Violet Macho: photo and description of the variety

Almost every woman has at least one plant growing on the windowsill. Everyone loves the unusual varieties, flowering, which will decorate the interior of the house, bring a special charm and cheer up their abundant flowering. House violets are especially honored, they are tiny, chic, it’s quite easy to care for them. In addition, such flowers bloom for a long time, and lovers of indoor plants cannot but like it. Today we bring to your attention the violet Macho, a photo and a description of the variety are presented in this article. You can also find out everything about the content of the plant, especially the transplant and the disease that this species may undergo.

Why macho?

If you ask a woman what a real man should look like, that is, a macho man (translated from Spanish - β€œmale”), she will say that this is a brutal brown-haired man with light bristles and dark skin. He is beautiful and well-groomed, bold, attractive, charming, capable of winning attention at first sight. It is this flower that is the macho violet. This violet is slim, beautiful, requires attention, love and proper care.

violet macho

Violet LE Macho: photos and description

The breeder of this species is E. Lebetskaya. The flower was liked by many people containing indoor plants. Violet Macho, whose photo you see above, is an unusually beautiful variety. It is endowed with large semi-double flowers. In appearance, they are strong, dark purple, almost black in the shade, with dark maroon lighting, the petals are framed by a delicate white border. The flowers are curly, very delicate and fragile, resembling stars in their shape. Abundant, lush cap bloom is located on fairly strong peduncles, of which there are many. At the same time, they bloom not together, but often, so beautiful flowers will always be in the pot. Petals tend to curl, hide in foliage, they will have to be constantly pulled out to make them happy with their beauty.

The older the plant, the less saturated and bright the shade of flowers becomes, so do not worry if suddenly it turns from dark purple to light purple, this is not due to its health.

violet macho photo


The foliage has a dark green even color, it is large, strong and even. Petioles are slightly raised, the socket is even and strong. The sheets, like flowers, are able to curl into the center, clog under larger ones, you will have to straighten them constantly.

Such sheets are called battle lists, they are the simplest, with the usual texture. The edges have an almost even relief, the surface is a little fluffy, like most violets.

Possible difficulties in content

Violet Macho, a photo and description of which you can find in this publication, is an easy-to-care plant, you just need to find an approach to it. She does not like waterlogging, but she also feels badly even in slightly dried soil. Violet Macho can not be all day on the windowsill, which receives too much sunlight. At the same time, its flowers begin to fade, quickly fade, lose color intensity. The outlet can also negatively react to the content. If you do not follow it, then the peduncles will be small, weak, unable to fully blossom, that is, they may fall off at the stage of formation. If you do not remove unnecessary, weak peduncles, the outlet will grow upwards, with a herringbone, which will prevent the formation of a beautiful flowering hat. Also, the trunk will begin to bend, the plant will bloom extremely rarely and for a short time.

Is Macho violet suitable for your home? Can you provide her with proper care, allocate the necessary amount of time? Before buying a variety, read the recommendations of gardeners on the content that we have collected in this article.

violet macho photos and description

Correct content

In order for Macho violet to grow in comfortable conditions, several rules must be observed:

  1. The room where the pot will be installed must be very bright, the violet likes light. But no sunshine! They are able to burn tender leaves, yellowness will appear, and the flower will become sick. It is better to choose a window sill from the north, northwest or northeast side.
  2. If window sills are located only on the south or south-west side, then attach a film (tracing paper) to the bottom of the glass, you can hang the curtains that will take "all the fire" of the sun on themselves.
  3. The rays of the setting sun violets are not terrible, they are no longer able to cause harm, so in the evening do not rush to remove the plant from the windowsill.
  4. In winter, if you want the flower to continue to bloom, use artificial light that will accompany the violet for 12 hours.
  5. Protect the plant from cold and drafts, set the pot in a place where ventilation does not cause them.
  6. In winter, if it is cold on the windowsill, wrap the pots with insulation material.
  7. Violet Macho will not fully develop if the air temperature is below +18 degrees, its growth will be inhibited, flowering will be rare.
  8. In winter, water the flower with less water than usual.

cultivar violet macho


It is recommended to transplant a young plant twice a year, this is February-March in spring and September-October in autumn. Adult violets need to be moved once a year, in spring or autumn. If not transplanted, the plant may die, since salt accumulates in the soil, harmful substances and violet roots cannot absorb any fertilizer.

If the plant is transplanted in late spring, at an unrecommended time, then flowering will be sparse, in summer it may be absent altogether, since when the bulk of the peduncles are gathered, the soil will not meet all the requirements. Even blooming violet can be transplanted into fresh soil, it will not bring harm, it will only slightly stop flowering. If two days before placing the plant in a new soil, remove all the buds and peduncles, then the violet will quickly recover and will soon please you with fresh buds.

violet macho photo and description of the variety

Seating Rules

Transshipment, that is, transplanting into a larger pot without shaking off the roots of the old earth, with the addition of fresh soil, is allowed only if the plant lived in the previous container for no more than six months. In the same way, you can plant "children" from an adult plant.

When the outlet doubled the diameter of the pot, it is necessary to transplant it into a larger one with a complete replacement of the soil.

The pot is not small, but it has begun to fade - the soil is acidified, the violet of Macho can no longer grow in it. Old soil must be completely removed from the roots, plant a flower in fresh soil.

violet le macho photos and description

Diseases and Pests

The Macho violet variety, as a small child, is susceptible to attack of diseases with improper care or the absence of preventive drugs. In order for the plant to please you as long as possible, it does not hurt, carry out preventive spraying from ticks, aphids, gray rot, springtails, or podura, whiteflies, root rot, vascular bacteriosis. Proper care is the key to plant health. Do not allow waterlogging, drying out, be sure to install drainage in the pots. Humidity should also be normal, lighting should be adequate.


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