How to delete all Vkontakte messages at once

Almost every of our compatriots, whose age is within the framework of 15 (or even less) - 30 years old, has his own account on social networks. The most common in our country is, of course, the Vkontakte network. Users can find old friends, search for new ones, flirt and meet interesting people. The site allows you to exchange messages, share photos, express your opinion about them, listen to music and watch movies. A nice interface and a truly wide content of "Vkontakte" contributed to the fact that many users simply "live" there. In this regard, the lion's share of communications also falls on the open spaces of this social network. People quarrel in it, make peace, declare their love, gossip, share secrets and so on. Of course, correspondence is available not only to two interlocutors, but also to the site moderators. Less often, but it happens that such information can be accessed by cybercriminals, who subsequently will not have difficulty posting dirt on you on the network. Sometimes it also happens that you just want to erase all the old correspondence due to its uselessness or the fact that much has been said too much. So, how to delete all Vkontakte private messages?

First you need to go to the network site, enter your login and password and enter "My Messages". Then you should go to the "Sent" or "Received" folder, depending on what you want to delete. It is also important that the messages are shown as individual posts, not as a dialogue. Next, in front of the selected letter, check the "delete" box. That's all, the message has disappeared. However, you must admit, if you want to know about how to delete all Vkontakte messages at once, this process not only seems tedious, but simply not entirely suitable. Therefore, we click on the link "select all" in the received messages. A message will appear next to each message in the same hour indicating that they have been selected, after which the program will offer you several options that can be applied to selected posts. We will not take a long look at them all, just immediately choose the first one - β€œdelete”. All messages on this page have been deleted. Thus, now you know how to delete all Vkontakte messages at once within one page. Now it remains to do the same procedure with the remaining messages. Again a long and tedious operation. After that, we go to "Sent" if you originally deleted messages from the "Received" folder, and, accordingly, vice versa.

Of course, this is a long procedure. Moreover, if there are a lot of messages, but you need to delete everything. Therefore, Internet craftsmen have come up with a small trick for a long time, which teaches you how to delete all messages on Vkontakte immediately. To do this, we are looking for a special link on the open spaces of the network with the ending msgOutboxDel for outgoing messages, or (for incoming) - msgInboxDel. Next, insert the desired one into the address bar of the browser and go through it. Users claim that this is the best way to delete all VKontakte messages at once. Fast and efficient.

However, we looked at ways to delete a message from Inbox or Outbox. Often there is a need to simply delete all correspondence with a specific character. To do this, we again go to "My Messages" and there we find any letter from the user you are looking for. We click on it, after which in the newly opened window we select the option "Show message history with <Friend name>". Here we see a canvas of dialogue with this user of the social network. On the right, click on the "Show All" link, then go to the "Delete All" tab. In this case, absolutely all messages, both sent by you to this user, and his letters, intended for you, will be deleted.

In other words, you don’t need to learn how to quickly delete all Vkontakte messages. You just need to clearly decide for yourself: delete all outgoing emails, incoming, with a specific user, or - all at once. After you just use our instructions!


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