Dream Interpretation. What is the coffin for?

Very often, people who wake up after a not-so-good sleep begin to worry, and why this or that symbol appeared to them. But, paradoxical as it may be, very often what in reality has a negative meaning is a positive omen in the interpretation of various dream books.

Interpretation of dreams: the coffin and other attributes of death in most cases are interpreted as the completion of something old and the beginning of a new one. This symbol speaks more about the transition to a new standard of living than about any bad situations. But in order to correctly and clearly interpret the dream and understand its deep meaning, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and details of sleep. Only by collecting the whole picture, you can determine why a person dreamed of a coffin.

Interpretation of Freud's Dream Book

The psychoanalyst connects this symbol in dreams with the female organs of fertility and in its interpretations the emphasis is placed on it. So, a beautiful and expensive attribute of the funeral process can be dreamed of by a woman who is healthy and ready to give birth, and according to Freud, the subconscious mind tries to tell her that it is time to bring a new inhabitant to the light.

dream book coffin

But rotten wood, cheapness and breakdowns in the coffin can mean that there is a serious risk to health, it also does not exclude sleeping infertility. If the coffin is inexpensive, but it is whole and looks decent, then the dreamer is notorious, she has a very low self-esteem. And the zinc construction can warn of dangers and problems on the love front.

Miller's Dream Book

This dream interpretation of the coffin is interpreted as a warning that soon a person may have trouble. In some cases, we are talking about the loss of one of the relatives at a fairly early age. If a young man who decided to tie his life in marriage, dreamed of a coffin with a lot of flowers, standing in the middle of the church, then a dream warns him about the futility of marriage. It is better to ponder the decision once again, perhaps the person wants to connect his life with the wrong one.

man is sleeping

According to Miller, the coffin as a whole is quite a negative sign. For people whose work is connected with land and farms, this may mean that the year will be barren or a lot of cattle will fall ill and die. Also, as indicated in the dream book, the coffin will bring failure in business to business people. And if he moved according to the plot of the dream, then this is a warning about the occurrence of a serious disease. If the dreamer lies in a coffin, then quarrels, repentance and serious illnesses await him.

Dream Book Wangi

According to the Bulgarian healer, such symbols are very dangerous, they warn sleeping about the dangers that will lie in wait for them in real life. But what is said about the coffin with the deceased, a dream book, if the name of the dreamer is written on it - higher powers tell the person that he is in danger of death or serious illness. To avoid bad consequences, it is worth changing everything seriously. Moreover, we are talking not only about the habits of the sleeper, but also about his whole life. Mental trauma and a feeling of emptiness pursue a person if he dreams of an empty coffin. The dream book warns that dreamers carrying this attribute of death are ready to do not too good deeds. And before you make something irreparable, you should seriously think about the consequences of whether a person is ready to do so much harm to his loved ones. And if he does decide to act, it can bring a lot of grief and suffering to the people around him.

dream book coffin empty

But the plot, in which the dreamer hammers nails on the coffin, reports that in reality the sleeping person is ready for any actions, just to avoid problems in his life. At the same time, Vanga interprets the fallen coffin as a positive symbol.

He speaks of the help of the Guardian Angel, he will save the sleeping man from an accident in which he could suffer very much. The plots of dreams, where this terrible object already lies in the ground and is covered with earth, are a warning about a terrible evil in the dreamer's life. He should carefully examine his surroundings, be more conscious of his actions and not let the insidious personalities capable of manipulating closer.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If a person sees a coffin in his dream, the dream book of Nostradamus interprets such a phenomenon as a portent of the end of an old and very complicated matter. Therefore, worrying about such a mysterious dream is not worth it, because it portends the joy that the sleeping person will get rid of problems, and his work will finally end with the long-awaited result. Also, such a dream can portend serious changes in the dreamer's life.

There is another interpretation of the symbol "coffin" that appeared in a dream. The dream book warns that it can also indicate a personโ€™s distrust of his environment, in particular, friends and colleagues. But the dream, where the sleeping man himself lies in the grave, does not really portend trouble, but rather warns that this stage of life is over, and soon a new, completely different period will begin, it is time to reborn and move on.

dream book dreamed of a coffin

If the dreamer decided to take a nap in such a strange place for this, then in real life there will soon be a lot of fun and joy. An exception to the rule of interpretation of such a phenomenon is a situation where an unpleasant dream is seen by a person struck by a disease. In this case, Nostradamus believes that being in a coffin portends an exacerbation of the disease.

But if the sleeper decided in a dream to get up from the tomb, then soon his vitality will be restored and a lot of energy will appear so that the dreamer could continue on his way. There is another interpretation, to which the dreamer may dream that he is sleeping in an open coffin. The dream interpretation interprets this phenomenon as a harbinger of very serious quarrels in the family. Most likely, the sleeper will do some rash act, which he will later regret.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to this interpreter, dreams with a coffin warn that obstacles will soon appear in the dreamer's life. It is likely that they will not allow the sleeper to get what he wants. But if a person lies in a coffin, then this is a positive sign, he portends a long life.

An exception is a dream, where the coffin is tied with ropes, this is already an alarming symbol, indicating the possibility of the dreamer's death in reality. But the vision in which the coffin with the deceased is carried is interpreted by the dream book as a harbinger of bad news and the appearance of sad circumstances in the life of a sleeping person. The interpreter Hasse deciphers the digging of a hole for the dead as a profitable and prudent marriage. The buried coffin is dreamed of as a disease, and open to celebrations and fun events.

Dream Interpretation Longo

According to Longo, if a dreamer saw a plot in which he lay in a coffin and then rose from it, then in real life his self-esteem will increase and a person will gain confidence. Such dreams predict the beginning of a new stage in the life of the sleeper. The seen tomb, where there are many coffins, is interpreted by the dream book as a portent of good luck and the completion of all old deeds. If the sleeping person lies in the coffin, it means that soon he will have difficulties. But the hearse dreams of separation and change.

Loff's Dream Interpretation

The main interpretation of sleep with this attribute of death, which is given in this interpreter, is that a person will soon experience humiliation and financial difficulties. A large coffin can dream of harmony and peace on a love front, generally a very positive sign, says Loff. The golden coffin portends the success that has come from afar. To do this attribute in the night dreams means that in reality a person will face hard work, but he will be paid in full. Buying a coffin promises an improvement in the material condition of the family. But the hearse may indicate that one of the influential acquaintances is unfair to the dreamer.

Other interpretations

Being in a coffin in a dream is interpreted as a call of the subconscious to complete old things that have been haunting for a long time. A look at yourself inside the coffin means that very soon a person will have the opportunity to finally do the work that he loves. The dream interpretation that an empty coffin seen in a dream interprets as the need to understand oneself, such a vision indicates that the main reason for all the troubles of the sleeper is his insecurity in the past.

Experts recommend a more decisive attitude towards decision making. Carry this attribute of death on their own in night dreams means that soon luck will smile at the sleeping man. Moreover, this is more related to financial matters than love affairs. To see it without a cover means that the subconscious mind wants a person to come to terms with the losses and problems of the past.

dream book open coffin

If this is done, then it will be much easier to make your way and make life better.

The falling coffin speaks of troubles, but do not worry, they will be insignificant and will be resolved quickly enough, not without the help of close friends. But if in a dream a person chooses a closed coffin, the dream book says that this portends a meeting with a subject that is not very pleasant for the sleeping person, and his purchase warns of costs that the dreamer did not plan. If the dreamer sits on the attributeโ€™s lid, then this is to scandals, but fleeting, and more likely to strengthen the family than vice versa.

Other interpretations of the dream book

The man in the coffin who stood up foreshadows the imminent visit of a blood relative who will bring pleasant good news. The lying dead person speaks of an increase in profit, sometimes it is a question of successful transactions and an increase in work. But lovers such a vision can talk about unreasonable jealousy, reproaches and suspicions. The manufacture of this attribute of death speaks of the labors that the sleeper will have to do to get the result, and if he manages, the reward will not disappoint him.

interpretation of the coffin

According to the dream book, a red coffin was dreamed of - it means that soon there will be a big event where the dreamer will find new influential acquaintances who will help him to establish his financial affairs. And a mother lying in a coffin, seen in the night dreams, speaks of improving matters in the family.

Do I need to worry

Many people are interested if there was a closed coffin, dream books interpret this symbol badly or well, and whether you need to worry after such a dream. In fact, everything is not as scary as it looks at first glance. No need to go in cycles in a dream and worry about what a terrible event would foreshadow such a bad symbol. If in the near future there were no deaths in the family and this is not just a game of your subconscious, then almost all interpreters decode this sign positively.

dream book many coffins

Most likely, the affairs of the dreamer and his family will go uphill, mutual understanding will be formed between the spouses, and financial problems will be solved in the most unexpected way. In general, despite the fact that in real life the coffin is a rather negative attribute, in night dreams it is most often dreamed of improving the situation. In principle, everything connected with death speaks more in a dream about rebirth than about the end.


Many people, when they dream about something that in reality is not very positive, start to panic. But this is not worth doing, because in the first place, dreams are our subconscious. And very often it communicates with our consciousness in images and metaphors. And the fact that at first glance may seem like something bad, in fact, has the completely opposite meaning. It is worth approaching the interpretation of sleep with full responsibility, it is better to look at several sources, make sure that you remember all the details.


Quite often, the interpretation can radically change due to the appearance, size or material of which the coffin is made. Therefore, deciding to find the answers to your questions, it is worth considering this. You need to put aside fear and carefully listen to your intuition, and it will definitely tell you what exactly this dream wanted to tell you about. In any case, do not panic and worry. In fact, it is very unlikely that such a dream has come to you unhappily, rather, on the contrary, it says that it is time to discard the past and move forward to new achievements.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/K7371/

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