Pros and cons of serreitor sharpening

Probably in every kitchen there is a serreytorny knife, because a good housewife appreciates her work. And with the help of such a blade, you can easily and thinly cut bread, vegetables, fruits and more. Tourists and fishermen also have a serreytor in their arsenal. There are many myths that serrated knife sharpening is a big problem. So, we will further refute some misconceptions about this and consider what this knife is all the same.

Serrator blade

A serreitor, or serreitor blade, is a type of blade that has a wavy, sawtooth shape. Such wavy blades are used to make knives or other cutting tools. A half-serrator is a blade in which only some part of it is corrugated.

serratore sharpening

The similarity of the serreitor and the saw is only conditional, because the saw’s teeth are spaced apart on the sides and lead to the formation of sawdust. The teeth of the serrator are in the same plane. Typically, serrated blade sharpening is one-sided.

A saw may be located on the butt of a knife blade for an awesome look of melee weapons. This kind of knife can often be seen in various action films, for example, Rambo used a large-blade blade.

Pros of serration

For a housewife, the advantage of a serrator is obvious, but this blade is used not only in the kitchen, but also in tourism, fishing and even parachuting. So, the advantages of serrated blade sharpening:

  1. Increased cutting efficiency. The cut is carried out immediately from several angles and improves the efficiency of cutting fibrous materials. Such layered, fibrous materials, such as ropes, ropes, cables, nets, etc., are not a hindrance for the serreytor.
  2. The length of the cutting edge is increased due to the wavy line of all the teeth. If we calculate the length of the blade with all the bends, we will see that it is greater than the length of the blade itself.
  3. The sharpness of the blade lasts longer due to the fact that the load is distributed evenly over all the teeth and bends. Serreytore sharpening does not allow the blade to bend, so it lasts longer.
  4. Ease of penetration into the material. The sharp teeth of the serrated blade penetrate the material like an injection, cutting it deeper than a simple smooth blade.
  5. Increases the effect of tearing penetration, which is used in defense. A serreitor is better at cutting clothes than a blade with a smooth edge, which means that when striking the enemy, he will literally tear any fabric with his teeth.
How to sharpen a knife

The serreitor is often used as a cold weapon, and not just for thin slices of bread.

Cons serreitornogo sharpening

The wave-like blade has a number of disadvantages, consider them:

  1. The half-serrator leaves an uneven footprint. Due to the smooth and serrated blade, the knife will cut the material unevenly.
  2. Limited action. In some common situations, it is not possible to handle a serreytorny knife. For example, a can of preserves will be problematic to open.
  3. The teeth of the serrator can become clogged with particles of viscous material.
  4. The cut is not as smooth as when using a smooth blade. The smooth edge of the blade literally crushes the material, and the serrator breaks.
  5. When cutting, the blade goes to the side. Due to the specific unilateral sharpening of the blade, the knife will behave differently in the hands of a right-handed or left-handed person. The longer the blade and the greater the force on it, the stronger the evasion.
Tool sharpening

It is important to understand what the serrator is for and not to demand more from it.


Due to the uneven surface of the serreitor, sharpening the blade is quite problematic. The time and effort spent sharpening a smooth blade equals sharpening one wave-shaped protrusion of the serrator.

knife sharpening what is it

There are various inventions for sharpening serreytorny knives - in the form of a cone or bar. The material from which the grinding tool is made can be different, for example: diamond chips, metal, ceramics and others. In order to sharpen the serreitor efficiently, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Choose the right grinding tool. Experts advise the whetstone in the form of a triangle, but many argue that it is inconvenient.
  2. Determine the desired sharpening angle. Usually, experts advise taking into account the purpose of the serreytor knife, but at the same time stick to the sharpening angle closer to 15 degrees.
  3. Determination of the sharpness of the blade. The smaller the sharpening angle, the sharper the blade will be. For cutting, a sharp blade is not necessary, you can choose a sharpening angle less.
  4. Correctly remove burrs. As a result of sharpening the teeth of the serrator, some "burrs" are formed, which can be removed with a softer grinding tool.

If your choice is limited to a serreytorny knife, first of all decide whether you can maintain it in working condition.


In this article, we discussed all kinds of minuses and advantages of this sharpening. To do this, you can use a variety of technologies that will help you sharpen the knife.


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