How to resize photo? Instructions and Tips

Photo editing is a difficult process, which is formed from several simple operations. Unfortunately, during it users encounter various problems and questions. Some can be resolved very quickly, but some will have to be pretty hard. How to resize photo? Below are the simplest instructions for translating ideas into reality. Even a child can master them!

What to work with

How can I resize a photo? This task has a ton of diverse solutions. It all depends on which image editor the user will use.

We will get acquainted with the process of adjusting the image size through:

  • Photoshop
  • Paint
  • Microsoft Picture Manager;
  • 0lik Editor.

The latest utility is an online application. It does not require installation and duplicates the bulk of the functions of the classic Photoshop.

Paint Work Instructions

How to resize photo? The first trick is to use an application called Paint. It is very popular when performing elementary operations with images.

Resize photos in Paint

To resize a photo you will need:

  1. Open Paint on the computer. You can find the service in any "Windows" in the "All Programs" - "Standard" section.
  2. Upload a picture to the application. For example, selecting "File" - "Open ...".
  3. Click on the "Resize" button. It is located at the top of the window, to the right of the Selection tool.
  4. Enter the desired values ​​of the canvas with a picture horizontally and vertically in the window that appears. You can set the parameters in pixels or in percent.
  5. Confirm the done manipulations.

It remains only to save the received document. It is recommended in the "Resize" window to put a check mark next to the "Keep aspect ratio" command. This will save the image from stretching.

"Office" and its applications

How to resize photos using Picture Manager? This is not the most difficult task, but not everyone knows about it.

Resize image in Office

The step-by-step process of adjusting graphic files can be represented as follows:

  1. Go to Picture Manager.
  2. Open this or that picture in the application. You can simply drag and drop the file into the workspace of the utility.
  3. Click on the "Edit Photos" button. It can be found on the toolbar at the top of the window.
  4. In the menu on the right, click on the line "Resize".
  5. Set picture parameters. Here you can choose the standard width and height or enter them into the specially designated windows yourself.
  6. Click on OK.

Now what? The image has been changed, you can save it. This technique is often used, but with a large increase in the size of the photo its quality may suffer.

Instructions for working in Photoshop

The most popular graphics editor is Adobe Photoshop. Through it, you can make various adjustments to graphic documents.

How to resize photos in Photoshop? The instruction for the implementation of ideas has the following interpretation:

  1. Go into Photoshop and open the desired document there.
  2. Click on the "Image" button.
  3. Select the "Resize Image" option. Not to be confused with "Resize Canvas"!
  4. Specify the width and height of the image.
  5. Confirm the process.
Resize photos in Photoshop

To edit several documents at once, it is recommended:

  1. Create a folder on the computer with various graphic documents.
  2. Go to Photoshop.
  3. Open "File" - "Scripts" - "Photo Processor ...".
  4. Indicate the folder with the prepared documents in the first block and the save location in the second.
  5. Check the box next to "Resize."
  6. Enter the desired values ​​in the fields under the corresponding line.
  7. Click on "Apply" at the top of the screen.

Now it remains to wait a bit. Pictures themselves will be uploaded to Photoshop, will go through the processing stage and saved along the path specified in advance. Very comfortably!


How to resize photos on the web? The 0lik Editor utility will help to do this. This is a substitute for Photoshop.

0Lik Editor - photo correction

The step-by-step process of work in the application "Nolik Editor" can be represented as follows:

  1. Go to the service website, click on the "Run" button.
  2. Open the graphic document to be edited.
  3. Select "Image" - "Image Size".
  4. Print the final image size and save the changes.

It is done. All that remains is to save the received document to the computer. The operation is carried out by selecting "File" - "Save As".


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