Leafing through a dream book: what is a gem dream of?

Sometimes we see amazing dreams, exciting imagination. After many, it is not superfluous to look into the dream book. A gem, for example, has dozens of meanings. All of them, of course, cannot be enumerated, however, I would like to note the most common ones.

Universal interpreter

This dream book can tell a lot of interesting things. The gem, which happened to be found in a vision, suggests that soon a person will have to work hard to achieve some important goal. It may be necessary to overcome many obstacles, but the result will be worth it. If a person has found such a "treasure" in his home, then soon he will really find some valuable find.

They managed to find the jewelry, but they had to be collected stubbornly, for a long time and painstakingly? This vision can be considered a signal calling for the beginning of active action. If a person has long wanted to start a business, then the right time has come for this.

The main thing is that he inadvertently does not scatter or lose jewelry. Because such a vision portends hardships and failures. The more treasure will be lost - the darker will be the "black" strip, advancing in human life.


It is important to pay attention to details - this is confirmed by each dream book. The gemstone has its own breed, and it is necessary to remember this fact and consider it.

dream book gem

What if the dream was a diamond? This beautiful and expensive stone promises wealth, family happiness and good health. Unless a person has lost it. Because such a plot twist portends a crushing defeat, worries, tears and troubles.

If in a dream a man wore a jewelry with a diamond on himself, then troubles and a quarrel await him. A lost jewelry stone indicates the loss of a loved one or dear friend. But the discovery of a large diamond portends the appearance of the very chance to prove itself, which happens once in a lifetime. The main thing is that the stone does not turn out to be false. Because such a dream is the personification of only pipe dreams and unattainable goals.


He does not portend anything bad - so assures the esoteric dream book. The gemstone sapphire symbolizes happy gain and luck, peace and faith. However, it is necessary to consider exactly how he appeared in the vision.

dream book gems see

Did the man find sapphire? So, he should plunge into the depths of his soul, try to gain spiritual wisdom. Maybe it's time to do self-development. But if the jewel was presented to him, then soon a person will appear in his life who will become a spiritual mentor. And his help will come in handy.

If the dreamer had a chance to buy or sell sapphire, it is worth becoming more responsible in the near future. It is believed that such a vision portends major costs. The loss of sapphire is the personification of a major gain, receiving this stone as a gift is an unfortunate gift.

By the way, there is still an opinion that such a dream portends great love. Which, however, will not do without mental torment. If the stone was in the ring, then love will most likely become fatal.


This expensive mineral is also considered a good sign, which is confirmed by each dream book. To see gems is fortunately, and if it was possible to consider emeralds in them, then you can confidently count on harmony, which will soon come in human life.

Miller's dream book gems

Had to give these minerals or take as a gift? Good sign. It is believed that it symbolizes spiritual growth and self-knowledge. By the way, the person who gave this beautiful mineral to the dreamer is actually a source of his joy. Or he will become one soon.

The main thing is that a person does not notice a piece of jewelry with emerald on his “soul mate”. This is not good. It is possible that soon he will be preferred to someone else - more affluent, promising, intelligent. But if you had to put on an emerald jewelry yourself, you can rejoice. Such a dream is considered the harbinger of a romantic adventure.


Miller's dream book can tell a lot about this mineral. Light blue gemstones represent the people who surround the person. They are reliable and faithful, they can be trusted. But if the dreamer lost the decoration with topaz in a dream, you need to beware. This vision says that there are envious people and hijackers in his environment.

Has a man received topaz as a gift? This is for a love adventure. Was the jewel bought by himself? So, a meeting is coming with good people who may be useful in the future. And polishing this jewelry portends family happiness.

dream book crown with precious stones

The main thing is that a person with a vision does not try to take away a product with topaz. Because such a dream portends a tainted reputation.


What this mineral dreams of, every dream book can tell . Gems in a dream - to well-being. And if these were rubies, then we can even expect the onset of a “bright" streak in life.

An interesting interpretation is given by the dream book of the White Magician. If a person bought jewelry with a ruby, then most likely he wants too much from his “second half”. He demands more than he can be offered. It may be worth mitigating the queries and paying attention to yourself. After all, the dreamer himself must meet the requirements.

dream book steal gems

However, this is not all that the dream book tells. The scarlet crown is considered the harbinger of an ardent declaration of love. If, however, gifts were not jewelry, but just rubies, then a person will have to spend a lot of money on household needs. Perhaps it will be a repair or purchase of some practical thing. In any case, the cost will pay off.

But if the dreamer had a chance to give rubies to someone, one should expect an invitation to some significant event or holiday event. It will turn out to be special for a person, because there will be a meeting, which will subsequently turn out to be fateful.

Other interpretations

There is still a lot of interesting things that the dream book can tell. Stealing gems in a dream: what does such a vision mean? Perhaps soon in the life of a person there will be a temptation and temptation, which he can not resist. But if the diamonds were stolen from him, then you should be careful. Something is threatening his well-being, and this danger is serious.

dream book gems in a dream

Did you see your jewelry on someone else? This is for a happy family life and a harmonious marriage. Did you find the missing jewelry with stones? To luck in important matters on which career and success depend. But if these were family jewels, then we should expect an increase in welfare. True, it is possible that it will be accompanied by spiritual discord and inner discomfort of the dreamer.

What else is worth knowing?

The worst dream is one in which the jewels were broken or broken. They mean an acute disappointment that a person will have to face in achieving the desired goal. If he saw himself near the counter with jewelry and wanted to buy something, but couldn’t because of his financial condition, then he would have to overcome serious obstacles to his dream.

The main thing is not to dream a dream in which a person noticed himself taking jewels from the body of the deceased. Such a vision portends major problems associated with the disclosure of the carefully hidden secrets of the dreamer.

This is just a small list of existing interpretations. There are many other values, but most of them are positive. And this cannot but rejoice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4593/

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