How to tie fishing hooks to a fishing line? Types of nodes for mounting

Many people like fishing simply because it is a good form of relaxation and entertainment, a way to go into solitude with nature for a short while and feel like a β€œhunter”. But for some people, fishing is becoming a real sport, and for someone, the main way to earn money. In order for the catch to be rich and the time was spent wisely, you need to have a whole baggage of knowledge: the habitat of the fish, its daily routine, behavior in various situations, which it pecks at, etc. The ability to use all fishing tackle is also important. The main tool for fishing is a spinning rod or an ordinary fishing rod, consisting of a body (a rod made of plastic or other material), on which fishing line, clips and other details are attached. This article will discuss the main factors when choosing gear, as well as describe how to tie fishing hooks to a fishing rod.

What is the hook for?

This small device is the most important when fishing, because it is he who catches the fish, and if the hook is well-fitted, it will be easier to do. The outcome of the whole activity depends on the choice of a hook, whether there will be a catch, its quality and quantity, therefore, before looking for ways to attach a fishing hook, you need to choose it correctly.

How to properly attach a fishing hook with a spatula

How to choose a hook

The main points that you should pay attention to when choosing:

  • Acuity - the better the hook is sharpened, the more likely it is that the fish will fall on it. Do not neglect this rule, because otherwise there is a great risk of wasting time and being left without a catch. You can check whether the part is suitable by running a sting on the finger. If there is a groove left, then such a hook will do.
  • Size - does not depend on the size of the desired prey, so the rule applies here - the smaller the better, because the large part will be very noticeable and easily scare away the fish.
  • Weight - when the bait works, the fish will start to peck, but heavy metal will alert the animals, and it will leave.
  • The form is the most commonly used option - a single one-bend hook, and it is important to make sure that the head-ring is necessarily bent inward, otherwise the target will bypass the bait side.

So, based on the above tips, we must conclude: the perfect hook should be light, small, very sharp, of the correct form. Such a fish will never notice, it is more likely to swallow and subsequently will be with the fisherman.

Types of hooks: which is better to choose

Although the part itself is rather primitive, it is important to correctly determine which variety is best suited. Hooks come in two types:

  • with a ringlet;
  • with a spatula.

How to snap a fishing hook with a spatula

Senior fishermen prefer the second type of metal part more. It is easier to fix it on the fishing line, and the knot will turn out to be stronger and more reliable than on a hook with a ringlet. But many beginners choose just the first option. This is because nodes designed for hooks with a ringlet are simpler. To figure out how to properly attach a fishing hook with a spatula, it will take time and some skill.

How to choose the fishing line

A fishing line is, more simply, a thread that secures a hook to a spinning rod (or fishing rod) and then pulls the prey with a reel. There are many types, they all differ in thickness, strength, material, etc.

How to simply snap a fishing hook

There are three varieties of fishing line by material:

  • Monophilic - one of the simplest smooth nylon threads with a circular cross section. It can be both main and lead. Used when fishing for predatory fish. Unfortunately, such a thread is not particularly strong, so it is suitable only for fishing at short distances (casting is not recommended, because sensitivity to bite is too small) and for medium-sized prey. The advantages include transparency, which makes it invisible to fish, and price.
  • Braid - a more durable fishing line, which is a few woven polyethylene threads. The thickness is not very different from the first option, but significantly exceeds it in strength. When fishing over long distances, it is the most frequently used, moreover, such a thread is sensitive even to a weak bite. Unfortunately, the fishing line also has a number of disadvantages: it is visible to the prey, the cost is able to cut through a weak spool, therefore, parts from durable material are needed.
  • Flucarboxylic is a very high-quality fishing line made of high-strength material that can withstand any temperature and other environmental influences. Such fishing line practically does not wear out, responds very well to any bites, is not visible to fish. However, the price bites, so this type of fishing line is not particularly widely used by amateur fishermen.

Depending on the fishing distance, the mass of prey and the choice of fishing line will depend.

How to attach a fishing hook

After all the necessary parts and accessories have been purchased, it remains to understand the mechanism of action. Novice fishermen at first wonder how to tie a fishing hook to the fishing line. In addition, improper fastening threatens a complete failure of fishing, as well as damage to tools. The fixing methods depend on the type of hook and the material of the thread, so it is important to consider all the little things.

Ways to snap fishing hooks

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It is considered one of the most convenient and strong, so it can be safely put in first place in terms of frequency of use. The diameter of the fishing line is not important, suitable for both thin and medium. However, there is one limitation - such a knot cannot be used for a thick thread, because it does not tighten properly due to a rough surface.

Tie a knot as follows:

  1. Fold the tip of the fishing line and insert it through the hook ear.
  2. Make an ordinary knot by wrapping the end around the main fishing line, which is located above the metal part.
  3. Throw the resulting loop on the forend of the hook and tighten it all into a strong knot.
  4. Cut off the remaining fishing line so that it does not interfere and frighten the fish.

There is an option of tying a double and triple palomar, i.e., before using the hook, the loop tip is passed through the knot two or three times, respectively.

This method of fastening has a drawback - it will take a lot of thread.


Another name for the node, more known, is universal. Knowing him, not a single fisherman will ask how to tie a fishing hook and other parts, because it is suitable for everything. It is used on a fishing line of any thickness, which is very convenient, but not for all materials: the braid will not be knotted with such a knot.

How to attach a fishing hook

The technique is quite simple:

  1. Insert fishing line into the eye on the hook.
  2. Turn it counterclockwise or, conversely, a metal part until there are enough turns on the main fishing line above the hook.
  3. Thread the tip of the thread into the loop above all, then tighten the knot tightly.
  4. Trim excess thread.


Its other name is a gripping unit. It is very simple to make it, and in strength it is one of the strongest. There are three varieties: ordinary, double and improved. It is best used for attaching to a thin fishing line.

Ordinary is performed as follows: insert the fishing line through the ear of the hook, several times wrap the tip around the main cord and thread into the very first loop. Then tighten the knot firmly, after wetting it for better fixation.

Double is done in the same way, only the fishing line needs to be threaded into the ring twice to form a double loop.

The advanced clinch is a bit more complicated: according to the standard, thread the thread into the eye, wrap the base several times (5-8 turns are enough), put the end into the loop nearest to the hook and thread under the final turn. The node is ready.


Another type of knot, which is also suitable for hooks with a spatula. Compared to previous methods, this one is much more difficult to do, but over time, if applied regularly, it will turn out with ease. It is used on all fishing lines from any material, thin and medium diameter. Not recommended for thick threads.

How to attach a fishing hook to a fishing line

First, the cord folds in half and slips into the ring. Then with the tip of the fishing line you need to wrap the spatula and forend, and then pass it into the loop formed at the extreme turn. Moisten the assembly and tighten it firmly. It is superfluous to cut off.

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Fishing eight

Refers to the simplest nodes. It is convenient in that it can be used on the most tight and thick fishing lines, such as braids, but it is not suitable for thin ones.

To make it, you need to put the thread in the eye, wrap around the hook and once again pass through the hole. After entwine the main fishing line and shove in the last loop. Tighten.

Uni node

If you need a way to easily attach a fishing hook without using complicated techniques, this option will do.

According to the standard scheme, you need to put the fishing line in the hook, then do it again, leaving a little thread, then to tie it. Wrap the main line several times with the end of the fishing line, secure it by threading into the last loop.

How to properly attach a fishing hook with a spatula

Since there is no ringlet, you must first understand the mechanism of action. So, how to tie a fishing hook: To do this, fold the end of the fishing line in half, stretch it along the forend, wrap the hook once and put it in the resulting loop. Wrap until the thread is fully fixed. It is important that the knot does not look bulky, so for a thick fishing line five turns will be enough, for a thin one it is possible more. Tighten the knot by threading the thread in the last turn.

How to snap fishing hooks

Other tips for beginners

To figure out how to properly attach the fishing hook to the fishing line, practice at home before fishing. Choose the most suitable option so you don’t waste time and spend money on new parts.

People have been fishing since ancient times. This is a way of obtaining food, and entertainment, and a kind of relaxation. Toolkit is changing: form, appearance are being transformed. Ways to attract fish, how to tie fishing hooks - all this is improved and transmitted from generation to generation as invaluable knowledge.


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