Why is the slug dreaming? The dream interpretation will help to find the answer to this question!

Probably, the question of what the slug dreams about is of interest to every person who has dreamed of something similar. The dream is far from being the most pleasant, because it is recommended to find out what it means. And for this, it is now worth turning to the most popular and reliable dream books.

The dream book will tell you what the slug dreams about

Interpreter Freud

This source lists very interesting interpretations. If you believe him, then this is what the slug dreams about:

  • Did the gastropod clam leave a long, slippery mark? This indicates a problem with sexuality or intimate health.
  • Was the slug still, but apparently alive? This vision indicates the passivity of a sleeping person in sex.
  • Did the dreamer violently crush the mollusks, experiencing a wild desire to get rid of them? This should be taken as the personification of the easy sadistic inclinations of a person in intimate relationships.
  • Unpleasant creatures dreamer saw in a dream on his body? This means that he will experience a sharp, incredible sensation of intimacy with his partner.

By the way, the girl any vision in which she saw the slug, portends the persistent courtship of a person who is extremely unpleasant to her. But it is recommended to refuse him gently, without negativity and rudeness.

What do slugs dream about in the house?

21st Century Dream Interpretation

And itโ€™s worth a peek if you want to know what the slug is dreaming of on the floor or in the house. They say that the image of this mollusk represents the lack of help from friends, when you canโ€™t do without it. Probably, the aspirations and plans of a person are simply incomprehensible to other people. That is why they refrain from participating in his affairs.

For girls, this vision represents a weak and unreliable lover who cannot be relied upon in a difficult situation.

Had a crush on gastropods in a vision? This means that the dreamer will be able to communicate with an unpleasant person. Perhaps he will complain about all sorts of little things throughout the dialogue, complain and try to arouse sympathy.

If there were a lot of slugs, then you should be wary. In this case, they personify insidious and unpleasant persons who are trying in every possible way to annoy the dreamer.

French interpreter

It also talks about what slugs dream about in the house. They say this is a harbinger of feuds and troubles of a family nature. If they crawled too close to a person, then there is a chance that unexpected obstacles will arise in matters.

What slugs dream about on the body is also worth knowing. This vision indicates a drop in the dreamer's personality to an extremely low level. After such a dream, it is worth doing physical and spiritual development.

The French dream book even speaks of what a vision means in which a person spits them out of his mouth. And this is perhaps the most unpleasant vision possible. And it says that it will not hurt a person to refrain from harsh words addressed to people around him, since such behavior affects the outcome of planned affairs.

What is the slug dreaming about on the floor?

Family dream book

Surprisingly, in this interpreter the interpretations are only positive. That's what slug dreams about, according to the family dream book:

  • The image of this creation promises positive changes in personal life. Perhaps a person will appear on the horizon, the connection with which will bring many happy moments and fill life with new meaning.
  • The girl any vision in which there was a slug, portends a pleasant boyfriend. He will provide her with unambiguous, but moderately persistent signs of attention.
  • Such a vision promises a man the appearance in life of a girl who will become a wonderful mistress.
  • In addition to slugs, were there more people in the vision? So, soon a person will be at some kind of celebration or a magnificent holiday.
  • Slugs dreamed at the same time with some animals? This is a long-awaited meeting with a friend or longtime friend.

There are also very strange visions. If a person, for example, cooked slugs in a dream, then this means that he will soon prove himself in creativity. Did he collect them in a jar? So, he will soon decide to save money for something expensive. And if a person did grow slugs at all, in the near future he will find a new hobby that will carry him over with his head.

Why dream slugs on the body?

Miller's Dream Book

You should also turn to this interpreter if you want to know what the slug is dreaming of. This book lists the following interpretations:

  • Was the gastropod clam annoying? This indicates his temper. He should show tolerance and patience in communication with people.
  • Was the dreamer indifferent to slugs? This indicates its good quality - the ability to move forward without focusing on failures.
  • Dead slugs represent victory over ill-wishers.
  • Mollusks underfoot indicate that a person will soon take part in an event of a competitive nature, where everyone will be weaker than him.
  • In the vision, the slugs got into your pocket? This is for unplanned expenses.
  • Man for unknown reasons ate a dreaming slug? Possible health problems.
  • Did the dreamer himself become a slug? This indicates his habit of constantly pretending and lying. Itโ€™s better to wean yourself from this, otherwise you can get into an awkward situation.

At the end of the topic regarding what the slug dreams about, it is worth mentioning that sometimes our dreams are just a reflection of some images from the subconscious. Therefore, do not worry too much if the interpretation promises something unpleasant.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K4602/

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