The most sought-after profession in Russia in 2013

Of course, if you ask about the most popular profession in Russia, you will receive completely different answers from experts. This is because often the comparison bases contain different criteria. Here, the number of open vacancies and the number of university graduates in one direction or another are analyzed. Equally important is the assessment of the level of wages. In other words, the concept of a โ€œgeneral ranking of professions" does not exist in Russia. Based on various materials, by way of generalization we tried to create our own. We invite you to familiarize yourself with it.

the most sought-after profession in Russia

IT industry is the undisputed leader

ranking of professions in Russia

So, according to most sources, the most sought-after profession in Russia in 2013, is an IT specialist. According to different versions, they include consultants for large ERP systems, programmers, web designers, information security engineers. This trend has persisted over the past few years, and this industry, judging by the forecasts, is not going to lose ground. The salary of such a specialist is from 60 thousand rubles in Moscow. In the regions, this specialty is traditionally paid lower, but it is still one of the most profitable.

Who else?

the most popular professions in Russia

The most popular professions in Russia, in addition to IT specialists, are engineering and construction. They occupy 4 and 5 lines of the rating. Procurement managers literally breathe after them. This is followed by doctors, auditors, cooks and HR specialists. The latter, by the way, are not present on all the lists, but we decided to highlight them, since the HR sphere has significantly changed the guidelines in recent years and is actively developing according to Western technologies and standards. Currently, departments have already appeared in all major universities to train students in this area. But sales managers have essentially lost their positions, and they are rarely mentioned, talking about what is the most sought-after profession in Russia. And now for the fun part. Who is in the second and third positions? And if the honorable second place is predictable - it is occupied by lawyers - then the profession that closes the top three is quite unexpected - a personal driver. However, we will no longer be surprised if we think that it is really difficult to find a competent and reliable employee who you can trust your own life. Maybe that's why high popularity.

What is the outcome?

So, now you know about what is the most sought-after profession in Russia, and it is time to summarize the study a small result. The resulting list actually speaks of positive trends. Firstly, the confident leadership of intellectual professions is quite obvious, which indicates the development of technologies and investments in this direction. Secondly, of course, the growing attractiveness of the medical profession is undoubtedly pleasing, because lately a lot has really been done to promote it at the state level. And finally, it is obvious that the times are gone when the sellerโ€™s talent was valued above the ability to think and create.


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