feeder accessories. Judging by numerous reviews, the bait mass should be enough for about 15 holes.

homemade roach bait

Nevertheless, experienced anglers are advised to prepare the bait mixture with a margin. This recommendation is due to the fact that the roach can leave the bait place. In this case, the fisherman will have to drop the hole and go to the new one. The feeding process will have to start anew. This mixture is effective in the summer. Already in the reservoir, the mixture is seasoned with cooked peas in the form of whole grains. Also, they can replace the nozzle on the hook.

About Cornbait for Winter Fishing

Judging by numerous reviews, corn-based bait mixture is considered quite effective. In the manufacture, you can use both boiled grains and a can product. Most fishermen prefer corn grits. At home, a similar mixture is prepared from:

  • flakes (0.25 kg);
  • ground sunflower seeds (0.25 kg);
  • factory winter bait (0.25 kg);
  • corn grits (0.5 kg).

You need to cook the bait in a large pan. The porridge will not stick together if enough water is poured into the container. About a pound will need at least four liters. First, the water should boil. After the cereal is poured into the pan and boiled for 15 minutes. Then, using a colander, the cooked corn mass is washed. You can rinse for one minute. It is important that the mixture consists only of grains without viscous flour and mucus. Then the corn mass is enriched with oilcake, makukha and ground fresh sunflower seeds. The bait mixture is mixed and moistened already in the pond as necessary.

Experienced fishermen recommend throwing the formed balls into the hole when narrowing with a small current. If in the place of fishing the depth exceeds two meters, it is better to equip cone feeders with bait.


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