Dream Interpretation: why dream of washing floors

Often in their night dreams, people have to do housework: cook, clean, wash. Why dream of washing floors? What does this habitual activity for many symbolize? The answers to these questions are offered in the article.

Why dream of washing floors in an apartment or house

Where is this going? The interpretation directly depends on where the events unfold. Why dream of washing floors in someone else's house or apartment? Such a plot signals a strong overwork. It’s the right time to take a vacation and change the scenery. It is also high time to take care of our own health, to pay attention to problems in the body.

dreamed of washing floors

Why else dream of washing the floor in someone else's house or apartment? Such night dreams can also indicate that their master is trying to remake another person. It is hardly possible to change someone else’s character, so you should leave this useless activity. What does cleaning the porch mean? Such a plot predicts the coming move. Soon, a person will have to change his place of residence. Relocation to another city or even country cannot be ruled out.

Suppose that events unfold in their own home. Cleaning in his room is a dream for someone who wants to cleanse himself of the negativity surrounding him. Such a plot confirms a person’s readiness for bright changes in life. Fortunately, they will not keep you waiting.

Married and single women

The lonely lady recalls how she dreamed that she washed the floors in a strange house or her own? Wake up in her personal life will change. Soon, a woman will meet a man with whom she will begin a romantic relationship. It cannot be ruled out that this will be the second half of the dreamer.

wash floors manually

Cleaning can be dreamed of and ladies, married. Washing floors in night dreams in this case means a woman's dissatisfaction with family life. It is worth discussing existing problems with her husband before it is too late. Such a plot may also warn that the dreamer's love for her husband has died away, she dreams of a divorce.


Why dream of washing floors in official institutions? Possible options are discussed below.

  • Mopping at work is a good dream. In reality, the dreamer will receive a well-deserved recognition, reward. His contribution to the common cause will finally be appreciated by management. However, if a person in his dreams does not like to wash the floors, such a dream does not bode well for him. Soon he will be entrusted with additional duties that will prove burdensome and unpleasant.
  • Why dream of washing floors at school? This may mean that a person is used to ignoring the advice of people who wish him well. Friends and relatives are better to listen to, as their recommendations can be beneficial.
  • Cleaning the church is not a good dream. A person should be patient, as hard times will come soon. It depends only on him how long the bad luck period will last. Also, such a dream can be seen by one who wants to atone for his sins and begin a new righteous life.
  • Washing floors in a hospital is a good dream. In reality, a person will have the opportunity to improve his financial situation. However, if spots are to be rubbed off during the cleaning process, then the dream has a slightly different meaning. Soon, the sleeper will have to deceive. With the greatest probability, a person will be forced to hide some events from his past life.

Floor material

Why dream of washing floors? The answer to this question directly depends on the material from which the flooring is made.

mop the house
  • The tree symbolizes the desire to change life for the better. The dreamer dreams of stopping communication with people he does not like. He wants gossip and squabbles to disappear from his life.
  • Tiles predict changes in life. The difficult situation in which the dreamer finds himself is soon stabilizing, the problems will resolve by themselves.
  • Washing linoleum is a good dream. A person will be able to gain the desired independence. He will cope with current problems himself; he will not have to seek help from relatives and friends.
  • Why dream of washing floors? When it comes to cleaning carpets, there are several possible answers to this question. If you had to wash the carpet manually, such a dream predicts hard work. A person will have to make every effort to achieve his goal. If the dreamer did the cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner, he will soon have the opportunity to improve his living conditions.

Floor color

The color of the floor also plays an important role.

to wash floors in a strange house in a dream
  • Dark shades predict strong feelings. However, a person should understand that he sees problems where they do not exist. If he relaxes and learns to enjoy life, then all the negativity will remain in the past.
  • Light shades are seen in his dreams by one who has the ability to soberly assess what is happening. A man is not used to soaring in the clouds, which will soon help him seize the chance that fate itself will provide.
  • Why dream of washing floors in a house if they are red? Such a plot signals an aggressive mood of a dreamer. A person should calm down and find peaceful ways to solve the problem. Otherwise, his aggressive behavior will lead to his friends and relatives turning his back on him. The dreamer will be left alone, in which only he will be to blame.
  • What is the dream of washing the black or white floor? Such dreams testify to the wisdom of man. The dreamer always makes the right decisions, he should not doubt himself and his strengths.

Hand washing

Why dream of washing floors manually? If in his dreams a person is cleaned with an ordinary rag, in reality he is mired in a routine. The dreamer performs all the necessary actions mechanically and no longer remembers the last time he felt the pleasure of life. If you dreamed of cleansing the floors with a mop, this indicates the sleeping person’s attempts to close himself from the negative. A man is struggling to ignore the unpleasant events occurring in his life. Such a position will not bring him to good, as there are more and more problems.

mop the floors in the apartment

What is the dream of cleaning with a washing vacuum cleaner? Such a plot indicates that everything is under control in the dreamer. A person independently manages his life, does not allow others to influence their decisions. Leadership will certainly help him achieve his goal.

Freud's Dream Book

What interpretation does Sigmund Freud offer? Why dream of washing floors? In a dream, do cleaning and enjoy it - to problems in your personal life. A person will no longer be able to hide his head in the sand. Circumstances will force him to sort out his relationship with his partner.

dream about mopping

The dreamer is tired of boredom and routine. The current relationship has ceased to bring him pleasure, he dreams of a change. If the breakup is not included in the sleeping plan, he should pay more attention to the second half, try to return the vanished emotions.

Clean and dirty water

Washing floors with dirty water promises a change in life for the better. In the near future a financial reward awaits a person, which he fully deserves. However, if he poured water in his dreams, then in reality the money in his hands will not stay for a long time. Do not be upset, as purchases will benefit.

mop the clean floor

If the water is clear and clean, then someone will soon try to borrow money from the dreamer. It’s not worth borrowing a large amount, as the debt may not be repaid.

Floor condition

Why dream of someone else's washed floors or their own? Such a plot promises a person trouble, illness. Diligently wash the clean floor - to suffer from inappreciation. The dreamer is concerned that others do not want to acknowledge his merits. A persistent desire to clean dirty flooring indicates a willingness to make a difference.

Why dream of washing the floor if the flooring is solid and reliable? Such dreams inspire hope in man. The dreamer should not be afraid that he will be alone with his problems. Close people will certainly support him, you can rely on them in a difficult moment. An unstable surface is not a dream. A person needs to look at the people who surround him. In the near future, someone can betray him by doing this on purpose or by accident. Holes in the floor also do not bode well. Calmness and happiness will soon leave the dreamer's life, only troubles will remain.

Miller's Dream Book

Why dream of washing floors? Miller promises a person changes in life. If the flooring was clean, the dreamer would soon succeed. If it was dirty, then he should prepare for negative events.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7369/

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