How to catch a pike in the spring: practical recommendations

As soon as the ice melts, fishing lovers go to the rivers in search of a catch, but the off-season is therefore called that is between the two fishing seasons, and there is nothing special to expect from it. You can’t find the perch, which actively pecked before the final ice melting, but even more so the zander. Asp and ide can be found in abundance only in full-flowing rivers, and even then their active bite begins a little later. You can sip a small baby, but where is the sporting interest?

How to catch a pike in spring
We will talk about how to catch a pike in the spring a little later, and now we will determine the factors that affect its nibble. Although some talk about her early zhora, in practice this basically does not happen, although there are still exceptions. The predatory fish begins to peck actively during the period May-June, and in April it is necessary to torment it. In each pond habits of pikes are different, including their activity and places of parking. According to some reports, the behavior in the cold-blooded predator is affected by the temperature in the water body, which is why an individual approach to each fishing is necessary.

Small rivers

On small rivers, ice melts primarily, so water clears faster. After rains, the water in small rivers becomes cloudy, therefore it is recommended to go to a predator after several days of drought. It’s worth knowing how to catch pike in spring.

Preference is given to rivers that flow into large bodies of water, and which can be fished for spinning. The pike parking lot is pretty trivial: dumps, local pits, streamers, and more. In the spring, predator fishing overshadows any other bite, and by the number of individuals it can exceed the local fauna. So how to catch a pike in the spring, and which lure is better to use?

Pike zergeliki
The fish does not approach the coast and does not rise, so bottom fishing is ideal, and lures with the main load on the front will be indispensable. At this time, you can catch a large specimen on a small bait. As bait we use all the lures: from foam fish to overseas rubber.

Pay a lot of attention to the size of the bait! The fish can ignore the small bait, and for a large pike it is not active enough, therefore medium-sized baits - 6-8 cm - will be ideal. Such bait for fishing pike is recommended to use in the spring.

Another way to capture a predator is by fishing for lapworms. In this way, pike are caught almost all year round. Set the vents on the border between open water and the shelter (reeds, sedge, driftwood, etc.), while choosing a place with a deepening of the bottom. It is in the recesses of the bottom that the pike arranges its ambushes.

Zergelniks are placed on a pike all night or for no less than a few hours. As bait fish use perch, roach or other types of fish (choose a species that lives in abundance in a particular reservoir). The sizes of live bait are selected individually, and the trophy depends on its size.

Pike Fishing Lures
When baiting bait, we observe extreme caution so as not to injure it. Its chaining follows the upper fin. Other details on how to fish for pike in spring can be found in special sources.


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