Anton Privolnov: biography of the famous TV presenter

Our today's hero is the popular TV presenter Anton Privolnov. The biography of this young man is of interest to many fans. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity. The article contains all the necessary information about his person.

Anton Privolnov: biography

Born January 1, 1981 in Moscow. In what family was our hero brought up? Mother taught French in one of the capital's schools. At first, his father was a guitarist in a music group, and then he went into the car business.

When Anton was 6 years old, his parents divorced. All responsibilities for raising a son were assumed by the mother. Father only provided material assistance to the family. Their meetings with Anton were infrequent.

Anton Privolov biography


From an early age, our hero dreamed of becoming a famous actor. To translate his ideas into reality, he externally graduated from high school.

At 15, the guy entered GITIS. He was enrolled in the course of L. Heifzer. Anton did not want to sit on the neck of his parents. Therefore, in his spare time, he worked as waiters in a restaurant located next to the Ostankino television center.

After graduation, Privolnov served in the Theater of the Russian Army. He was involved in various performances. For example, in the production of The Wizard of the Emerald City, he played Zhevuna and Miguna.

Anton Privolnov nationality

Work on television

Anton Privolov was predicted a brilliant movie career. However, the young man decided to develop his talent in a different direction. He enrolled in courses at the School of Film and Television. His teachers were Ivan Dykhovichny and Vladimir Khotinenko.

In 2001, Privolov got a job on TV. He was entrusted with the broadcast of Themis Secrets at the TVC. The guy coped with his tasks 100%. Anton’s career quickly went uphill. Already in 2002 he was invited to work on Channel One. For several years he was the author and presenter of the heading “Time for Your News” in the program “Good Morning”.

From September 2005 to August 2006 Anton Privolnov was involved in another project of Channel One. What is it about? The young man led the morning hit parade in the "First Program".

In September 2006, viewers saw Anton Privolov in the new program “Control Procurement”. The idea of ​​the producers liked the Russians. After all, people want to know what products they purchase. The broadcast is still broadcast.

Today it is difficult to find a person who does not know who Anton Privolnov is. The nationality of the TV presenter interests people no less than his biography. Some people think that he is Armenian, while others consider him a Jew. In the birth certificate of Anton in the column "nationality" it is indicated - Russian.

Anton Privolov personal life

Anton Privolnov: personal life

Our hero is an intelligent and confident young man. Many women dream of a man like him. But is the heart of a popular presenter free? Unfortunately, we will have to upset his fans. Anton is legally married to his girlfriend Olga. For the wedding, they chose a beautiful date - 07/07/07.

The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in Moscow. Tables literally crowded with exquisite treats and noble wines. Guests did not skimp on gifts. And the eyes of the bride and groom shone with happiness.

Anton Privolov, whose biography we are considering, became a father in December 2007. Olga gave him a charming little son. The boy was called a rare name - Plato. Now the couple dream of a daughter.


Now you know where Anton Privolnov was born and studied. The biography of the TV presenter was examined in detail by us. We wish him creative success, financial well-being and family happiness.


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