How to use the "Game Killer"?

How to use Game Killer? What is this utility? What features does it have? This will be discussed in our article.

On the basis of Android there are many different programs. There are free, paid, and also such utilities in which there is an opportunity to expand functionality. But for this you need to make a certain amount. So, the program "Game Killer" is designed specifically to make paid for free.

What is a Game Killer?

how to use a game killer

Before describing how to use the Game Killer, we will briefly describe what kind of utility it is. The Game Killer application was created so that you can download paid programs or their extensions for free. For example, this is an opportunity to remove annoying ads from the game or constantly pop-up offers. In such cases, the developers offer to issue a paid subscription or buy the full version of the program used.

However, the utility gained the most popularity in hacking games and adding to itself, for example, points or increasing the number of hero's lives.

How to use?

Many who have heard of this program or have already downloaded it are interested in how to use the Game Killer . Everything is pretty simple. Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. You must download the Game Killer app from the Play Market. If he does not find it, then use the smartphone browser to download the program from the official site. Be careful when installing from a third-party source. It is likely that your device will pick up some kind of virus.
  2. Launch the app. You can find it in other installed applications and games on your device. Then instantly roll it up.
  3. Now you need to run the game, which will be hacked using the application "Game Killer".
  4. Collect some points in this game and remember the total amount.
  5. Minimize the game and launch the Game Killer on Android. Indicate the value of your points in it, after which the application will start searching for running games.
  6. In the list of options found, select what you need.
  7. Fix the value of the points.
  8. Now roll back the Game Killer and deploy the game.
  9. Spend some points. For example, buy something at a store.
  10. Minimize the game and deploy the Game Killer app
  11. Find there the game indicated above with the new values ​​of the points and change them to any number available in the application at your discretion.
  12. Click "OK", minimize the application and start the game.
  13. Make another purchase and your points will be equal to the amount you entered in the Game Killer.

Thus, you can increase any values ​​in games. It was this function that made the application popular among users.

game killer for android


Before downloading the Game Killer app on Android, configure superuser rights on your device. This is necessary to use application crackers. No such utility will work if you have not configured superuser privileges.

It is possible to download the application "Game Killer" in Russian. This makes this utility even more popular. However, do not forget that downloading from third-party sites is fraught with unpleasant consequences for your device.

how to use game killer on android

If you cannot independently configure superuser rights, do not try to do it at random once again. You can contact the service to configure them. Otherwise, you can spoil the operating system of your device as a whole. Repairing such a system failure will be quite expensive. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.


Now you know how to use the Game Killer. As you can see, everything is quite simple. We hope that our advice will help you in this matter. Good luck!


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