How to make a drainage site yourself

The drainage system will help you get rid of excess moisture that can harm the soil and even damage the foundation. Everyone can do the drainage of the site with their own hands. This is an integral part of any drainage system. Properly equipped drainage allows you to secure the foundation and basement on the site.

DIY site drainage
Do-it-yourself garden drainage will not require serious calculations and a preliminary project. While more complex and deeper systems will require the creation of accurate preliminary development, taking into account all the features of the landscape.


  1. The surface method is also known as point or linear.
  2. Deep drainage, it is he who is most often used in summer cottages and own houses.

Surface drainage device

Surface drainage is an integral part of the sewer drainage system, it helps to deal with the effects of melting snow and heavy rain. Such a drainage of the site with your own hands is done without the slightest problems, and a plan is not required to create it.

garden drainage
Point method

Point drainage, first of all, aims to divert excess water using a sewage system and a drain. Elements of such a drainage system are storm water inlets. These systems allow you to drain not only rainfall from the roof, but also drain excess irrigation water. Do-it-yourself garden drainage, laid on the surface, allows you to easily remove all contaminants, which allows them to function without problems and not spread an unpleasant odor.

We arrange a linear drainage system with our own hands

Currently, there are many ready-made integrated solutions for drainage systems. Do-it-yourself site drainage using such schemes is more than easy to install. Externally, such systems look like artificial deepening in the ground, to which trays slightly buried under a slope lead. These special devices can be made of plastic or concrete and are externally closed with removable cast irons made of cast iron or steel. Such systems typically include wastewater treatment systems. Their designs complement sand traps.

do-it-yourself garden drainage
Deep drainage method

Surface drainage systems are ideally suited to deal only with external atmospheric precipitation. But if there is a large amount of water in the soil on the site, then drastic measures will be required, namely, a system of deep drainage. It is quite easy to create a deep drainage of the site with your own hands, however, it will require a preliminary project, by ordering it, you will be insured against surprises and accidents that may well require additional expenses to bring the structure to normal operation.

As a rule, when creating such systems, special waste pipes are used that are laid on a sand-gravel pillow. But there are projects with soft drainage channels in which pipes are not used. The basis of the deep system is a drainage well, after which a closed collector is created, through which water entering the pipes will leave the soil.

In addition, in order to protect plants and the foundation from excess moisture, artificial relief formation can be used. However, this method is not suitable if you have plants with a branched root system on the site.


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